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Can you train yourself to be compassionate? A new study says, yes. According to researchers at the University of Wisconsin, cultivating compassion and kindness through meditation affects brain regions that can make you more empathetic to other peoples' mental and emotional states.
According ... Views: 1170
When you're upset or depressed, should you analyze your feelings to figure out what's wrong? Or should you just forget about it and move on? New research and theories suggests if you do want to think about your problems, do so from a detached perspective, rather than reliving the ... Views: 1366
In this month when we celebrate love, I wonder what we are celebrating and what love is all about. Love…what’s love? That is the question. A word that causes the biggest happiness but can also cause the biggest misery in our lives, especially when we don’t know what it means, misuse it to ... Views: 1369
Our confidence has a big impact on how we enjoy life. People that are confident and happy with themselves unconsciously and positively affect the people around them.
Have you ever noticed the girl that walks into the room and everyone notices her?
People are attracted to her and she easily ... Views: 2663
A positive frame of mind is vital for several reasons. Confident positive thought patterns are normally shown to raise overall performance in productivity and quality. We very often will think much more creatively and function much better anytime we're feeling positive and well. If you are on ... Views: 648
In March 2008 I borrowed a friend’s “Triple Goddess Tarot” pack of cards (by Isha Lerner) and gave myself a reading. Among the cards that came up, one took the place of the “New Moon or New Beginning” – It was the card No. 23 or Infinite Truth.
Among the meanings of this card, the following ... Views: 1750
There are many kinds of meditation techniques available these days. How to choose which one is the best for a person with an eating disorder? Are any methods better than the others?
Meditation is a practice of focusing your attention for some time on specific emotional states, mantras ... Views: 1655
Why does putting our feelings into words--such as talking with a therapist, counselor or coach, or even writing in a journal--help you feel better? A new brain imaging study by UCLA psychologists, as reported in Psychological Science, may give us the answer. This research combines modern ... Views: 1237
1. Pretend to yawn – and welcome the real one that will inevitably follow ! (Not for use during corporate meetings…)
2. When working long hours on the computer, make sure you take a break at least every hour. Stand up, stretch, drink some water, yawn…
Use a friendly timer if you tend to ... Views: 2624
The use of atypical anti-psychotic medication to treat and prevent serious mental health problems such as schizophrenia is barbaric and causes severe adverse health effects including sexual dysfunction, obesity, and diabetes. A new randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted ... Views: 1232
Hard work has a future payoff. Procrastination pays off NOW!
The idea of using humor to enhance business, to increase creativity, to improve relationships, to minimize stress and to develop client attract-ability is not a new one. It’s been around for over twenty-five years. A 1985 survey ... Views: 1450
It doesn't take a recession or a rise in unemployment to bring on financial stress. Many feel it daily - when bills arrive in the mail, when they sit down to pay bills, when they see a television commercial for something they want but can't afford, when they hear of layoffs, or even when they ... Views: 1744
1) Create a life vision and visit it daily
What I mean by a life vision is this: Where are you going? Where are you going in life? And what are you doing all this for? What’s the target? Many people don’t have this target or vision in their lives. They’re just in motion. They don’t ... Views: 1888
"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” - Benjamin Disraeli
I believe we are living in very exciting times when it comes to our understanding of what makes us truly happy in the long term. Up until relatively recently (well, about 10 years ago ... Views: 1695
There is enormous power in what we say, do, think and feel.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you smile and reflect on how much you are enjoying something and suddenly you remember ‘I asked for this?' You may have had a desire, wish or intention at an earlier time in your ... Views: 1509
In my experience, there is only one real way to increase your self-confidence, and that is through Self-confidence. Self-confidence, with a capital “S”, comes from focusing on the Self, your true Self, your actual Self. Self confidence with a small “s” comes from looking for stability, safety, ... Views: 1316
We are forever surrounded by love. From the rays of the sun that nurture and sustain life on our precious planet, to extending a helping hand to another in need, our existence is found within this unifying principle we know in our heart as love. Life itself is the expression of unconditional ... Views: 1899
The Influence of Positive Thinking
When a person is full of positive thoughts, life is just simply better for them. They seem happy, content and seem to attract the attention of a lot of people. You must have come across people like this in your life some day or the other. When everyone else ... Views: 1168
It is always exciting to see how current brain research and brain imaging techniques prove why psychological and spiritual techniques work in our lives. It turns out that our brains don’t really know the difference between whether something is actually happening in our lives or whether we are ... Views: 1842
“That time has come when discrimination with reference to communities, social status, gender and nations, will come to an end. Entire world humanity will live like brothers and sisters.”
“If in a particular country, if one or two court cases are fought, people will ... Views: 1139
In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
Albert Schweitzer
In relationships, both personal and professional it’s important to be conscious of our goals and expectations. It’s also a good idea to honestly assess the present and the past. How ... Views: 1854
How often have you had futile thoughts like, “Nothing is working. I feel like I am banging my head against the wall”? And then you surrender the mental strife, you “Let Go and let God”, “Cast your fate to the wind”, think “What will be, will be”, and to your amazement somehow a new opportunity, ... Views: 1637
The idea of facing a challenge and feeling as though you are given a second chance develops because of your perspective. Too often, we look for external situations to be the reason we have a second chance, but what happens within your brain creates the feeling as though you can deal with this ... Views: 1362
Many experts will provide various ways for people to think, act and speak positively about themselves as a form of auto-suggestion. If you walk the walk and talk the talk you become what you put out. Express positivity and you will feel good about yourself and a constant upward ... Views: 1525
Addressing and acting on emotional stress is a natural cure for panic attacks. Learning to control your emotions and stress might sound difficult but it is really about changing certain habits and behaviors. There are many factors that can contribute to stress such as financial problems, ... Views: 1245
Listening to the weather forecast one frigid day, I realized how much we are influenced by the catastrophic thinking of the media. The weatherman reported, "The weather has brought more misery to the St. Louis area." Certainly, the weather was causing problems that day. An ice storm caused ... Views: 1850
"Joy is a net of love in which you can catch souls.” - Mother Teresa
There are two things that have always astounded me about us Human Beings. The first is just how complex we can be with our thinking and behaviour. The second is that, despite all our complexities, what drives us at a ... Views: 1563
Feeling down in the dumps now that the holidays are over? If you're hoping for something uplifting on these dreary days and cold nights, you're not alone. T.S. Eliot, in The Waste Land, said, "April is the cruelest month." But studies have found that for the majority of Americans, January is the ... Views: 4057
This is the age of information and technology.
But what does it means to a common person. He/she is dying with information overload. On any aspect/issue there is tons of advise/tips available but the question is, which one is reliable and in my interest?
You may be a well informed person ... Views: 2315
The concept of positive psychology is growing in the fields of psychology, management studies and organizational behavior. The focus of this trend is the movement away from the focus of psychology on "fixing" or "repairing" problems to building positive qualities and behaviors. In addition, a ... Views: 2721
How many times have you told yourself that this year you're going to finally lose that weight or quit smoking or look for a better job? How often do you carry over your New Year's resolutions from one year to the next? If you're like most people, you come up with a long wish list of things you ... Views: 810
There is no such thing as a “perfect” parent though most of us try to be the best mom or dad we can be. Just as we tend to model the parenting habits of our parents, our children too will model themselves based on who they see in us. If we want our children to BE HAPPY we need to be ... Views: 1374
Take a moment and look at your personal, professional and spiritual life; what are your thoughts?
Are they positive, negative, neutral, indecisive, anxious, confused, doubtful, hopeful, worried, excited, etc.?
There is no better time then right now to start doing regular "thought ... Views: 1139
Astrology - The Triad of Sun Moon & Rising - Aries to Pisces
From Aries to Pisces
Ego - Outer Personality - Interior Self - The Triad of Understanding
Astrology can get complex. I personally have 3 yods. Do you even know what a yod is? Take all the planets, spin them around, thrown in ... Views: 1229
Astrology - How To Get Along - Aries and Scorpio
Aries and Scorpio
Astrology - Getting Along - The Ram and The Scorpion
This series on AstroCompatibility will cover all of the potential matchups in the Zodiac. We will continue this series thinking about and commenting on Aries and Scorpio. ... Views: 3808
No matter how positive you are, there is probably at least one negative feeling or thought that creeps into your mind on a daily basis. Negative thoughts have many origins. They can develop from not feeling well, experiencing low self-esteem, or doubting one's self. Considering the fact that ... Views: 4697
Since eating disorders are rooted in emotional conflicts, the solution for the problem can be found in emotional healing. Emotional healing doesn’t happen instantly; it is a process. Many existing treatments nowadays promote only a physical fix while the emotional component is severely ... Views: 1963
I don't have cancer. But my Mom and my best friend do. Two of my grandparents did too. Many times I have thought about the great strength they have shown in fighting this elusive opponent. How do you fight it? You can't see it on the outside, but you know it's there. Any given day you wonder if ... Views: 915
If you’re anything like me you’ve probably spent more time than you’d like to admit trying to “fix” your various “flaws.” Although I may pretend otherwise, many of my own goals, desires, and even my motivation to “grow” has often come from a deep place of insecurity within me - thinking that if ... Views: 5552
Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have -- so spend it wisely. - Kay Lyons
The world--your world, my world--is composed of only three time zones: past, present, and future. Focusing your mind exclusively on the past or the future will get ... Views: 1833
Worrying feeds fears and doubts. Worrying wastes time and consumes energy. Worrying weakens ambition and breeds inaction. Worrying will cripple our confidence, faith, and ability to reason. Worrying kills the ability to think big and reveals an inability to control one’s thoughts. Worrying is ... Views: 1857
So often we accept the declarations that others have made concerning our own lives, wellbeing or fate. It is imperative that we recognize that in order to achieve what we want in life, we must not give our power away to others by accepting their declarations concerning our affairs. When one ... Views: 13843
Using Affirmations to Become a Happier Person
One of the best things about integrating posi-talk affirmations into your daily routine is that they are free and effective. Almost anyone can quickly learn to use them. Posi-talk can swiftly and successfully lead to finding more happiness in ... Views: 674
Everyone always talks about living a fulfilling life or achieving one at minimum. The term fulfilling can be difficult because to one person with small children that might be fulfilling, while another person may not feel fulfilled until they have a million in the bank. Different things are ... Views: 958
The nice thing about it is that it doesn’t have to go into some landfill and pollute the planet. This is actually a guilt-free process, although it doesn’t always feel like it.
Why not? Because so much of our mental trash has these labels on it like “Mom gave this to me, do not throw away.” ... Views: 3607
When was the last time that you spent a durable amount of time alone? Can you pinpoint the moment when you took some time in your day or week for you and only you? Chances are that between all of your outside obligations, family events and happenings, volunteering and taking care of others in ... Views: 1231
Army is meant for war. It is designed for that purpose. It is a very costly affair because here you don’t want to compromise on any account. You want the best people working with best resources and maintain their best position in worst conditions and motivated to commit the highest sacrifice in ... Views: 1242
100% of the people who book sessions with me are extremely competent people, most have responsible jobs or other responsible roles in life, yet the vast majority hold themselves back through negative thinking and limiting beliefs ... Views: 1426
I am now reading a new book written by Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup For The Soul fame) and Robert G Allen (of Nothing Down Real Estate fame) called Cash in a Flash. Their book has about 15 chapters, and the first 8 have almost nothing to do with making money. The first half of the book is ... Views: 1229
Social and Emotional learning builds character traits that provide kids with benefits that last a lifetime and lessons from Personal Growth and Positive Psychology can change the future and our kid’s lives.
From Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and Samuel Clement Stone to Zig Zigler, Tony ... Views: 4162