Regardless of how long you have been in business for yourself, marketing your business is integral to your success. Ok, so you know this, at least I hope you do, although you may not like to think about it. If you are marketing correctly it can take up to 40% of your time, unless you have VA or ... Views: 1263
Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed? If you are the average individual (or above-average) these situations may occur with some regularity and they can really halt progress. If you are a solo practitioner or small business owner these feelings and situations may seem overblown ... Views: 4811
Most people think they are truthful. In this case I'm not asking about how you relay facts or discern fact from opinion; I'm asking you about a verifiable feeling inside. Unless you live in a cave you've likely heard the phrase "speak your truth" or something similar. Well, I want to ask you: ... Views: 1300