In The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Dr. Gary Chapman, the author states that research has found that, while conversing, the average person can only go 17 seconds before interrupting or interjecting their own thoughts. Seventeen seconds!
One ... Views: 1858
How do you envision your relationship in five years? Ten years? Twenty years? Many times we have a plan and a vision for other areas in our lives, like our career, business, or finances.
It is much less common to have a clear picture in our minds of what we envision our relationships ... Views: 1565
If you sometimes find yourself too tired or distracted to make conversation with your partner, or your conversations seem to be about routine things like the kids, the bills and the house, here are a few tips you can use right away to put some interest and spice back in your conversations with ... Views: 1899