Thinking happy thoughts at will is a skill that we can learn and teach our children, and certainly one we should teach them, after all happiness is what every parent wishes for their child right?. But how do we instill habits of happy thinking in ourselves and our kids?
First, it helps to ... Views: 1468
5 Tips to get your kids to do what you want them to without manipulation, bribery or threats. It’s a lot easier and more fun than you might think.
Whether it’s getting our kids out of bed and ready for school or getting them to do homework after school, brush their teeth or clean up their ... Views: 1472
There is no such thing as a “perfect” parent though most of us try to be the best mom or dad we can be. Just as we tend to model the parenting habits of our parents, our children too will model themselves based on who they see in us. If we want our children to BE HAPPY we need to be ... Views: 1384
Social and Emotional learning builds character traits that provide kids with benefits that last a lifetime and lessons from Personal Growth and Positive Psychology can change the future and our kid’s lives.
From Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and Samuel Clement Stone to Zig Zigler, Tony ... Views: 4173
In light of the current global economic situation, more now than ever we must help our kids by instilling optimism in ourselves.
By: Patrick McMillan
Author, An Exercise in Happiness for Kids
Until our kids are grown and gone, we clean up after them. When our kids make a mess, we clean it ... Views: 1474
Children “Need Lessons in Happiness,” reads the headline in an article by Graeme Paton, Educational Correspondent for the BBC in March of 2007. According to Senior British Government Advisor, Lord Richard Layard, “All school children should have “happiness” lessons up to the age of eighteen to ... Views: 2513