As I was sitting in the bare walled yet overflowing court room 7,000 miles away from my home in Colorado earlier this week, I was anxious with both the process of adoption in a foreign county and worried about the outcome. There were so many questions running through my mind. Would my son’s ... Views: 1187
As I was sitting in the bare walled yet overflowing court room 7,000 miles away from my home in Colorado earlier this week, I was anxious with both the process of adoption in a foreign county and worried about the outcome. There were so many questions running through my mind. Would my son’s ... Views: 1268
Parenting is one of the few times in life when we see our true self. When I was talking with our pediatrician about my concerns of my son being overly aggressive and stubborn, she smiled and asked me if I had earned a PhD, two Masters, and started a business before I turned 40 by being ... Views: 1132