Millions of people suffer from anxiety. What are the symptoms? People who suffer from this condition often feel fear and an uncertainty about their future.
This uncertainty bleeds into other parts of their life. Usually it stems from disliking their job and a feeling of despair when they think about work. This also affects home life and can have a negative impact on family members who can feel the negative energy. If you relate to these feelings and have them on a regular basis than you most likely suffer from misdirected energy which is causing anxiety.
Everything we think, feel and do requires energy.
For the body to remain in a state of anxiousness, the brain needs to remain focused on the thoughts needed to create feelings of despair, fear and nausea. Unfortunately, these negative emotions require take large amounts of energy to power them. This leaves little energy left supply feelings of joy, love and pleasure. It is also one of the reasons people feel tired and want to sleep when feeling this way.
You cannot enjoy life when you spend all of your energy worrying about it!Energy is not inherently good or bad, it is neutral. It is the conscious use of energy that determines is constructive or destructive purpose. Take electricity for example; you can use it cook a man's dinner or to shock him.
Because anxiety is energy it cannot be destroyed; however, it can be re-directed to generate feelings that are positive and constructive to the life we want to live. There is a 4 step process for channeling energy from flowing through negative channels into positive ones.
When you begin to feel fear, nervous or anxious stop and figure out why. This step is imperative to understanding the problem. We will often turn from our fears by consciously not thinking about it.
Literally ask yourself, speaking the words out loud, why am I feeling anxious? What is creating this feeling of restlessness? Why am I afraid? What do I believe (either correctly or incorrectly) that is fueling this fear? You may be surprised at what your mind tells you.
It is time to simply listen to what you mind is telling you. Do not judge it. Do not blame or agree with it. Certainly do not justify what it is telling you, just listen. In order for you to positively channel this energy you need to understand the source from where the anxiety is coming from.
Now have an understanding of where the anxiety is coming from you can apply the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping techniques. Traditional EFT has you tapping with the fingertips of your index finger and middle finger on certain acupressure spots, like your cheekbone, chin or collarbone. Change your tapping meridian point for each reason your mind gave you for feeling anxiety (or, don't tap the same spot over and over). State the reasons out loud!
Taking the time to apply these techniques when you feel anxiety will have a dramatic and positive impact on how you feel about yourself. There are thousands of inspiring testimonials on the power of EFT and the direct impact it has had to bringing joy, wealth and happiness into people's lives.
If you would like to learn more about tapping from masters of the technique, register for the Bruce Lipton Tapping World Summit 2011 – registration is free! Or you can read a review on the Bruce Lipton Tapping World Summit 2011 on my blog! Start Tapping and Live Better!
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