As much as DR. Phil uses this line, it really is the perfect question to ask in this situation.
As men we tend to have a "Fight or Flight" response to many of our challenges, conflicts and pressures. In fact, many of our reactions are on auto pilot and we are hardly aware we are doing it ... Views: 1428
Have you ever had a situation where you did not have your power? For some reason no matter what you said or did, nothing worked, went your way or turned out like you wanted?
So what do you think it is that causes you to loose your magnetism, charisma or personal power?
It all starts with ... Views: 1693
Ask most people what defines a man and there is inevitably going to be comments about being responsible, standing up, taking responsibility for our lives and so forth. Of course every man embodies these character traits right? I mean if this is what defines being a man then it would stand to ... Views: 1264
Bruce (not his real name) is a man that was once at the top of the corporate world for 13 years. Two years ago, he was given a layoff package as part of the company's down sizing scheme. Bruce is the proud father of a precocious 8 year old girl and an inquisitive 6 year old boy. He is the loving ... Views: 1356
What will it take to get you to take massive action towards your goals, dreams and desires?
On a recent call with a mentor of mine, I asked him; If you could put the thousands of men that you have worked throughout your career in one room, what would be the number one challenge these men have ... Views: 1235
According Wikipedia the word, Manic means: affected with, relating to, characterized by or resulting from.
It's a perfect word to describe what many men are feeling in this rapidly changing world. For our purposes today we'll use the word MAN tongue-in-cheek in Manic. The reason is, men have ... Views: 1552
Awaken Your Magnificence
We have all heard the wisdom of the Law of Attraction. We know that we are to "be" before we can have. We know we are to give before we are to get. We also know we are to learn before we can teach. Wisdom is having the experiential application of what you have ... Views: 1397
What is incomplete in your life? What part of YOU are you ignoring?
Do you strive on getting your goals listed and work hard to achieve them? This is both admirable and encouraged behaviour to help move you forward. We all know the power of setting and achieving goals. However, something ... Views: 4564
I have question for you and we want you to be completely honest with yourself.
Does the idea of being complete scare you or conjure up images of something too hard, too much or too final?
Hang on before your inner dialogue kicks in and puts all sorts of thoughts and ideas in your head. ... Views: 2816
A key "Essential" to Showing Up in one's life is that of communication. How we communicate with others, and perhaps more importantly, with ourselves requires a vital understanding of how powerfully it impacts our lives. Your success in all areas of your life is contingent on your ability to ... Views: 6724
There is no doubt that our world is moving pretty fast. There are a lot of people feeling a sense of concern, uncertainty and fear both at home and in the work place about the future. It's not hard to understand given what is being reported on the news from around the world. Something is ... Views: 1624
Taking Personal responsibility for your life may may sound rather simplistic and obvious, but very few people delve deep into its true meaning. It is was what caused me to have my "aha" moment. It was the catalyst for my rebirth, and my awakening that created the idea for my book and brand, ... Views: 2459