The Toughest Job
Being a "Stay At Home" Dad is a study in focusing on what is not natural to you. It is an extremely tough job. Then, she's a girl. Then she is a Libra. For those of you who are not familiar, a Libra female is proper, balanced, preoccupied with being pretty and love's a nice ... Views: 1777
Mars and Venus only the Beginning of the Story
Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus. I know it was a best seller. John Gray wrote a great book in 1992 and it helped people see how understanding distinctive separations of gender function could lead to greater harmony. It was a success ... Views: 1608
Life Outside the Bedroom - Couples As Emergent Morphogenic Fields
When I have counseled with couples in the past, I have noted that no matter how difficult, turbulent, or seemingly negative a relationship is, I see an absolute entanglement and interconnectedness in the couple. One woman said, ... Views: 1183
The Syncretistic Formalizing of Current Beliefs
And I Wanted to be So Revolutionary -
So many religions are born in the white hot fire of social conflict and change, and then the little begiinning religion has to go through centuries of development. The human consciousness has to grow ... Views: 1382
From Aries to Pisces
Ego - Outer Personality - Interior Self - The Triad of Understanding
Astrology can get complex. I personally have 3 yods. Do you even know what a yod is? Take all the planets, spin them around, thrown in major asteroids that have been out there for aeons. Don't forget ... Views: 1953
Proverbs for Everyone
Text Messages for the Soul - Original Proverbs for Enlightenment, Healing and Humor
Ecstasy, Wine and Words - These Poetic Proverbial Observations, Gleaned from a Thousand Books and a "Draw Down" from Somewhere, are "Text Messages for the Soul". Scrawling out what ... Views: 1288
Astrology - Getting Along - The Ram and The Scorpion
This series on AstroCompatibility will cover all of the potential matchups in the Zodiac. We will continue this series thinking about and commenting on Aries and Scorpio. Check out Christofer's new website at: ... Views: 9286
As a student of Astrology since 1975, I have listened to all the party talk about this sign and that sign and what they seem to be like. Of course, most people are talking about their particular Aries, their most beloved buddy - Taurus, or their hated parent - Gemini. When you ... Views: 6425
2013 - People Think Anew
Fast Forward. It's 2013. Whatever has happened in 2012 has happened. I classify what people are predicting in three ways:
1) Complete Cataclysm in which survival impulses, if there are people, are the only things people will be pondering and acting on for years. ... Views: 1633
What is an "Old Soul"
Just what is an "old soul"? This is a phrase that precedes "new age" ideology and reaches back into our old English lexicon. It embraces the idea that a particularly, wise, world weary, or compassionate person "goes back" into a time that precedes the present. It is a ... Views: 10036
2012 December - Setting Dates
December 2012 has become the most recent date for the "end of the world", "inflection for change", "earthly conflagration" or "peaceful new age cosmic torrent". Why do I pose so many possibilities? Because right now, you can go to the internet, churches, chat ... Views: 1244
As a student of Astrology since 1975, I have listened to all the party talk about this sign and that sign and what they seem to be like. Of course, most people are talking about their particular Cancer, their most beloved buddy - Leo, or their hated parent - Virgo. When you ... Views: 8417
GABA - The Supplement Better Than Hops
There is a reason why guys drink beer. Actually, there are several reasons why guys drink beer. I am referring to the calming quality of beer that goes beyond the effect of alcohol. Beer's uniquely calming feature in beer is a special property makes that ... Views: 1990
Aries - Capricorn
These signs are both "Cardinal", which means they share an Action-Oriented approach to what they do. And Aries is Fire and Capricorn is Earth. Capricorn's actions, and these people are not only action-based, but being an earth sign --- they also have A PLAN -- feed Aries' ... Views: 1003
Before Psychology and Religion, there was Us and our Dreams -
As we stand on the proscenium of the Future, in the 21st Century's front door, it is useful to remember that Humans are not our things, not our technologies, not our web, nor our electronic codes. We are not the New Age. We are not ... Views: 804
Astrology - The Triad of Sun Moon & Rising - Aries to Pisces
From Aries to Pisces
Ego - Outer Personality - Interior Self - The Triad of Understanding
Astrology can get complex. I personally have 3 yods. Do you even know what a yod is? Take all the planets, spin them around, thrown in ... Views: 1228
Astrology - How To Get Along - Aries and Scorpio
Aries and Scorpio
Astrology - Getting Along - The Ram and The Scorpion
This series on AstroCompatibility will cover all of the potential matchups in the Zodiac. We will continue this series thinking about and commenting on Aries and Scorpio. ... Views: 3804