How connected are you to your mobile device? Did you know that many teenagers are sleeping with their I-phone or smart phone right under their pillow. They want to be able to text in the middle of the night and not miss incoming messages. However, there are also many parents who are tethered to ... Views: 1271
Quotes are a wonderful way of succinctly making a point. Are you familiar with the following quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes who was one of our eminent Supreme Court Justices?
“Most people go to their grave with their music still inside them”.
I would like to see every woman and man refute ... Views: 1238
The best reason for Recharging your Life comes from Oliver Wendell Holmes, one of our eminent Supreme Court Justices. He said “Most people go to their graves with their music still inside them.” When I first read this quote I actually got the shivers because it frightened me. I didn’t want to ... Views: 1503
Menopause is a natural stage in the life of a woman. This life transition is accompanied by physical and emotional changes that affect not just the woman but also the significant others in her life. It is a time of also confronting the reality that one is entering the second half of life. For ... Views: 2177
These 52 tips offer useful ideas for coping emotionally in this uncertain economic climate. The tips are divided into four sections:
1. What to do when you worry
2. Taking care of yourself
3. Working together as a couple
4. Helping your children cope
It is my hope that these tips ... Views: 1578
Anger is a useful healthy emotions because it alerts us to the fact that something is bothering us. It is what we do with our anger that makes the difference between handling anger well or not.
Anger can be such an overwhelming emotion that people often feel that they are losing control. It ... Views: 4701
Goal setting for the New Year can almost be referred to as a national pastime. Most people make New Year’s resolutions with the sincere conviction of making changes during the coming year. For some it could be losing weight, exercising more, for others it might be finally to stop smoking, move ... Views: 984
Anyone who is in a loving relationship knows how good it feels to be able to trust each other implicitly. Both people know that the well being of the relationship is paramount. Yet there are many couples who are not able to achieve such closeness and intimacy with each other.
Recently I ... Views: 993
When relationships are good they enhance each individual and when they are not good they bring pain and frustration. People are by nature connectors and want to be in relationships. No doubt most of us have been in relationships where we feel comfortable and at ease and also been in other ... Views: 970
Remember when your heart simply soared at the sight of your lover? What has happened to those wonderful feelings? Have the fireworks fizzled? The stresses of building careers, raising families, paying bills, meeting commitments leave little time for relationships.
Each person in a commited ... Views: 2037