Success is often aligned with prosperity, wealth, honor, and achievement, among many other “feel good” words. Success has a Latin origin that means to follow, prosper, and to go into action. Why success is awesome is because achieving it will allow you to experience your greatest sense of you. ... Views: 1450
1) Create a life vision and visit it daily
What I mean by a life vision is this: Where are you going? Where are you going in life? And what are you doing all this for? What’s the target? Many people don’t have this target or vision in their lives. They’re just in motion. They don’t ... Views: 1898
I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine: Jzumbula Kittae la Kunta.
I call her “Kunta” and she’s a cat.
Cats are interesting creatures and Kunta has taught me a number of lessons I wanted to pass on to you.
Nine of them, in fact…fitting since cats allegedly have 9 lives.
I think ... Views: 1769
Here’s something everyone can relate to: Your Car.
That wonderful and amazing piece of technology that takes you from one place to another… usually without any difficulty.
And what is one big element the car relies on to get you there?
The tires…those round rubber donuts which ... Views: 2535
I had a client say something very interesting to me last week…she suggested that because I was a mental health counselor, I, therefore, have minimal issues or challenges in my life.
Ha! I wish!
I shy away from sharing much of my personal story with my clients, as that is all part of ... Views: 1807
I was preparing for a couple of presentations for the Women On the Way (W.O.W.) program at our local St. Petersburg College (my A.A. /A.S. degree alma mater).
I am always honored to go back to my old “stomping grounds” to do presentations, but even more so for this group, as most of the ... Views: 1482
The Wu Wei principle is to yield to an oncoming force in such a way as to render it harmless and at the same time, change its direction by pushing it from behind instead of resisting it from the front.
When there is a conflict between two or more people, conditioned response is to cope by ... Views: 4480
I recently went to one of the local home improvement stores to buy some lighting items for my office. Since I am not an electrician, I was looking to have the “experts” at this store assist me in this endeavor. Upon arriving and having gone to the lighting department, I was confronted with a ... Views: 1370
Zen: Finding enlightenment through intuition and introspection.
Listening: Making an effort to attentively hear another person speaking.
Therefore Zen Listening might be best described as the art of using one’s intuition and introspection to be fully present with another person during a ... Views: 2424
It is time for you to set yourself free and allow some discomfort in so that you may fully embrace your greatness...
I know “out of the box” is one of the most used up clichés out there, but I couldn’t find anything better. If you live in the box you live a life of predictability, ... Views: 1469
My dad woke up one morning feeling, as he put it, “Not quite right and a bit wobbly”. In being the strong-willed, tenacious, non-complainer that he is, he figured it was just part of the package of being 80 years old.
However, after a few days of these lingering effects, he decided to go see ... Views: 1060
So...did I get your attention? Yes? I thought I might! I did a small presentation for the Greater Seminole Area Chamber of Commerce on "How to Win Over Difficult Prospects" and the bull-fighting, rabbit-chasing and wrestling with pigs came as a result of that (I never know what is going to come ... Views: 1779
With all these rhymes I was tempted to write a poem (and I may still...stay tuned for the sequel!!) about this topic. However, I decided I would just be straight-forward with these dynamics, seeing how critically valuable they are in our day-to-day lives.
We have a choice we make many times ... Views: 1185
Have you ever noticed that successful people have a "team" that they surround themselves with? For example, the president has his cabinet, as well as numerous other advisors and consultants. The head coach of any sports team has countless assistants and trainers. Every CEO has a board of ... Views: 997
I have been hearing a lot about the “Law of Attraction” the last few years and I have found this model to be quite attractive... gosh, I guess it’s working. Anyways, when it is narrowed down to it’s basics it seems to mean that you will reap whatever type of energy you sow.
If you put out ... Views: 1051
The old real estate cliché asks the question, "What are three most important elements of property?" which is, of course, answered by, "Location, location and location."
...So, let me ask you a question: What are the three most important elements of successful relationships?
Answer: ... Views: 1489
What is a REALationship? A REALationship is one that has openness, honesty, integrity, individuality, growth, passion, and intimacy. It is easy to be in denial, superficial, and distant. I teach people to have deeper and more REAL relationships ----> REALationships!!!!
In school we learned ... Views: 1278
The Eight Steps to Stress-less Success
1. Create a life vision and visit it daily.
2. Live from the goals that reinforce your vision.
3. Learn and implement your personal balance points.
4. Practice boundaries, boundaries and boundaries.
5. Participate in supportive communities.
6. ... Views: 916
Roots and of my favorite life philosophies.
I believe we are all very similar to trees in a metaphorical sense. We have our “fruit”, which are our results. These results are based on our behaviors in that our behaviors, or actions, are what create our results.
We have feelings ... Views: 1422
How is your self-expression going? Are you able to set and keep your boundaries? Are you asking for what you want? Are you letting people know if they are meeting your needs? And where are you having difficulty carrying out your self-expression?
Better yet, why is it so important to do all ... Views: 2455
“It’s the simplest of math: Big fish tanks grow big fish; little fish tanks grow little fish....”
"You can't catch fish unless you put your line in the water. You can't reach your goals if you don't try." ~ Kathy Seligman
As I was planning for one of my workshops, the “fish tank” metaphor ... Views: 1466
You may have to get your secret decoder ring to decipher the title. Get it? Well, are you? Do you have enough creative outlets and enough creative expression in your life? I’ve heard that if you suppress your creativity it will go directly to your hips!
Creative, which comes from the word ... Views: 1006
Do you have unwanted bull in your life? You know what I’m talking about: Those annoying people who want to control, dominate, and manipulate you for their own best interests.
Those people who love to get into power-struggles and arguments with you and you are left feeling depleted and ... Views: 970
I like to make things simple, like the ABC's. It makes it easier for me to remember and therefore, live that way in my life. I'd like to share my ABC model with you.
A stands for Attraction; more specifically the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that like energies attract each ... Views: 920
I’m mad...mad as hell, in fact! This is time for my monthly rant. I’ve seen and heard just a bit too much. Now you get hear about it.
Do you know that our society is promoting a slew of addictive behaviors? Let me name a few for you: Over-eating, gambling, video games and internet games, ... Views: 937
Boundaries with yourself? It does sound a bit odd, doesn’t it? Well, if you will bear with me for a few minutes here you can have a major break-through...really!!
I received a phone call from a client who had a new employment opportunity, but felt scared because of the unknown elements ... Views: 1012
No; I’m not hearing voices...not very much, at least. However, I do have a question for you: How do you manage that little voice inside your head? Now if you’re thinking, “What little voice is he talking about?” that would be the little voice right there!
You know, that voice that tries to ... Views: 1016
I have a confession: I was confronted by a friend recently. She suggested that I might possibly be living more from my head than my heart. She wanted to know where all the successful relationships were and was asking me, since I am THE REALationship Coach (That's pretty much the way she said it, ... Views: 1017
Many people are asking "Why" in the aftermath of tragedy. An appropriate question...but, unfortunately, there are no very good answers.
There are, however, are few considerations for all of us to examine.
We have become a violent culture and this violence has occurred very subtly. ... Views: 1058
Statistics also show nearly one third of American women report being exposed to some type of abuse at the hands of the significant other in their committed relationships. In reality, one out of every three is a grossly conservative figure, since the vast majority of abuse is never reported. ... Views: 1012
I have a few questions I'd like to ask you.
Warning: They WILL make you think. They might even make you squirm a bit. They'll also invite you to take a few more steps into your greatness. Are you up for that? we go...
What would happen if you were pushed from the ... Views: 924
To stop all this dysfunction and improve our relational intelligence we must all be willing to subscribe to philosophy and practice of healthy relationship choices and the skills which will support those healthy choices.
This starts with you knowing yourself first and foremost!
How? Well, ... Views: 900
"Give us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for - because unless we stand for something we shall fall for anything."
~ Peter Marshall
Vision gives your life a target. That target represents everything you want to do, be, and have in your life. In other words, ... Views: 1098
Your personal integrity is dependent on you living according to your values. If you commit yourself to a values-driven life, you'll attract people of similar values and people who'll support and encourage you to continue to live accordingly, which will only increase the standards to which you've ... Views: 1064
How will you leave your mark? How will the world know you've been here one hundred years from now? What impact do you want to have on humankind in your lifetime?
Simply put, your legacy is what you'll leave behind for those who come after you.
No pressure, but from the looks of things now, ... Views: 969
You have a unique purpose. You're here for a very significant reason. When you know your purpose and live according to it, you'll experience the passion of living your purpose, and you'll have the greatest opportunity to have an impact on all humankind.
When it comes to discovering your life ... Views: 890
Huh??!! Let me explain...A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. This pressure change helps weather forecasters to predict what weather conditions might be forthcoming. Barometric conditions are always changing; therefore barometric measurement is always fluctuating.
A compass, ... Views: 1037
Live according to your purpose, and you'll discover a natural passion for life; and within that, you'll feel a great deal of personal power. If you want to feel totally empowered, learn who you are and be 100% of you 100% of the time!
You may need to do some soul-searching and uncovering in ... Views: 927
How big can your life be?
What I'm asking is: How big is the space you live your life in? What restricts you from growing as big as possible? Is there any chance you've already outgrown your old life? Just how big is your life, and how big can it be?
As you're pondering those questions, ... Views: 864
What are my core values? What's most important?
The most important thing about the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing.
I hope by now you are beginning to realize the importance of knowing what you want in your life, and you're beginning to ... Views: 6292
Have you ever noticed that every successful person has a team with whom they surround themselves? For example, the head coach of any sports team has countless assistants and trainers. Every CEO has a board of directors. Of course, the President has his cabinet, as well as numerous other ... Views: 836
When I was about 12, I watched one of the old Clint Eastwood westerns where he plays the role of the hardened cowboy:
Very little emotional expression, very few words, a tough-as-nails attitude, an occasional fight, some woman to fall in love with him and then, at the end, he leaves town to ... Views: 885
Question: Do you suffer from already always living? The primary symptom is projecting the past onto the future. It’s assuming what has already happened to you before, will always happen again. So as a result, you stay stuck in repetitive patterns, and you live your life like a broken record, and ... Views: 949
Are you letting people influence your life in a way that’s negative? Do you isolate yourself out of fear of getting hurt? Are you clear about acceptable and unacceptable behavior in others? Are you happy with your boundaries?
Review the following list of unhealthy boundaries. Check off any ... Views: 1343
I have a confession. I’m a Photoshop® wannabe. In case you don’t know it, Photoshop® is the premier software program for digital photography. It has more features to tweak, enhance, and distort photographic images than you can imagine.
As much as I’d like to master this program, truth be ... Views: 1082
You’ve probably heard the old real estate cliché which asks the question, “What are the three most important elements of property?” You also probably know the answer is location, location and location.
But have you ever heard the similar question about life, “What are the three most ... Views: 956
Ask yourself, what are you planting in your life? What are the seeds you wish to sprout, grow, thrive, and multiply?
I suggest you liberally plant positive and affirming seeds in your life every day. Start by writing a positive affirmation to yourself daily (just in case the world forgets to ... Views: 951
Discern between accepting and settling. Accept what you cannot change, but never settle for anything below your standards.
When you settle for less than your standards, you allow yourself to lose integrity and you lose a piece of yourself every time. Simple math tells you that the more you’re ... Views: 2209
When you know what you have to have in a relationship, not only are you going to feel more fulfilled when you have it, you’ll also find the relationship more sustainable. As a result, the relationship will have a higher likelihood of lasting and it’ll be less stressful because your relational ... Views: 901
What do you have to have in life? What are those absolute, non-negotiable essentials for you? When you settle for nothing less than those essentials, you’ll find all your inner needs met. The problem is our culture has become very used to settling for less.
This outcome, as I see it, ... Views: 1132