Leaky gut syndrome is a gastrointestinal condition that occurs due to intestinal tight junction (zonulin) malfunction. These “intestinal tight junctions” act as the guardians between your intestines and your bloodstream. Your GI tight junctions keep “bad” things out of your bloodstream.
If ... Views: 986
I have some shocking news about dust mites for you. And don't miss the low-down about eye "allergies." Let's get going! Here are the four steps to drastically reduce your allergen exposure.
✔ Step one:
Dust mites are the leading indoor allergen, but recent research findings show that chronic ... Views: 855
America’s Leading Rationale Internist, Dr. Evan Lipkis, Launches New Vitamin and Supplement Website For His Premier, All-Natural Nutritionals
Evan Lipkis, MD is creating buzz in the alternative health and nutritional community with his new website, AdvancedVitaminsAndNutritionals.com. ... Views: 1397
Evan Lipkis, MD is a respected internist in his field but what makes him unique is his rationale approach to health care as well as his balance between alternative health and academic medicine. His new website, DrLipkis.com, has launched and he can now share natural health news, tips, articles ... Views: 1213
A good estate plan can be costly, but it’s a bargain when you consider the benefits.
Estate planning is something you should think about, but most important, after a major life change such as widowed, remarriage or divorce.
Not having a good plan in place could be a financial ... Views: 1473
After months of speculation, the Fed decided not to raise rates at its most recent meeting.
However, that doesn't mean things are fine and dandy. We're not in the clear...just year.
Smart and savvy investors see the writing on the wall. They know that with the markets as volatile as ... Views: 1053
A Bond Market Collapse and Rising Interest Rates That Will Wreck Your Entire Portfolio are on the Way ...
The Fed is meeting to decide if a much anticipated interest rate hike will finally come to fruition.
The good news is ... you still have time to prepare if you act now.
I’m going to ... Views: 1024
On the eve before the big Fed meeting, many are speculating there will be an interest rate hike to offset the 'horror show' the Fed has created with our current stock market bubble.
It is widely recognized that Fed policy up to now has driven stock prices to record levels.
My own personal ... Views: 1076
Work computer. Home computer. Email. Mobile phone.
These are just a few potential avenues that can be a security threat.
Digital privacy invasion is a real threat. One that you are at risk for every day, and may not even know it.
'Big brother'...the powers that be in Washington along ... Views: 1000
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about following the Federal Reserve is jobs are crucial.
By that I mean, if the U.S. economy is creating new jobs in a robust manner, then it’s likely an interest rate increase will follow.
And the next Fed meeting is just weeks away.
According to the ... Views: 1045
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) heavyweight, Matt Mitrione, is no stranger to facial injuries. Between MMA fighting or related surgeries, scars have been par for the course. Until now.
According to Mitrione, “I’m excited about [Scarology]. It’s like Mederma, but has a little bit of a ... Views: 1526
Many people you may think are difficult are really just different. Their personalities and behavioral styles may clash with yours. Once you learn to identify others’ styles—and honestly assess your own—you can figure out why you’re having a problem with a particular
type of ... Views: 1282
Employees are often dropped into managerial roles based on the quality of their actual work, not on their ability to manage. The problem: The skills needed to perform a job usually are completely different from the skills needed to supervise employees performing that same job.
That’s why ... Views: 3960
Powerful solutions to help any employee whiz through work by learning and leveraging MS Office, including special features with PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Outlook Email.
Administrative professionals are constantly pressed for time and looking for time-management answers. One of the best ... Views: 1613
Many employers feel stuck between letting absences spiral out of control and worrying about triggering lawsuits by improperly denying leave.
Discover some solutions are offered to some common human resource problems many employers face – employee leave. This includes: employee vacation, ... Views: 2291
In the January issue of Oprah Magazine, Dr Oz wrote an article where he outlined a 28 day plan to help people do a mind, body and soul makeover.
Weight loss community and online nutrition resource, PEERtrainer.com, are big fans of Dr. Oz because he takes a very broad view of health, and ... Views: 2969
PEERtrainer.com, the Web’s premiere health and weight loss community, has been following Stephen Covey's advice, being very mindful of the space between stimulus and response, following the publication of an article on the difficulty of weight loss from a widely followed blogger at the New York ... Views: 2387
Get ready for a shocker…
Portion control MAY be keeping you fat. It may be the dirty little culprit standing in the way of your dreams and goals of having a healthy and fit body.
If you are like most people, you’re probably wondering, "no, it is all the extra food I am eating that is ... Views: 976
PEERtrainer recently conducted a survey of 1000 people, asking them how much fiber they got from their diet a day. Only 10% of people surveyed were getting 30 grams of fiber or more a day. Additionally, 1/3 of people had no idea how much they were getting.
Based on the survey results and ... Views: 2247
Here are a few things you need to know about sugar and why it may be creating weight loss resistance, meaning, no matter how much you do 'right' the weight isn't coming off:
1. Isn't There Such Thing As Healthy Sugar Like Honey And Agave?
One common response to being told to eliminate ... Views: 1302
It’s year-end and health, diet, fitness and nutrition enthusiasts are looking for the best trends in weight loss to start the New Year off right. Healthier living is within reach with these top 5 weight loss, nutriion and emerging trends for 2012.
1. The most dominant new trend is people ... Views: 1493
Looking for an innovative web marketing book? Amazon best-seller, Content Is Cash by Wendy Montes de Oca features proven, free web marketing strategies for total business growth.
With the economy as fragile as it’s been for the past few years, business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers and ... Views: 1346
Social marketing can be fun, can increase awareness, and can drive website traffic. But there's also some things you should be aware of before you dive in and spend time or money on this method.
The following are some comments I've heard over the years and my response, based on personal ... Views: 1004
When women reach a certain age, they begin to ask the important questions: “What will my retirement look like? Will I be able to maintain a specific lifestyle? How will money affect my sense of security?” Women typically are so immersed in the present day-to-day activities that they are too ... Views: 1275
A few years ago I led the marketing and business development efforts at top online publisher, Early To Rise. While I was there, I also wrote several articles for their ezine focused on marketing, entrepreneurship and business building. Below is one of those articles, but I recently updated it ... Views: 1248
Are you tired of setting your goals only to see them still on your list 3 months later?
Goals are important otherwise you’d be wandering around knocking on any door you found, reaching for the next shiny object or carousing for what you ‘think’ may make you happy.
You can now STOP the ... Views: 1505
Excerpted from the new book by Bob Bly, How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit.
1. It’s easy to get started in how-to writing: “How-to writing provides a quicker, surer entry into publication than many other writing categories. Vast hordes dream of writing the ... Views: 1383
Excerpted from the new book by Bob Bly, How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit.
1. It’s easy to get started in how-to writing: “How-to writing provides a quicker, surer entry into publication than many other writing categories. Vast hordes dream of writing the ... Views: 1383
Using no cost online marketing tactics, like search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing are all good strategies, but they’ll only get you so far. And they won’t create you the voluminous traffic needed to really see substantial results, fast.
Any ... Views: 1960
Every week, it seems, we hear the latest news on this or that miracle nutrient. It may be “just the thing to fight diabetes” or “the cure for cancer.” It’s unlikely that a single nutrient can cure cancer, but mounds of research does support that some foods provide unique nutrients with ... Views: 1435
Is Your Acidic Diet Killing You?
By Suzanne W. Dixon, MPH, MS, RD
The idea that acid-alkaline balance in the body can affect health has been around for many decades. According to this theory, our modern American diet makes our bodies more acidic. A more acidic body, in turn, will lead to ... Views: 1975
Summarizing a 240-page report1 in a few paragraphs isn’t possible, but one thing is clear. We simply do not know enough about the health effects of the tens of thousands of chemicals in widespread use today. Here’s why:
Over 80,000 synthetic chemicals are approved for use in the US. Examples ... Views: 1933
It took me three years of playing tennis to learn the lesson I’m about to share with you, and another two to realize that it was the perfect metaphor for weight loss.
Let me explain.
(And by the way- you don’t need to know a thing about tennis to get this.)
For years, I’d hit what’s ... Views: 1809
Your body, like a bank account, requires regular deposits of healthy, nutritious, disease-fighting foods. Your body can tolerate a few withdrawals here and there. A little junk food now and again never killed anyone. But too many withdrawals will lead to health problems.
However, I firmly ... Views: 1301
Get ready for a mainstream media headline proclaiming that vitamin D causes fractures.
Yup, you read that right. Causes, not prevents.
Is it true?
Well, no.
Let’s go to the videotape.
Vitamin D is the new superstar of nutrients, having been found in recent years to be associated ... Views: 1648
Queen of Moderation
I know what you’re thinking. I think it myself all the time. “Not another one of those food police types telling me what I can’t eat.” It’s rare that you’ll hear me say a particular food has no place in a healthy diet. I am the queen of moderation. As long as your “dietary ... Views: 2289
My Problem with Top Ten Food Lists – Part 2
By Suzanne W. Dixon, MPH, MS, RD
Last week we brought you the first five foods on our Top Ten Healthiest Foods to Eat Now list. We also detailed why most top ten food lists fall short.
A quick review of several top ten healthy food lists shows ... Views: 1777
A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association is making people nuts.
If you don’t read the actual study and only listen to the sound bite headlines in the media, you’d walk away thinking that women need at least an hour a day of exercise to keep weight off. That’s ... Views: 1201
Consuming carbohydrates with a high glycemic index increases the risk of coronary heart disease in women, according to a new study in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
If you’ve read my book “Living Low Carb: Controlled Carbohydrate Eating for Long-Term Weight Loss” then you probably ... Views: 1379
The past few days have brought more unwelcome news about the state of health in America. In one story, the FDA raised the alarm about the amount of sodium Americans are eating.1 A second, compelling article in the Atlantic Magazine, brought new attention to that age-old scourge, ... Views: 1315
Do Fruits and Vegetables Prevent Cancer? Or Not?
By Suzanne W. Dixon, MPH, MS, RD
We’ve been told again and again that eating more fruits and vegetables will protect us from cancer. But headlines about recent findings from the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition ... Views: 1410
Go wild and green
Wild as in salmon, green as in grass. Let me explain.
Wild salmon is a very different food from farm-raised. Wild salmon has higher levels of a potent antioxidant known as astaxanthin, which the salmon get from eating their natural diet of krill. Wild salmon has lower ... Views: 1386
Here’s part one: Drink green tea every day Catechins in green tea help fight cancer; they’re also effective for boosting your metabolism and helping fight weight gain Eat five ounces of nuts a week A 14-year study of more than 86,000 women in the Nurses Health Study showed that people who ... Views: 1833
Pomegranate, acai, mangosteen, goji … Do these names sound familiar to you? Chances are, they do. These are the super fruits of the moment. Clever marketing has helped propel these foods into the super fruit ranks. But the definition of super fruit is arbitrary.
There is no standard way to ... Views: 1936
A new study from the University of Alabama appears to be setting conventional wisdom on its ear. The study, published online in the March 30 International Journal of Obesity, shows that eating a high fat breakfast actually may prevent many of the dangerous symptoms of Metabolic ... Views: 1565
Is Your Multivitamin Dangerous?
By Suzanne Dixon, MPH, MS, RD
The latest study on vitamins and health is out. It isn’t pretty. This research adds to other studies suggesting that multivitamins don’t improve health. They may, in fact, increase risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, ... Views: 1211
I’ve been arguing against the universal use of statin drugs for several years now, but I’ve felt like the kid at the parade who kept saying the emperor was naked even as all the “grown-ups” continued to admire the emperor’s sartorial elegance.
The arguments I- and many of my esteemed ... Views: 1202
How many times have you heard, “Everyone should eat a minimum of 5 servings of vegetables and fruit every day for good health.” You’ve probably heard it so many times you’ve tuned it out. Despite knowing we should eat more vegetables and fruit, fewer than 10% of us do. Yes, you read that ... Views: 1038
I am not now, and have never been, a vegetarian.
OK, that’s not entirely true, I flirted with vegetarianism briefly a few decades ago, right around the time I was also experimenting with sideburns and dashikis. But for most of my adult life- and certainly for all the time I’ve been a ... Views: 1565
The One Nutrient You Absolutely Must Supplement
By Suzanne W. Dixon, MPH, MS, RD
What is the Something You’re Supplementing?
I don’t push or promote a lot of dietary supplements. I’m certainly not against supplements. But in my mind, supplements should be exactly what the name suggests: ... Views: 1263
Is An “Everything But the Kitchen Sink” Approach A Good Idea?
By Suzanne W. Dixon, MPH, MS, RD
The Holy Grail of Health
Blame it on our youth-obsessed culture. People just don’t like to grow old. Nobody wants to look old. We certainly don’t want to feel old. This has led to a blockbuster ... Views: 1384