Did you know you can train in a way that means you will burn off a shed load of calories and fat for up to 36 hours after you leave the gym?
Have you ever run for miles only to find that, despite the litres of sweat and mind numbing fatigue in your legs, you've only used up enough calories ... Views: 1464
2012 is nearly upon us and it that time of year when most of us try to make promises or resolutions that we want to make for the next 12 months. These promises can be easily made, but we often find that it's harder to keep them. Statistics show that the success rate for keeping resolutions can ... Views: 1177
If you only do cardiovascular exercises such as indoor cycling and running on the treadmill in the gym your body will burn muscle as well as body fat for fuel. This generally means that your will be lessening your ability to burn fat in the long run because muscle is metabolically active and the ... Views: 1300