I have question for you and we want you to be completely honest with yourself.
Does the idea of being complete scare you or conjure up images of something too hard, too much or too final? 
Hang on before your inner dialogue kicks in and puts all sorts of thoughts and ideas in your head. When referring to being complete we mean the fullness of the word. Completion of something undone. 
Getting complete is a very real issue.  Completion is about healing relationships from your past, finally finishing that epic book,  completing that classic roadster that's on blocks in the garage, and getting complete with the person inside of you so you can feel a sense of wholeness. 
Think of all the things you have completed in your life and remember how good it felt. 
Our little blue planet is going through some incompletions of her own. She has to get compete in order to keep up with the cosmic dance of our galaxy. You see, we are at an epoch in history. The completion of cycles is coming to a close in 2012. There is a 26 million year cycle, a 78,000 year cycle and a 26,000 year cycle, all ending within the next 2 years! These cycles are based on the Earth's journey around our galaxy. Science, cosmology, quantum physics and ancient wisdom all agree that we are about to experience a dramatic change both for the Earth and humanity. 
Think of the Earth as a conscious entity in a conscious universe...as awareness expands it must expand in all areas of itself. Earth's awareness must expand just to keep up. A remarkable event will happen; There is a division of consciousness that is coming...you already know this because it is in your DNA, much like when a bird knows when to fly south for the winter, or when a caterpillar knows when to build its chrysalis.  Completion of a cycle.  
You know there is something going on. Some people are afraid of this inner knowing, while others are embracing it. What ever is not making them happy they are saying "No" too, and walking in a new direction that speaks to their soul, to that inner calling. Your level of awareness will dictate how much of that inner feeling you pay attention too.
As consciousness divides there are two very different scenarios that will play out. The first one is: that the lower vibration or status quo will experience a level of chaotic activity unheard of in our history. The majority of the population will be in for the most tumultuous and challenging time as the world in which they know changes forever.
The second one: is about a new awakening and higher level of consciousness. Like a friend that yells and waves at you in a busy mall or street to get your attention. They try in vain as you can not see or hear them. Not because you are being rude, but simply they are not of your vibration in the moment. They literally have to come and tap you on the shoulder and say, "Hey didn't you see me. It was as if you were looking right through me!" They were not there until your focus shifted to match their frequency. This will be your experience of awareness. Those who are shifting into a higher level of consciousness will not experience the dramatic Earth changes or calamities as they are in another frequency all together. 
This new frequency will have a profound impact on our cellular structure. Our eyes will finally see the light spectrum the way it was meant to. Our mind will think with a level of clarity that will quite literally blow your mind, you will feel more than you can imagine, and experience a reality only told in fantasies.
Completion is a must for all of us. You must get complete on the old habits and behaviours that do not serve you. Get complete on forgiveness, get complete with living in fear and start loving yourself. Get complete on your health. Most importantly get complete with your past so that you can live your purpose.
The PowerCompletion90 Day Challenge was created to give you a jump start. The Tribe within is a place of support encouragement and community. A daily empowerment tool to help you get complete and prepare yourself for the best life you can possibly experience.
I invite you to banish the fear of what the commitment to completion is for you. Spread the word about what is possible for you and to those you care about. Together we can make a difference in changing the cycles of completion.
Together, we can accomplish anything.

Show Up for your life and life will show up for you!

Dwayne H. Klassen

Author's Bio: 

Dwayne H. Klassen is a certified trainer, transformational speaker writer, coach, inventor, and entrepreneur with a passion for ancient wisdom, spirituality, new science and helping people "Show Up" in their lives.

Dwayne is a partner with his sister, Karen Klassen at Imagine Seminars and Consulting Inc. They are the proud co-creators of the Corporate Ascension Program featuring the 5 Principles of CLEAR Communication. The PowerCompletion90 Day Challenge - one of the world's first online, multimedia, virtual, empowerment coaching and goal achievement programs. This unique, groundbreaking, web based experience, helps people take daily inspired action towards attaining their dreams, goals and desires.

Dwayne is also the author of his soon to be released book, "Showing Up- Essentials to living the life you know you must."

Sign up for your free video, "2012 Is Create Your Reality Time" where you will learn key essentials that can impact how you live your life to 2012 and beyond. Also receive your bonus article "Showing Up" and to learn more about the PowerCompletion90 Day Challenge at: www.powercompletion90.com

To book Dwayne as a dynamic and entertaining part off your next event or meeting call: 403.265.0711 or
Email: dwayne@powercompletion90.com