...at least they think they do!
If I had a nickel for every woman who asked me why she would always lose herself in her relationship with a man, I would be a rich woman. Hell, I would be a rich woman if I had a nickel for every relationship I lost myself in. Ha!…I wish that was a paying ... Views: 1542
I know, it sounds like a science fiction movie. Time travel movies are my favorite. I love, love the idea of being able to move forward and backward in time to manipulate events. The work I do with clients involves a little bit of traveling across the waves of time.
You do it too, you ... Views: 1381
Women experience a lot of guilt. Many have heard me say that guilt is poison. It’s a poison that we must stop taking and giving to those around us. Guilt makes us do things we don’t want to do. Our children get away with more when we feel guilty. We say yes, to people, not just our children, ... Views: 1521
I was watching Oprah the other day as she was interviewing Wynona Judd. Judd made a profound statement about losing weight and taking care of herself. She said that she had forgotten to put herself on her priority list. She also stated that now that she had finally made herself a priority she ... Views: 6340
Have you become the Invisible Woman?
Women are bombarded everyday with messages of selflessness and sacrifice. We learn pretty early that being a good wife and mother means that we always put our family first, which inevitably puts us right square in the back of the line. We hear women ... Views: 1836
I’ve been talking a lot about the Divine Feminine. I love the phenomenon that is taking place right now with women. Conversations with girlfriends are testament to the fact that the way we choose to express ourselves is changing. We are finding our power in places that previously were ... Views: 1719
Being a student of metaphysics for more than 25 years now, I’m a firm believer that we create our own experiences and reality. I’m incredibly optimistic and resilient, always expecting “things” to improve.
The past two years have not been easy. The recent state of the economy and my own ... Views: 2106
Radical Self Forgiveness
As you know I’ve been writing and speaking about the Divine Feminine a lot lately. I always make a point to explain that this is a Feminine that we haven’t known before. It’s the Powerful Feminine. I’m not talking about women owning their power through masculine ... Views: 1717
The Biggest Mistake I Made in Loving Myself
My conscious journey of Self-Love began when I divorced my fourth husband almost 6 years ago. The demise of that marriage began my journey of self-reflection and emotional excavation. I realized that the only common denominator in all of my ... Views: 1531
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EFT and Self-Love - by Michelle Lee, CH of www.SetFreeTransformationalHealing.com
In order to explore the incredible effects of EFT on one’s sense of Self-Love we must explore what self-love is and how it’s formed.
Self-love can be likened to self-esteem in that if you have a healthy self-esteem you feel that you are as important as other people and that you deserve to ... Views: 2301
What if you could live every moment of your life in inspiration, enthusiasm and joy? What would it be like? How would you be spending your time?
Really take a moment to think about this now. You may even find resistance to considering this kind of life. We learn pretty early in life not ... Views: 1567
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Saying YES to God!! - by Michelle Lee, CH of www.SetFreeTransformationalHealing.com
An Invitation: Last week I introduced my Personalized Self-Love Intensive program and I still have 3 spots available for the powerful one-on-one sessions. If you’re ready to say yes to you and your opulent, joyous life then this is the program for you.
A reminder: Fall in Love…with your ... Views: 1198
As we embark on another new year and a new beginning many of us are taking stock of the past year and how we would like to improve upon ourselves and our circumstances in the year to come. This is a time many begin to make New Year’s resolutions, set new intentions or new goals. This can be a ... Views: 1151
In part four of our own more practical Journey to Awakening we discuss Love. On her journey Elizabeth Gilbert finds love in Bali. If you read the book you know that Gilbert’s journey was about finding and defining herself. Until then Gilbert, like many of us, lost herself in her ... Views: 1721
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EFT for Success - by Michelle Lee, CH of Set Free...Transformational Healing
EFT for Success
Goals become a hot topic this time of year as we look back taking stock of the previous year and as we look forward to the New Year and what it is that we want to accomplish and how we want to improve our lives. I know many people have given up all hope when it comes to ... Views: 1547
Because not all of us can travel to an ashram in India to reconnect with ourselves and God we must, or should I say we have the opportunity, to reconnect in a more practical way. When we go away to reconnect to ourselves or to God we often associate our physical location with our ... Views: 1313
In the book/movie Elizabeth Gilbert begins her journey in Italy where she “has a relationship with her pizza”, which is quite funny and even helpful because she stopped beating herself up for what and how much she ate. This is a powerful demonstration of self-love…to a point. Italy was ... Views: 2319
Part I
I loved the book and enjoyed the movie. I always enjoy books more as we get to get into the character’s head and share their experience from their perspective better than in a movie. I’m a sucker for stories about a woman coming into her own.
But if you’re like me, and I think ... Views: 1325
Does it ever feel to you that you have a little "devil" inside sabotaging your best efforts? This obscure part of you that wants the exact opposite of what you have desired for the longest time seems to be constantly lurking destroying any hope for your perfect life.
This little part of ... Views: 1676
Let’s face it your current “reality” is an effect of your thoughts. Therefore your current “reality” was created by your thoughts that you chose to hold in the past. Although your present moment is an effect of your past thoughts you can now create your future “reality” by your current ... Views: 3432
Mmmmm, another fabulous rainy Monday here in Arizona! Rainy days for me always call for introspection. And today more than ever I know that my most favorite topic is Self-Love. I'm still amazed at how many people don't even think about it. But for me, it is the most important aspect of ... Views: 1542
I think that our level of Self-love is one of, if not the most important aspect to our personal and spiritual growth. If we focus on that one area alone we will find that all other areas in our lives, from money to our relationships to our over all happiness and success will improve ... Views: 2268
We read and hear in the New Thought circles that we are creating our experiences every day and that to master our experience we must take responsibility for every experience we have. This statement alone can bring on a wide array of emotions and the first one is usually not empowerment, however ... Views: 1417
Forgiveness is very important in order for us to Master our lives. But it’s not the kind of forgiveness that you might think. Most people believe that forgiveness means to accept that wrong was done to us and that the person who did wrong just didn’t understand, or was stupid or ... Views: 1137
The Missing Nuances of Visualizing
This is the second in the series of articles about the missing nuances in manifesting. If you want to truly master the art of manifestation you must include some subtle details that I have noticed are missing from many courses and teachings about the law of ... Views: 1396
We have been given a lot of information lately about manifesting and the Law of Attraction. We have learned that our thoughts coupled with our emotions create our reality. We’re all trying to be positive and imagine what we want and not what we don’t want.
However in my work with many clients ... Views: 1036
It’s not Personal, it’s Just Business
We’ve heard this many times in business, or at least I have. I’ve never been too sure how one can separate “personal” and “business” or if we even should.
One reason I am an entrepreneur and probably the ... Views: 2311
As I was enjoying a delightful lunch and excellent conversation with a lady friend of mine this afternoon she so eloquently joked that we have great conversation because “we’re flying at the same altitude” so to speak.
It is wonderful when we click so well with someone that we can express ... Views: 1105
Two main quotes come to mind this morning as I contemplate the most prevalent dream that I had during my astral time last night. I paraphrase:
“Nothing has meaning except the meaning we give it.” This, I believe is the first lesson in a Course in Miracles. Because my “stick-to-it-iveness” is ... Views: 1576
As if Self-Love isn’t hard enough as it is, it can become really muddled when we add our own children to the mix. Everyone has needs and demands and as a mother it can seem impossible to take care of our selves when we have so many other people and things to take care of.
More often than not ... Views: 1286
It’s Just a Story
EFT, Hypnosis and a Change in Reality?
If you’ve taken any of my workshops you have surely heard me say numerous times, “It’s just a story”.
At first the statement can be confusing because we tend to take ourselves so seriously. And when I first ... Views: 1186
My intention in my own life has been to move out of victimhood and into Mastery and through my work to help others to do the same. But before we can claim Mastery we must define it. It’s important to have a clear idea of what we are moving toward so that we may recognize it when we arrive. ... Views: 1006
All the buzz is about manifesting these days. But what many who are new to the metaphysical scene don’t realize that manifesting is more than just acquiring stuff. Not that acquiring stuff is necessarily bad. But in the end if that’s your only aim then the emptiness that your were trying to ... Views: 3130
Have you ever wondered why some people are incredibly successful while others are just squeaking by? Why for some, everything they touch seems to turn to gold while for others it falls apart?
The bottom line is that we all have the same opportunities at success. What gets in the way is our ... Views: 1843