My father called Mom and me, “The stupid females.” My grandma Effie, called Mom and me, “My darlings.” My husband calls me “Ma dear.” Some people think I am naïve and too nice. Others think I am delightful and kind. Some people think I am scattered and disorganized. Others think I am a ... Views: 1453
Oprah is helping the distraught 50 year old Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York (known as Fergie), get out of a very tough and embarrassing situation. Oprah has even featured Fergie in her own show called Finding Sarah Ferguson.
You may or may not know that Fergie, after building a lucrative ... Views: 1556
“What is right about you?” is a basic resiliency strengthening question. What is it you believe about you? Do you believe that you are basically lovable and capable? Do you believe that on the whole you do the best you can with the resources available to you? What do you believe about your ... Views: 1119
We all crave to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Whether I say that to individuals, groups or large audiences, heads nod in the affirmative. When I first began working in a counseling agency, I was thrilled with the supervision. My manager smiled, nodded and listened as I worked out my problems ... Views: 5107
During the boom we scrambled and harried ourselves through deadlines and endless demands for more—more of anything that was shiny, comforting or electronic. Now on top of the deadlines, we worry about salary freezes and layoffs. Challenges don’t go away; they only vary with different economic ... Views: 1329
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you,’ it will be enough.” Meister Eckhardt
When was the last time you made note of your good fortune? It is the most economical and easily accessible way to avoid depression, especially in touch economic conditions. I feel ... Views: 1451
Hard work has a future payoff. Procrastination pays off NOW!
The idea of using humor to enhance business, to increase creativity, to improve relationships, to minimize stress and to develop client attract-ability is not a new one. It’s been around for over twenty-five years. A 1985 survey ... Views: 1451
Have you ever tucked a hotel towel in your suitcase? Tut, tut! It’s not an uncommon act. Regularly, we hear reports of millions of dollars worth of company property stolen by employees. Little violations happen very day like disappearing packages of paper, boxes of paper clips, file folders, ... Views: 1484
She was crying and complaining, “Woe is me.” Yes, that is me whining some days and perhaps you, too. Many of us think that if we didn’t have hardship, we would be truly happy. Not so. Your life is meant to be rewarding, happy, meaningful and challenging. A meaningful life isn’t just handed ... Views: 1370
We were all excited to have signed on for Yes, You Can! an empowerment program developed by Dr. Charlotte Kasl, the creator of The 16 Steps. Her concept of empowerment is aligned with resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity. Kasl’s empowerment model is designed to support ... Views: 1263
“Time for a change of scenery,” we told ourselves before arranging for a trip to Maui. Most of us have said something like, “I’ve changed my mind,” “I’ve changed my heart,” “You’ve changed.” “We have a change of ... Views: 1491
Headline—“White supremacists, anti-racism protestors clash in Calgary” Good Friday, March 21, 2008
Regrettably discrimination continues in our communities, organizations and workplaces. When I was a career counselor assisting those on unemployment insurance prepare and ... Views: 1297