PANCHAKARMA THERAPY [Detoxification Process]
The complete purification of body or detoxification of body from disease causing agents is shodhana therapy. It involves a series of treatment after complete examination of disease and diseased. It is done for two purposes
1. To maintain and promote the health status
2. To alleviate the disorder
In healthy person who has no disease, due to age, seasonal variation, habitat some of the doshas get increased in their physiological range only. To expel out these vitiated doshas so that these could not create any disease, effect the resistance power, accelerate the ageing the process in various organ systems. After excreting out from the body some Rasayana therapy can be advised to slow down the ageing process and to remain disease free even in old age.
To expel out the disease causing vitiated dosha/ doshas with the help of one or more process of shodhana therapeutic measures this can be done.
Detoxification Process[Shodhana Therapy-Panchakarma],it involves a series of processes-
Pre-Panchakarma Therapy
To carry out Shodhana therapy the body is prepared so that all the toxins can be removed completely i.e. Deepana – Pachana – Snehana-Svedana are done.
Deepana – Pachana
These are the measures with help of them digestive and metabolic status of person is improved some herbal tea / recipes like ginger tea are prescribed along with advice on special diet.
Snehana (Oleation)
Internal and external uses of medicated oil/ ghee so that toxins accumulated here and there get dislodged . This process takes 3, 5 or 7 days.
Svedana (Steam Therapy)
It is given with suitable herbal water after oleation to open all the channels& to expel the circulating toxins into gut.
Panchakarma Therapy
Specific type of Shodhana therapeutic measure is selected among 5 processes for specific type of disease and type of toxins-
a) Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis)
To expel out toxins of Kapha category through induced vomiting. More than 600 formulations are described in Charaka Samhita for different diseases conditions for Vamana. This type of Shodhana karma is done in the disease conditions which are generated with the involvement of Kapha dosha i.e. diabetes, some skin disease, asthma, coronary artery disease, obesity etc.
b) Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation)
This process of purification is done in the diseased person having disorders of pittaj type or in health person whom Pitta dosha is vitiated. More than 900 formulations are used for purgation in different kind of disease. This is done in diseases like hyperacidity, hypertension, bleeding disorders, pittaj type of heart disease which Pitta doshas is basically causing disease.
c) Asthapana (Therapeutic Enema with herbal Water)
This process is carried out to pacify the Vata. It is done in person in whom Vata is vitiated/ Vata is main factor in manifestation of disorders like Arthritis, various aches/ pains slip disc, spondylitis, and the disorders, which affect the lower portion of the body.
d) Anuvasana (Therapeutic Enema with herbal oil)
This process is a part of complete process of vasti, practically after every Asthapana vasti, Anuvasana is given so that Vata does not increases. It can be done alone also to pacify Vata and to provide nutrition in emaciated diseased person.
e) Nasya (Medication through Nose)
This process is done to expel out toxins from supra-clavicle region and used in disease conditions like sinusitis, facial paralysis, migraine etc.Post Panchakarma Therapy Care
After eliminating the toxins by using one / more Panchakarma process, special diet regimen and life style is advised like Laghu Ahara means intake the particular food which get digested easily and slowly; gradually the person is put on regular diet. This process takes time equal to the time taken in Panchakarma procedures.
Vedanta Ayurveda was started in 1998 by " Dr. Ramniwas Prasher and his wife "Dr. Bhavana Prasher" with a vision to treat Chronic diseases specially stress & life-style generated disorders and to aware about the potentials of the time tested model of therapeuics & diagnostics & integral way of living based on Ayurveda - Ancient Indian Life Science ;after doing M.D. [Ayurveda] from the most reputed institute of Ayurveda in the world.
"Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research" in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar.
Nowadays Dr. Bhavana is a Scientist Fellow, CSIR, & Co-PI in a project on “Prakriti in Institute of Genomics & Integrated Biology", previously she contributed in lay outing the principles related to Ayurveda formulary in a data bank named; Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, both research laboratories of CSIR.
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