Remaining Healthy, Happy and Positive during “Testing Times”
From Robert Elias Najemy’s newly released DEALING WITH TESTING TIMES
There are periods in the life of every person when certain events and situations demand greater inner strength, courage, faith, stamina, energy, understanding, ... Views: 2028
Remaining Healthy, Happy and Positive during “Testing Times”
From Robert Elias Najemy’s newly released DEALING WITH TESTING TIMES
There are periods in the life of every person when certain events and situations demand greater inner strength, courage, faith, stamina, energy, understanding, ... Views: 2028
Method No 8. Give to Others and Yourself Daily
Give gifts from the heart regularly to those around you. Also give to yourself. Focus also on giving to others and yourself that which you seek to attract or create. Wish for others to be well and to also have what you are seeking to create. ... Views: 2009
Method No 5: Act now as You Imagine You Would Then
Behave now as if your goals have already become manifest. Do now that which you imagine you would do if your ideal life was already a reality.
Until now, we have learned to align ourselves with our ideal reality by:
1. Realizing how ... Views: 1919
Method No 6: Experience the Source of Creation Within
Learn to let go of thoughts and experience the silence or peace between the thoughts. Here in this silent space exists the field of unlimited possibilities from which all beings, forms, objects and interactions flow forth. Begin to ... Views: 2429
Method No 4: Write a Description of Your Ideal Reality
Using your imagination, now write a detailed description of your new reality in which your ideal life and ideal self are already manifested. Write in the present tense as if all of your goals have already been achieved. Describe how you ... Views: 4406
Method No 3: Get Free from Limiting Beliefs
Discover and then free yourself from all limiting beliefs (social and personal) concerning what you can and cannot manifest and what can or cannot be done, especially in relationship to your specific goals.
Our beliefs are the one main ... Views: 2375
Method No 2: Specify Goals
Make a list of your goals; the things that you would like to accomplish, create, manifest, improve or obtain. Include all aspects of your life – physical, material, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, familial, relationships, professional etc. Consider what you ... Views: 1626
Method No 1: Be Grateful
Think of, and make a list of, all that already exists in your life for which you can feel grateful. Read this list daily for at least 90 days. Add to the list each time you think of something else for which you can feel grateful.
Gratitude and love initiate the ... Views: 2472
Many of you will have read the book or seen the movie entitled the “SECRET”.
Actually what is taught is not a secret. It has been known for thousands of years by all religions and philosophical and spiritual groups that our beliefs, thoughts and emotions create our reality.
We have ... Views: 4178
Using Energy Psychology For Getting Free From
Fear, Anxiety And Other Negative Emotions.
In the last 35 years a number of new forms of psychotherapy have become very popular among psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors and other health professionals who work with human emotional, mental, ... Views: 2875
You need a peaceful, clear and positive mind in order manifest your needs for your self, your family and perhaps even for society and the world.
Our emotions have a direct effect on our bodies. Every time we feel an emotion, our endocrine system excretes certain hormones or peptides that ... Views: 4490
Your body and mind are the instruments with which you will effectively create and also enjoy all that you need to be happy. If your body becomes weak or ill, you will not be able to effectively and dynamically manifest the abundance and happiness that you desire. A weak or ill body will become ... Views: 1586
What do we mean by the phrase “testing times”? There are periods in the life of every person, when certain events and situations demand greater inner strength, courage, faith, stamina, energy, understanding, optimism, inner security and self-confidence. These times may be personal, familial, ... Views: 1547
Creating reality through interpretation and projection
Note: As this subject needs a deeper explanation the article is broken down into four parts.
The first deals with the nature of interconnectedness and the technique of Ho’oponopono
The second explains how we create reality through ... Views: 2305
Note: As this subject needs a deeper explanation the article is broken down into three parts.
1. The first deals with the nature of natural freedom
2. The second with misconceptions about freedom
3. The third about how to experience freedom.
What are those possible “understandings” that might ... Views: 1336
About the nature of subatomic physics.
1. Matter and energy are interchangeable. Matter can become energy and energy can become matter (Nuclear energy, atomic bomb.) E= MC2 (Albert Einstein)
2. Particles can be perceived as matter and as waves - at different times - can behave as particle now ... Views: 2053
The Chemistry of Emotions and our Brain's Electrical Wiring.
1. Each emotion causes various peptides / hormones to be excreted (through hypothalamus and pituitary gland) that are received by the cells and lock into receptors on the cells themselves. (Phd Physiology and Biophysics Candace ... Views: 12182
Note: As this subject needs a deeper explanation the article is broken down into three parts.
1. The first deals with the nature of natural freedom
2. The second with misconceptions about freedom
3. The third about how to experience freedom.
The Reality of Freedom.
The reality is that we are ... Views: 1232
Note: As this subject needs a deeper explanation the article is broken down into four parts.
The first deals with the nature of interconnectedness and the technique of Ho’oponopono
The second explains how we ... Views: 2909
Note: As this subject needs a deeper explanation the article is broken down into three parts.
1. The first deals with the nature of natural freedom
2. The second with misconceptions about freedom
3. The third about how to experience freedom.
Freedom is the absence of internal or external ... Views: 1245
3. JNANA YOGA is the path of wisdom, understanding, discrimination and philosophy. It is the path, which few can follow. It requires a razor sharp mind that is always aware of the truth that we are not the contents of the mind, nor are we the body. Everything we see is just a temporary reality ... Views: 1257
(The basic ideas of this section are inspired by the work of Gay and Katherine Hendricks)
We can move towards a conscious love relationship by committing ourselves to consciously working towards that goal. We need to clearly understand what we kind of relationship we want to create and be ... Views: 1224
Katerina is very conscientious, a hard worker and reliable in all cases.
At work and at home, she can be depended on to get things done. She often stays overtime, usually alone at the office, in order to get her work done.
When she gets home, she immediately immerses herself in cooking, ... Views: 1533
Bill is very jealous of Efi and does not want her to ever leave the house without him.
He is afraid that some man might approach her, and he cannot stand the idea of another man even looking at her. Although she has given him no concrete reason to fear, for some reason, he does not trust her. ... Views: 1115
Sonia is unhappy because she feels her husband Philip does not love her.
How does she know this? He is not affectionate with her. He does not agree with her. He does not like how she cooks or cleans the house. He criticizes and rejects her. He raises his voice in arguments.
She feels very ... Views: 1464
Have you ever seen the wind? Think about it. The wind cannot be seen. We become aware of the wind through its affect on the objects around us. The swaying of the grasses, bushes and trees. The flight of leaves, and dust. The waves of the sea. Its sound as it rushes through small spaces. The ... Views: 1399
We are a truly wonderful beings. It is incredible what we have done with our minds and power. From the pyramids of Egypt and South America to the satellites and computers of today, from the paintings of Michaelangelo to the music of Beethoven … the list ... Views: 1228
(The basic ideas of this article are inspired by the work of Gay and Katherine Hendricks)
We can move towards a conscious love relationship by committing ourselves to consciously working towards that goal. We need to clearly understand what we kind of relationship we want to create and be ... Views: 1215
Valery is not very sure of herself as woman. She doubts whether a man can stay interested in her for a long period of time. She rejects her appearance and generally does not feel herself-worthy. Her self-doubt creates a strong fear of losing her husband to another woman.
Valery’s father ... Views: 1584
Sonny says "YES" to whatever request is made of him,
but never follow through with the agreement.
Afterward, he feels guilty, becomes defensive, and occasionally, aggressive. He, on the one hand, cannot say no, mainly because he fears rejection and conflict. On the other hand, he feels ... Views: 1168
Diana often feels ashamed of her husband’s behavior.
Programmed by an aristocratic family, she has learned to give much importance to etiquette and one’s mental "sharpness and refinement." She has a university degree. Her husband Andreas does not. She has money. Andreas did not. She ... Views: 1423
My logic and faith in the wisdom and justice of the Divine is that all religions have equal access to the one and only Divine Being.
I believe that after leaving the physical body the virtuous Christian and the virtuous Jew will keep company with the virtuous Moslem, Buddhist and Hindu as well ... Views: 1177
Why do we fear close relationships?
Although we want to love and be loved, we also fear both. Our past experiences have programmed us to associate loving and being loved with unpleasant experiences and especially with feelings of vulnerability.
For these and other reasons, we have developed ... Views: 4527
In order to be able to love purely and steadily we need to understand how our reality is created A major obstacle to pure and steady love is our confusion about who is responsible for what happens to us and how we feel about it. This confusion is caused by two mistaken perceptions:
1. That ... Views: 1468
The first grader
Perhaps the example of children in grade school will help us to understand this. These children in the first grade do not reject themselves because they are not in a higher grade, or because they do not know as much, or are not as capable as those children in the higher grades. ... Views: 1492
We may not able to choose all the events and situations that occur in our lives, but we choose how we feel, react or respond to them.
We can choose to accept. flow and benefit from them.
We can resist, reject and become bitter.
We can choose to forgive or not to forgive.
We can choose to ... Views: 1949
The Spiritual Teacher must not become a crutch, a tranquilizer, or a dependency which undermines our inner strength.
He or she should be like the battery charger, which we connect to our batteries in order to get our car started when its batteries are low.
Once the car is running we do not ... Views: 1318
Each person is like an energy box (or energy system to the scientists). Energy comes in and flows out and what remains determines the energy state of that box or system. When the state of energy is high and of good quality, then the box (a person) feels well. When we are lacking in energy, then ... Views: 1264
There are many systems of yoga, but they fall into four basic categories. All the systems have the same goals:
1. Harmony between body, mind and soul,
2. Harmony between human beings,
3. Freedom from mechanical, unconscious, robot-like ways of thinking and ... Views: 1163
We were so suited for each other, so in love, so happy together. We had so many dreams. Our first moments together were full of joy, happiness and the excitement of being close to someone who loved us and understood us. We were so sure that we would live "happily ever after." We ... Views: 1344
Each person, in his attempt to find security, affirmation, happiness and harmony in his life, searches for ways in which he can most effectively create the world he desires. Some people have become programmed to believe they can do this only by controlling the situations and ... Views: 1174
Part 1 of 5
Various forms of meditation and inner concentration have been developed by most cultures and systems devoted to human health, harmony and evolution. The concept of coming into contact with an inner power, an inner voice, an inner knowledge or an inner guidance is common to all ... Views: 3833
As in the previous example, the mind has no reality of its own. Its reality is formed by its contents. It is like a plastic bag or cellophane that takes the shape of whatever you put into it. If you wrap up something long and slim then it takes that shape. If you ... Views: 1060
Gina’s long standing illness has become a source of tension for all her family.
She has been ill for many years and this is taking its toll on her husband Sam and the children. At times they feel she is using her illness to get attention and to force them into doing things for her. This ... Views: 1279
We have in the previous chapter mentioned a few possible need conflicts. We unfortunately seldom communicate very clearly and objectively in these cases, and this lack of effective communication adds to the problem often resulting in conflict.
A classic example is a couple I remember who had ... Views: 3353
In the role of the aloof we distance ourselves from others, avoiding meaningful or honest emotional contact. In this way, we are less likely to be hurt or controlled by people’s negative emotions, requests or demands.
1. We hide from the intimidator’s attack, the ... Views: 1579
How is Meditation Used Today?
People from all walks of life, in all the countries of the world belonging to all the possible religions, meditate for a wide variety of reasons. The same technique offers something different to each according to his needs and motives. Some of the motives for which ... Views: 1055
Harmonious relationships are the result of inner work, love and deep respect for ourselves and the other.
Below are some simple basic guidelines for that process
1. Take full responsibility for our reality. We are the sole creators of our thoughts and feelings. No one can create our happiness, ... Views: 1564
From the book "Contemporary Parables"
We need to understand how we value ourselves and hopefully heal ourselves from an epidemic of self-doubt and self-rejection.
We are spirit which is eternal and divine. Being divine in nature there is no question about our worthiness. As spirit we are ... Views: 4243
From the book "Contemporary Parables"
Most of us believe that we have only one body. Most esoteric philosophies, however, teach that we have five bodies. Some claim even more, but usually these extra bodies are sublevels of the five basic ones mentioned below and represented by the five ... Views: 2058