We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Positive Psychology". If you have expertise in Positive Psychology and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Hypnosis is well know for it’s effectiveness in treating many things such as weight loss, smoking, stress, IBS, phobias etc. It is also very effective at treating motion sickness. This is great because it removed the need for any drugs, or other potions that have side effects. How does ... Views: 3368
Affirmations do work! Often people give up on affirmations after a few weeks as they feel that they are not working. I often describe an affirmation as being like a seed. You have to be patient, nurture it and cherish it, until it blossoms into what you desire. Often you can’t see the seed ... Views: 1835
What do you know about your stress hormones and how they are produced in the body? We all have a lot of room to move in terms of how much stress we feel at any given time. Are you from the CroMagnon period? Maybe you’ve been in a relationship with a cave dweller (been there, done that), but ... Views: 1023
Overcoming Fear and Hearing Voices with Oedipus
When I was a kid I used to chat with adults waiting for the bus on bus benches. Taking opinion polls with this captive audience in the summer in south Florida in the Fifties was easy. People will tell a kid anything when there's absolutely ... Views: 3434
(After all…who was the Buddha’s Buddha?)
By: Mike Dailey
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it,
or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with
your own reason and your own common ... Views: 2050
I will show you a very simple, but incredibly effective method of making permanent changes to your habits.
Physiologists agree that it generally takes about 28 days to change a habit. 28 days of consciously trying to make a change should lead to a permanent change. You must live ... Views: 9237
"DO you want to live an authentic life?" What would it take? What changes do you need to make?
It all begins with the way we think. "If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting." You've got to change something for something to change. If you sincerely feel that ... Views: 1395
Why easy does it works; It’s the old adage haste makes waste.
Each day nature gives us a great example of easy does it as slowly, the sun rises every single day. Learn from this to go gradually, pace yourself
Agnes Repplier:
“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, ... Views: 1140
sung__mantra400jpgWhen I was a child, dealing with my particular configuration of a dysfunctional family, I remember lying awake in bed night after night, year after year, too afraid to go to sleep. There were some willow trees outside my window I used to watch. No matter how hard the wind blew, ... Views: 1070
Our beliefs create the way we see and trust the world. They may be conscious or subconscious but either way they can affect us and the way we live life.
Thoughts are merely thoughts, quite innocent actually, until we attach a belief to them.
It’s estimated that we have between 50,000 – ... Views: 1222
How much is the accuracy of your golf shot influenced by club alignment at address and how much is down to your instinctive or unconscious golf ability? Now I'm not talking here about the complexity of aligning the various parts of your body when you address the ball. That's a subject for your ... Views: 1280
Don't we all wear masks at one time or another, pretending that everything is OK? There are many reasons people may act out this charade. It's not uncommon to hide personal pain, because putting it on display for all to see can be embarrassing and even destabilize relationships. Yet studies show ... Views: 1774
According to Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young."
At a recent event that I spoke at, sitting up front and center, was Florence - a lady who introduced herself to me, telling me that she ... Views: 1652
Who are you? What do you do? These are common questions as we go about our daily lives.
These are very difficult questions for many people who are currently unemployed, newly retired, 'stay at home' Moms, and so on. In today's society, we place so much value on what we do - our label, if you ... Views: 2010
As a social work and psychology student, Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs was a theory in which we focused a great deal of time. According to Maslow, there are five levels of needs, ranging from physiological to self-actualization. It is difficult to move from one level to the next without ... Views: 2273
We live in a world where value is captured in thoughts or it goes unnoticed. Imagine really desiring something without being able to express it in words. Desires have power when they are put into words. Because our focus is on thinking most of the time , we would seldom strive for what we ... Views: 1494
Where does love come from?
Contemporary science tells us that love is built into us. As the great researcher, Allan Schore, proves, we enter the world pre-wired to love the first person who takes care of us. Once an infant is born it works like this. When an infant sees his mother gazing at ... Views: 1591
Leadership, Entreprenuership and Overcoming Adversity: Profile of my Mentor “Zig” Ziglar,
Noted Motivational Speaker, Self Help Guru, and Chairman, Ziglar Training Systems
By: Howard Edward Haller, Ph. D.
The article give an insight into the groundbreaking proven research into Become a ... Views: 4039
Overcoming Adversity: Senator Orrin G. Hatch Story
United States Senator (R-Utah)
By: Howard Edward Haller, Ph. D.
The article give an insight into the groundbreaking proven research into how to Overcome Adversity and how to Turn Adversity into Opportunities by Howard Edward Haller, ... Views: 3902
I have a picture on my desk that was given to me by a friend. It is a close-up of a stream in Sedona, Arizona and in it is the rush of the water and a few rocks. Obviously when I look at it, I can almost hear the water and see the white of the stream as it flows downstream. When I get upset ... Views: 1289
Only two things make up your life, your reality. They are:
1. Your Beliefs
2. Your Actions
That’s it. So if you want to change your life, change your thoughts and then your actions. Pretty simple uh? Simple yes…easy, not so much.
In this article we’ll look at beliefs, since ... Views: 1246
Only two things make up your life, your reality. They are:
1. Your Beliefs
2. Your Actions
That’s it. So if you want to change your life, change your thoughts and then your actions. Pretty simple uh? Simple yes…easy, not so much.
In this article we’ll look at beliefs, since ... Views: 1067
Article Title: How to Live and Work with Passion
(from 'Inspirational Books' - Part One)
Shared by Craig Lock
Web sites: http://www.creativekiwis.com/books.html and http://www.myspace.com/writercraig
Other Articles are available at:
http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/user/15565 ... Views: 912
Here in Canada, we just celebrated our Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is a special time for me, personally. It's a time of reflection and, often, for me, a time of change. I love the change of seasons, the magical colors of the trees, the crisp Mac apples (my favorite!), walking through the ... Views: 1991
Laughter the Forgotten Medicine
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. – Victor Borge
A keen sense of humor helps us to overcome the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, overcome the unexpected and outlast the unbearable. – Billy Graham
The ... Views: 1371
Happiness is a choice one makes for herself or himself. Well most people think that they will become happy if they get all their desires. But what happens is, when we get some of our desires, we become temporarily happy and then we add more desires to the list. So now we have some of our desires ... Views: 961
Each day we wake up with the chance of making today the best day of our life. We have the choice to have a good day. We must use our free will and choose to have that best day of our life. How can we do this each morning as the alarm wakes us from our dreams?
About three weeks ago, I woke up ... Views: 1463
One of the key success factors for better golf psychology is learning to unconsciously play one shot at a time - in the moment, zone or now. This applies equally to every shot you play whether it's on the practice ground, in a friendly game or in the most important round of your golf career. ... Views: 1309
There were some amazing golf and putting psychology lessons on show with Phil Mickelson's stunning win at the Tour Championship at East Lake the other week. Yes I know Tiger won the FedEx Cup and the $10 million with an amazingly consistent series of results. But given Phil's year, both on and ... Views: 1580
I have spent weeks creating my site and thinking of things to write. So many ideas, but which to do first? Then I had a revelation...
I was sitting down after dinner to watch the news when this lady from Queensland came on. She is the mother of four children, and she was having some ... Views: 1096
An open mind is good thing - most of the time. New ideas, new experience, increased knowledge, personal and professional growth, better relationships and an overall positive approach to life are just a few of the benefits of having an open mind. However, there are some pitfalls. Like an open ... Views: 10071
It’s inevitable that when you are on the road less travelled, trying to achieve your goals, starting a new business, career or family, you will get hit by adversity. Its life! It has its ups and downs, we all know that. But how you react to these adversities is what sets you apart from the ... Views: 7483
Arthritis by itself can be very stressful and very taxing on your body. The source of the stress can be from the pain that no one but you, can understand, or it can be having enough energy to get you through one day and being totally exhausted and having to stay in bed the next day. Or looking ... Views: 1514
The Puranas or Indain Mythology while describing the process of world creation says that a lotus emerged from Lord Vishnu’s navel. Brahma the creator sat on this lotus. God told Brahma in a celestial voice: I have created you for world creation. In order to become capable of doing, so perform ... Views: 1734
Do you find yourself wondering why people perceive you in a certain light? Why am I so slow? Or possibly why you perceive your co-worker or neighbor in a negative or positive light? Sometimes this happens as a result of someone telling you that co-worker is lazy or irresponsible. Does this ... Views: 1228
Our Intellect, regardless of how developed it is, seldom taps our powerful inner resources as we face challenges. The power of a confident self image is not an idea. The empowerment of simple self trust does not come from intellectual understanding. The ability to focus accurately does not come ... Views: 1495
“The Secret” is a wonderful book. All of us need to remember that life is a reflection. And please know that the concept of what ‘you put out is what you get back’ is many thousands of years old.
Do you feel that you have negative thinking? Most of us do to varying degrees. Our parents may ... Views: 1152
In a perfect world, everyone would have a Norman Rockwell Christmas. Each one a perfect picture of a loving family, happiness and warm fuzzy feelings.
It’s been my experience that these pictures exist for very few. What about you? What childhood memories do you have of holidays past? What ... Views: 1244
Trust in therapy only happens at step one, with the client's willingness to admit that there is a problem and by having the courage to consciously work on it. The ‘HOW’ in therapy are indeed HONESTY, OPENNESS and WILLINGNESS!
As the client begins to open themselves up in the therapeutic ... Views: 1920
The beauty of the mind can also be its downfall. One cannot overstate the significant importance of the human mind. Anyone can harbor anger and animosity at someone next to him or her and not be obvious about it. The mind is one instrument of amazing capacities that the human have control over, ... Views: 1980
Are you going through life feeling stressed and pressured for time? Are you really happy with the choices you have been making with respect to how you spend your time, where you spend your time and with whom?
There really are only 2 "have-to's" in life: You have to die and you have to take up ... Views: 1346
Do you remember your mother telling you "birds of a feather, flock together!"? She was right!
"Research confirms - and quantifies - it. Your chances of becoming happy increase by at least 15 percent if someone in your immediate social circle is happy." - Dr. Mehmet Oz
You know that you are ... Views: 2132
Have you ever said to yourself, "Someday, I'm going to..."?
Three years ago, I moved to London, Ontario from Edmonton, Alberta. If you check the map, you will see that I am now living in the southern part of the country, compared to Edmonton. It is so gorgeous here, that it feels a bit like ... Views: 1361
I heard Fitness Guru, Bob Greene, ask Oprah that question one day (a few years ago). I stopped to think about how I would answer the question.
At the time, I didn't have an answer! That made me feel very sad and I vowed, in that moment, that I would make some changes and begin to add, and ... Views: 1329
To get things back on track, ask yourself the question: "What's one thing I want to have happen in my life right now that's not happening?" What spoke (on the Balance Wheel) does it apply to? Use that particular spoke, and begin by identifying 3 goals that you can accomplish to help bring some ... Views: 1370
It all has to match if you want to live a happy life!
In my experience as a workshop facilitator, speaker and coach, over the past 25 years, this is the question that gets me the most blank stares from people! Geez, most of us don't even know what we want for supper tonight, let alone what we ... Views: 1197
How do we make our dreams become reality? What do I do next?
In my many conversations on this topic lately, I have been reminded that I 'assume' people know this information. I have been working with these techniques and processes for over 20 years and it has all become second nature to me. I ... Views: 1537
The other day I got a call from a reporter for a women’s magazine wondering if I knew of any new stress reduction ideas, “you know, beyond breathing and meditation.” It reminded me of our tendency in this culture to grasp for the novel and it even caused me to doubt whether to include this piece ... Views: 1589
"Ew, brain stew!" Sounds like something a mischievous third-grader would say. "Ew, brain stew! None for me - how 'bout for you?" When I think of a stew, I think of the rich pot of deliciousness my wife sometimes cooks up.
She's creative about it. As with any good stew, she uses what's on ... Views: 779
Counting your blessings each day is essential for positive growth. God/Source/Universe is happy to provide for you as long as you are happy about what you already have. If you are dissatisfied with your current situation, that energy muddles up your intentions. The more dissatisfied you are, ... Views: 1621