Can mindfulness help ADHD? Lidia Zylowska, MD of UCLA says ‘yes’. She and her colleagues conducted a feasibility study on mindfulness for teens and adults with ADHD. A majority of the participants reported decreased ADHD symptoms as well as less stress, anxiety, and depression. Cognitive ... Views: 2232
There are many reasons why you might feel like your efforts to incorporate mindfulness into your life haven’t worked for you. Here are some common mistakes that interfere with successful mindfulness practice followed by effective ways to avoid and overcome these obstacles.
a. I don’t have ... Views: 2240
How present are you during this time of year? Are you so busy that you lose touch with the meaning of the season? Are you too stressed out to really enjoy time with your family? Do you struggle to remember what it’s all about? Is it difficult to stay focused on the joy and hope of the ... Views: 1819
If you are like most people, you sometimes don’t feel as good as you would like. You might wake up feeling depressed or blue. Or perhaps you might notice that you are feeling worried. You may be able to identify the feelings and know what triggered them, or they may be more vague, like a ... Views: 1061
1) Review your child's IndividualEducation Plan (IEP). Schedule a team meeting with the school. It is not uncommon to discover that as you child has grown and matured their needs may have changed. Make sure they get all the accommodations in school they are entitled to and that really help them ... Views: 1208
Adults with ADHD have trouble concentrating, struggle with organization, lose things, forget things, feel restless, and make impulsive decisions. These are all the same symptoms that children with ADHD experience. But ADHD impacts adult lives in some very specific ways.
There are a number of ... Views: 1222
Mindfulness skills saved the day!
The first time I ever experienced claustrophobia took me by surprise. My doctor sent me for an MRI many years ago to find out why my jaw hurt. I didn't know what to expect but I had no reason to worry about the small confines of an MRI machine because I had ... Views: 1509
If you are like most people you want to keep your brain as healthy as possible for as long as possible. It is sobering to hear that a British study found that our brain's ability to reason and remember starts to decline as early as age 45. The good news is that we can take steps to protect our ... Views: 1500
Mindfulness meditation consists of skills and methods to unplug from the busy world around you and from the busy 'monkey brain' so often experienced in today's life and particularly in ADHD, anxiety and depression. According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness meditation trains and reinforces the ... Views: 1448
What is ‘negative self talk’? Negative self talk is a pattern of talking to yourself either out loud or inside your head that consists of statements that are not only negative but usually inaccurate and self defeating. Negative self talk stems from negative thinking and is experienced by most ... Views: 1959
If you are like many people these days you are feeling chronically overwhelmed. And if you have ADHD you probably struggle more than most. Feeling overwhelmed occurs when we feel we have too much to do and not enough time to do it. We fall behind and we are constantly trying to catch up and keep ... Views: 1676
American kids (and adults) consume way too much sugar. According to the American Heart Association, toddlers are getting 12 teaspoons (tsp.) of sugar per day compared to the recommended 4 tsp., school-aged children are consuming 21 tsp instead of the recommended 3 tsp, and teens are getting up ... Views: 1159
Our kids need us to spend time with them. Kids develop values, security, positive self esteem and the ability to make good connections with others when parents spend positive time with them. Think of the time we spend with our kids now as an investment in their future.
One of the most ... Views: 1195
Moving can feel overwhelming to anyone, but especially to those with ADHD or who struggle with organizational skills.
The following are the six major steps I took to plan, organize, and execute my recent move from CT to NY. They can be applied to any move whether it is moving your home or ... Views: 1195
Let’s talk about listening. Truly listening. Not only to those around you but to your inner wisdom, your intuition, your higher power.
Are you listening?
I learned to listen by experience to go within and to know how to connect with and communicate with my inner being. Some say that prayer ... Views: 1363
What is fear? Fear is an emotion that is basic to our survival and occurs in response to anything by which we feel threatened, real or imagined. It allows us to recognize danger so we can protect ourselves. In the brain, fear is triggered by a stressful stimulus that prompts a release of ... Views: 1237
Most of us in New England and certainly here in Connecticut have heard of Lyme Disease. It got its name from Lyme, CT as it was first officially identified there. There are certain geographic regions where Lyme Disease is more abundant but according to the International Lyme and Associated ... Views: 2664
In our society we often lead very busy and stressful lives. This can lead to a stress response not unlike being chased by a saber toothed tiger. Our body releases stress hormones that make us fast and strong – in order to survive. This is called the fight or flight response. But being in a ... Views: 1188
In 1999 I added Neurofeedback Training to my psychotherapy practice and have been using it ever since to help clients improve how their brain regulates itself so they feel better, think better, and perform at their peak. I have helped my clients improve: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ... Views: 3229
Getting outside to play provides the double benefits of both exercise and being outdoors. I recently went for a 22 mile ride on a bike path in Rhode Island. There were lots of people out walking, bike riding, flying kites, playing ball, and picnicking. These people were not only having fun and ... Views: 1432
Have you ever had a 'gut' feel about something and found out later it was completely accurate? I have become fascinated by our ability to 'know' things without any real knowledge about them. Does this ability come from our brain or some way of 'knowing' that we don't yet fully understand? ... Views: 2606
Life is full of stressors. I once heard Norman Vincent Peale say that the only people without problems and stress were 'all those people buried over there in that cemetery'. He was right. If we are alive, we have plenty of triggers for stress. But it's how we choose to respond to something that ... Views: 1874
Do you or your child toss and turn at night and experience daytime sleepiness? Have you or your child been diagnosed with ADHD, depression, or anxiety. Fifty percent of children in a recent study that had been diagnosed with ADHD had difficulty sleeping. They felt tired on awakening, had ... Views: 2215
It is always exciting to see how current brain research and brain imaging techniques prove why psychological and spiritual techniques work in our lives. It turns out that our brains don’t really know the difference between whether something is actually happening in our lives or whether we are ... Views: 1840
I often coach parents to ask themselves, ‘what does my child need from me right now’? When your child talks back, what do they need from you? When they have trouble falling asleep, what do they need from you? When they are feeling hurt and rejected by peers, what do they need from you?
Use ... Views: 1611
I am always amazed at how two people can look at the same thing and see completely different things. Maybe it goes back to the glass half empty, glass half full concept. Or maybe it's has to do with how we choose to see things.
Wayne Dyer frequently discusses the statement 'If you change the ... Views: 8045
The other day, as I waited for the elevator in my office building, I noticed a young mother sitting on the bench in the lobby. Her tiny baby was snuggled in a baby carrier on the floor and her two year old girl was busy trying to get on the elevator with me. The mom was hunched over, phone in ... Views: 1461
If you suspect or know your child has Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), counseling and/or coaching can be extremely helpful for you and your child. Please notice I said you and your child. YOU MUST be involved in this process. How you treat your child, how you react to them, ... Views: 12778
If you are like most people these days, your life is full of things that need to be done. No matter how much you do, there is always more to be done. There are chores around the house and yard, cooking and cleaning, chauffeuring the kids to their activities, helping them get their homework ... Views: 1547
Protecting your brain is an extremely important component of optimum brain fitness. Damage can occur in a variety of ways including obvious ones like accidents and illness. But be wary of those cleaning products and even cosmetics that we expose ourselves and our children to on a routine ... Views: 1575
As some of you know I was injured this winter. The Cliff notes version of what happened is that someone collided with me on the ski slopes which caused a concussion (and yes I was wearing my helmet) and a hole in the lining of my carotid artery wall which closed off the artery and then led to a ... Views: 1520
Although parenting can be one of the most rewarding and joyful roles in the world, at the same time it can also be one of the most demanding, frustrating, exhausting and even overwhelming jobs in the world. If you are like most parents, you know that parenting a child can sometimes be really ... Views: 1791
Everyone has normal ups and downs in how they feel. Sometimes an episode of feeling down or sad turns into Depression and persists for some time. And sometimes depression is a result of a medical condition. Whether you bounce back quickly from feeling depressed or whether you suffer from ... Views: 6594
The dictionary defines gratitude as: a feeling of thankful appreciation for favors or benefits received; thankfulness. Appreciation is defined as grateful recognition. Wayne Dyer who coined the term ‘an attitude of gratitude’, says that gratitude is a sacred space where you allow and know ... Views: 1689
We often hear about Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) in our lives today. Have you ever wondered if you have it, or perhaps your child or spouse? In fact, ADHD was diagnosed in approximately 8%-10% of the school-age population in the 2000 census, 60% of whom eventually become ... Views: 2075
How are you feeling right now, at this time of year? Do you feel like you have way too much to do? I know I do. On top of all the tasks we usually do every day, there are gifts to buy and wrap, parties to attend (or give), h'eour d'eouvres to make, perhaps a Christmas tree to buy or put ... Views: 1669
There are 3 major ways that we block ourselves from attracting what we desire. These include our false beliefs, fears, and core wounds. They are all related to what we have stored in our subconscious mind.
First, we all have deeply ingrained beliefs that make us see the world in a certain ... Views: 1580
Imagine a world where you could place electrodes on your head, send your brainwaves to a computer, and control a video game without using your hands, just by changing your brainwaves. Picture a world where you could teach your brain to perform better. Perhaps you could improve your IQ, ... Views: 1726
Did you know that 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are due to stress-related illness? We've all heard about stress: what causes it, what it does to us. But have you really thought about the stressors in your life? And have you developed healthy habits for managing ... Views: 2419
Until the last 10-15 years, scientist believed that our brains were essentially hardwired and we were not able to change them much over our lifetime. More recent research has proven without a doubt that we do have the ability to change our minds; that in fact we can actually change the neurons ... Views: 2225