Writers’ block, procrastination, and a sense of overwhelm are all forms of inner resistance that most writers confront at some point in their career or level of experience. However, in spite of the productivity hindrances and creative stagnancy that originates on our internal landscape, there ... Views: 1272
Many people equate wealth, abundance, and prosperity with having lots of money. However, while finances can be a manifestation of those things, it is not the all in all. Webster defines these elements of consciousness as:
Wealth – “Abundance of possessions or resources.” Although finances ... Views: 1824
A Diva defined has mixed connotations both positive and negative, depending on how one thinks of themselves and expresses those thoughts to others in words and actions. Webster’s Dictionary defines Diva as Prima Donna [Italian – goddess; Latin – divine, god]. Prima Donna is defined as a ... Views: 2796
2008 held some highlights that were obtained strictly by pressing through fear to walk in faith. My God-orchestrated 2008 highlights included: publishing my first book with Author House; purchasing space to promote my book at Dr. Sujay’s Moving Up Conference in the NY Marriott hotel; my first ... Views: 2028
Happy New Day! You have overcome and are still here to face a new day with all of its good, bad, and ugly by the grace of God, who is faithful and true to His word:
(Romans 8:36-37) As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep ... Views: 1591
Inner work is a critical component of the journey toward healing and wholeness. Without the resolve to confront and work through personal issues, I would venture to say that abundance and successful authentic living will always be just beyond reach for some ... Views: 2689
Oprah Winfrey often inquires about the defining “aha” moments in a guest’s life when they have journeyed through troubling life experiences. These moments of clarity usually summarize the lessons learned and reveal the origin of the problems that hinder them from ... Views: 2321
In order for a turning point to take place, one must change direction at some point in time. My initial turning point began in the summer of 1989. The Lord had been dealing heavily with my spirit concerning my place in ministry. Like Jonah, I had not been going in the ... Views: 1366
Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones. Walking on fire has existed for a few thousand years with records dating back to 1200 B.C, has a long history in many cultures as a test or proof of faith, and has been ... Views: 1623
God blessed me to publish my first book of poetry entitled, ON SOLID GROUND: Inspirational Poetry For All Occasions. All of the poems are God inspired and are based on His word with a scripture reference for each one. I may have written the words, but God spoke them to my ... Views: 1406
Spiritual growth is a process that takes a physical lifetime to complete and at times can be a painful experience on many levels. However, as long as we have breath, an openness and willingness to learn and grow, we can and will experience spiritual transformation and ... Views: 3087
Do you dread the thought of being put on the spot without notice? Have you ever experienced being tongue tied or at a total loss for words in unexpected situations? Have you ever thought of all the things you could have or would have said after an opportunity passed or felt that what you did say ... Views: 1629
Are you suffering from the heart sickness of a dream deferred? If so, the resurrection of your hope is at hand. Resurrection is not limited to the Easter season; it can be an everyday experience as in the motto coined by the St. Paul Community Baptist ... Views: 1469
Have you identified your talents, gifts, and abilities? Is there an activity that fills you with joy and motivates you to engage in out of sheer pleasure? Do you have a strong liking for or a deep interest in anything in particular? Has God sowed a vision in the core of your ... Views: 1769
Learn the lesson or repeat the class. If you do not learn the lessons in your life, you will not pass the test. You might get a little further along than you were before, maybe even get more answers right the next time around, but you will ultimately still fail the test if you ... Views: 1353
• 'God takes good ones' says mom of girl, 15, slain in Queens bus melee
A 15-year-old Queens girl was stabbed to death by a man more than twice her age during a wild fight that spun off from a typical New York moment: a clash over line-cutting at a bus stop, police said ... Views: 2547
Everyone was created to be in harmonious relationship with God, self, and others as stated in Matthew 22:37-39, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love ... Views: 1589
Many people happily enter into marriage with the hope that it will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, some couples are so preoccupied with the immediate benefits of marriage that they fail to thoroughly weigh the realisms involved in a lifetime commitment. Upon examining my ... Views: 1869