1. Pretend to yawn – and welcome the real one that will inevitably follow ! (Not for use during corporate meetings…)

2. When working long hours on the computer, make sure you take a break at least every hour. Stand up, stretch, drink some water, yawn…
Use a friendly timer if you tend to forget the time…

3. Take a quick walk outside to get some fresh air – and practice harbouring ONLY positive thoughts while you do !

4. Place water bottles all over the place in strategic spots to help you remember to rehydrate regularly throughout the day

5. First thing when you come home after a day of work or school : change your clothes !

6. Make sure you are doing one single thing at a time, and honour it by giving it your complete attention and concentration !

7. Spread positive affirmations all around your house, office, car, hand bag… Or why not use them as a screen saver on your cell phone ?

8. Chew each mouthful 30 times ! Feels a bit awkward for a start, but you’ll soon get the hang of it ! Improves your digestion and helps use the energy contained in your food right away rather than storing it for a doubtful “later” on hips and elsewhere…

9. Always keep a notebook and a pencil handy to write down « perfect moments » - an unexpected break, a flower you stopped to smell, a friendly smile from a stranger, pearls of sudden inspiration
NB: Use of this notebook for grocery lists and phone numbers is strictly forbidden ;)

10. Challenge yourself ! For 21 days, commit to doing something NEW every day ! Learn a new language… Write with your left hand… Try a new route to work… Smile at strangers…

11. BREATHE deeply for a minute or two ! It may seem obvious to you, but a lot of people have constricted breath, leaving their brain in constant lack of oxygen, with the consequences you can imagine…

12. Spoil yourself! Treat yourself to a massage, a nice haircut, a new pair of shoes…

After all, you are the best YOU there is !

Author's Bio: 

EFT practitionner and relaxation therapist, Maria Annell lives and works in France. With a listening ear, a helping hand and an appropriate dose of humor, she helps women (and some highly evolved men) over 40 overcome depression and find their true calling. Sessions in person or over the phone in English, French or Swedish.
