I have some good news for you. You're off the hook. Poor follow through is not exactly your fault. You've been relying on faulty equipment. Poor follow through is caused primarily by the mixed up way the normal mind is designed.
Although we humans are endowed with impressive intelligence ... Views: 2263
Let’s face it, procrastination sucks. It’s exhausting, stressful, and it can do a number on your self-esteem.
Even though you eventually finish most of the unpleasant tasks you put off, you pay dearly for having postponed them. It takes lots of extra energy to avoid doing something you know ... Views: 2705
Personal finance experts often offer excellent budgeting advice while ignoring psychological realities that make their advice essentially useless.
The truth is, we humans have an enormous capacity for NOT doing what we know we should do. And failing to take that truth into account is like ... Views: 2024
Wish you had more motivation? Do you set ambitious goals, start off with a bang , and then fizzle out long before the job is done? Do you keep beating yourself up for not following through?
Although you're probably thinking "I just lack motivation," there's a good chance that all you're ... Views: 3363
What you pay attention to can make a huge difference in your life. It can affect how you feel, what you think, and what you can accomplish. In a very real sense, you are what you pay attention to.
A colleague shared with me a great story about the value of controlling attention.
An old ... Views: 5185
Willpower is one of those concepts that everyone assumes they understand. Yet most people are wrong about what it really is, where it comes from, and how much of it they have. Being wrong about willpower does more than place you at risk of losing points on a psychology quiz. It prevents you from ... Views: 3867
The promises they make give you goose bumps. "Just follow these simple steps," one self-improvement program insists, "and we guarantee you’ll achieve happiness and success beyond your wildest dreams.” How can you resist? You’d have to be an idiot to not invest your time, money and hope to get ... Views: 3078
An exciting new diet can certainly nourish your optimism. But it won’t change reality.
The truth is, a new diet is nothing more than a fresh set of restrictions that you probably won’t stick to any better than you stuck to the many (once fresh) sets of restrictions that came before it. "Not ... Views: 2376