Ten years from now where will health care be? Will all Americans have health insurance? Will health care be delivered in the best way possible? Will costs be contained? No one knows for sure. But we can be the ones who shape the future of health care delivery. Right now we can be the ones who ... Views: 1425
I don't have cancer. But my Mom and my best friend do. Two of my grandparents did too. Many times I have thought about the great strength they have shown in fighting this elusive opponent. How do you fight it? You can't see it on the outside, but you know it's there. Any given day you wonder if ... Views: 921
We are now living in a digital age. Almost every household in America owns at least one personal computer and a cell phone. We google, facebook, tweet, text message, email and read our news on the internet. What does this mean for the next generation? It means that our children will model that ... Views: 1283
Many insurance companies now require prior authorization for advanced imaging (MRI, CT, PET scan and Nuclear Medicine) and providers are being tasked with conforming to this process. What this means in most cases, is that the physician's office must now delegate a staff member or even create a ... Views: 1175