Can You Fly was the album that put Freedy Johnston on the map and it set the tone for his future recordings. It was well received and made several critics “Best Of” list that year. Robert Christgau of The Village Voice called it a “perfect record.” In a way, I think Freedy attempted to return to ... Views: 788
The Behind-The-Scenes Story of My Work With Freedy Johnston and the Making of Can You Fly
Can You Fly was the album that put Freedy Johnston on the map and it set the tone for his future recordings. It was well received and made several critics “Best Of” list that year. Robert Christgau of ... Views: 844
What Do You Think?
There is great irony in a songwriter relying heavily on a drummer, thus minimizing their role in the creation of their own tunes. But that’s what I witnessed when working with many singer/songwriters in the 1990’s. I wonder, to what degree did Gershwin, Beethoven, Hamlish ... Views: 949
The following is the second and final part of this series. Please read Part 1 of The Pitch as well.
Silly Me
With the above in mind, here’s my theory and the essential points of my pitch:
• Record labels invest in genuinely creative acts (like Pink Floyd and The Doors) who produce ... Views: 747
I was in a musical funk and in search of some new material to listen to. An album that would reveal a little more upon every listen. In the past, records by Wilco, The Jayhawks, Boston, Weezer and Pete Yorn had done the trick. Now, I was coming up empty. I blindly reached into the CD case and ... Views: 825
I love listening to other drummers to hear where they’re coming from musically and what motivates their choices. I often share my observations with colleagues while shooting the breeze. My questions framing the conversation are always the same; “What makes this drummer great?” “What separates ... Views: 1164
The years of practice and hard work have paid off, and you get a call to go on the road with a well known band. You readily accept the tour; now its dates beam out from your desk calendar. It is great to tell your network the good news about your upcoming gigs.
After all these years, I still ... Views: 944
Create an event and make it happen. As much as we would like to sit around and wait for the phone to ring, it is time to take control and make something happen. I mean get off your ass! Get creative and get the wheel rolling like your life depends on it! I mean host an open mike in the very near ... Views: 727
The Challenge. We study and practice. Yet the question remains, “What now?” How do I make a musical connection to others? How do I apply my skills to real-world experiences? It’s frustrating that the craft of drumming, and the landscape of the music business is not an exact science. But ... Views: 729