Michael Roth is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Trauma". You can find complete information on Michael Roth and his products by visiting Transforming Trauma.
A few days ago, I wrote an article about something I had heard from a TV series called Arrow. What I touched upon in this article is not the only thing in this show that has caught my attention; there are a number of other things.
Something that caught my attention was when the main ... Views: 554
If a man’s father was rarely, if ever, emotionally available during his formative years, this is likely to have been a time when he didn’t receive what he needed in order to develop in the right way. This would have caused him to experience a lot of pain.
However, he wouldn’t have had any ... Views: 683
If someone lives in the western world, or in a country that has been heavily influenced by it, they will probably see themselves as just an observer of their reality. So, in the same way that they will just view what is on a screen, they will also just view what is taking place around ... Views: 461
This point in time can be seen as being no different to any other point in human history, inasmuch as there are ‘bad’ people in the world. So, although a lot has changed as time has passed, there is a lot that hasn’t.
Thanks to the mainstream media and other sources, it is a lot easier to ... Views: 514
Someone’s early years might not have been a stage of their life when they received what they needed to receive in order to grow and develop; this may have been a time when the roles were reversed. Consequently, it would have been up to them to fulfil their caregiver’s needs.
Now, this would ... Views: 470
If someone believes in ‘conspiracy theories’, they can describe those who go along with what the mainstream media comes out with as being ‘sheep’. Unlike these people, one will think for themselves.
One is then not just going to go along with what this source sells, they will do their own ... Views: 689
Although someone may want to move forward, they may find that it is not possible for them to do so. Quite simply, there will be where they are and there will be where they want to be.
If they were to look back on their life, they may find that is has been this way for as long as they can ... Views: 472
As a result of what is going on around them and what they have been exposed to via the mainstream media and even social media, someone might not be happy with what is taking place. So, if they are not already doing things to change what is going on ‘out there’, they can look into what they can ... Views: 430
If someone was asked to describe themselves, they could end up using a number of different adjectives. Furthermore, this could be a time when they use a number of different labels.
Now, if this was something that took place online, and they were able to look through what they had written, ... Views: 444
During someone’s early years, the ideal will be for them to receive what they need so that they can live their own life as an adult. This will then be a time, then, when they will grow on the outside and grow on the inside.
Therefore, the first birth will have taken place, the physical birth, ... Views: 412
If a man is in a position where he finds it hard to assert himself, to take action and to handle his own emotions, there is the chance that he will want to find a way to change his life. This will show that part of him believes that his life can be different.
Then again, how he experiences ... Views: 483
Assuming you have just heard of ‘inner child work’, you may want to find out more. Perhaps your inner world is not in a good way and you would like to know if this kind of work can assist you.
When it comes to your inner child, one way of looking at this part of you would be to say that it ... Views: 440
Naturally, if someone is not connected to their true-self, they won’t be able to express who they are. Nonetheless, if they don’t feel safe enough to express who they are, it won’t matter if they are connected to their true-self.
Considering this, it shows how imperative it is for someone to ... Views: 436
In order for someone to be able to fully show up and to embrace the life that they have been given, they will need to have a good connection with their emotional self. This part of them will provide them with the ability to take life in and, of course, to feel things.
Further, it will give ... Views: 455
If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on their life, they may find that it is more or less impossible for them to get angry. Or, if they can get angry, they may find that they don’t get angry when they need to.
Either way, through not being able to get angry when they need to, ... Views: 448
There are some people who are left-leaning/right-leaning who see all people on the other side of the spectrum as crazy. In fact, it could go even further than this with these people seeing all of the people on the other side as less-than-human.
When someone is in this position, they are ... Views: 552
For around the first two or three years of someone’s life, they will see themselves as an extension of their mother. During this time, they won’t be able to realise that they are physically separate from this person.
Through being this way, their mother is going to more or less define their ... Views: 457
When someone becomes an adult, it will be clear that they are no longer a child. This stage of their life will be over and this will mean that their needs will be different from what they once were.
As a child, they would have been dependent on others; whereas now that they are an adult, this ... Views: 502
If someone was to take a look at their life, they may see that there is at least one area that is frustrating them. This area won’t be going as they want it to go and it may have been this way for as long as they can remember.
They may want to find someone who is emotionally available and ... Views: 486
Right now, it is clear to see that there is a lot going on in the world, and it doesn’t seem as though what is going on will come to an end any time soon. In fact, there is a chance that things will get a lot worse before they get better.
For one thing, there is a virus that has completely ... Views: 462
Maybe you have been on the healing path for a number of years now or maybe you have only just started out. Either way, what you may find is that you have the tendency to compare your own life with others.
Let’s say that you are working through some heavy stuff at the moment and someone else ... Views: 463
If someone is into politics or if they just pay attention to the mainstream media, they probably will have heard that the next four years will be a time of “healing”. This is something that the 'next president has said and this source has routinely spoken about.
The reason for this is that ... Views: 453
For a little while now, numerous mainstream media sources have said that it will be a time of “healing” when the current president of America leaves the White House. This is also something that has been said by the person who is seen as being the next president of America.
Or to be more ... Views: 501
Nowadays, if someone has an issue with a certain gender/race/religion, it won’t be difficult for them to find others who are the same. Not only are there websites and groups that will support their position, there are also political parties and movements.
Irrespective of what their position ... Views: 445
One thing that can take place, that’s if someone has experienced childhood trauma, is that they can typically live ‘up top’. This means that their point of focus will primarily be in their head.
When their point of focus is in their head, they won’t be aware of what is taking place in their ... Views: 564
If a certain area of one’s life is not going very well, they could end up focusing on what is going on externally. Through doing this, they could come up with a number of reasons as to why it is this way.
Let’s say that their relationships are not very fulfilling, with this being an area of ... Views: 542
If someone’s early years were anything but nurturing, it would have meant that they didn’t receive what needed in order to develop in the right way. To say that this would have been a challenging time in their life will most likely be an understatement.
Year after year, it could have been a ... Views: 463
In the same way that a mirror will reflect back what is taking place on the outside of someone’s being, their outer world will mirror back what is taking place on the inside of their being. However, although the former is something that is self-evident, the same can’t be said for the ... Views: 573
At this point in time, there are numerous people in America, and in other countries around the world, who are looking forward to their being a new president. For some of these people, the icing on the cake is that, for the first time, the vice president will be a woman.
According to certain ... Views: 497
With what appears to be going on in the world, it can be normal for someone to feel helpless and deflated. It can seem as though everything is getting worse and that there is nothing that can be done.
This can be what will take place is someone routinely consumes the mainstream media and even ... Views: 397
When it comes to what is going on in the world at this point in time, there is no shortage of problems. There are the problems that are regularly spoken about by the mainstream media and those that are rarely, if ever, mentioned.
Additionally, there are problems that are not mentioned by this ... Views: 511
Although there are people that can accept that they are co-creating their reality, there are others who are unable to accept this. In addition to this, there are those that haven’t even considered that this is so.
It could be said that this is not much of a surprise, considering the fact that ... Views: 454
If someone was deeply traumatised during their early years, they may typically live on the surface of themselves now that they are an adult. As a result of this, they are unlikely to have a strong connection with their feelings and certain needs.
However, this could be something that they ... Views: 561
If someone’s life isn’t very fulfilling and they want this to change, they could end up looking for answers. After doing this, they could end up taking a closer look at what is going on in their mind and focus on their behaviour.
At this point, they can believe that changing what is going on ... Views: 462
Nowadays, it can seem as though everyone and their dog is into politics, and this is vastly different from how it was in the past. This is something that interests a large part of the younger generation in particular.
It could be said that as a result of more people going to university and ... Views: 509
If someone was to step back and to take a closer look at their own life, they may see that their life is out of balance. The reason for this is that they might give a lot but they might rarely receive anything back.
Through living in this way, they will almost certainly be used to running on ... Views: 518
When it comes to what is currently taking place in the world, it is clear that it is not a very harmonious time. Due to the measures that have been put in place, irrespective of if they are the right ones, the world has been totally disrupted.
If it was said that the world would be thrown ... Views: 592
Although someone might not be aware of how they see themselves, it doesn’t mean that this won’t be something that will have a massive impact on every area of their life. They can be so caught up in their own self-image that they won’t even realise that it is just an idea that they have of who ... Views: 773
One way of looking at the world would be to say that there are ‘good’ people and then there are ‘bad’ people. The former generally do good things and want to make the world a better place, while the latter generally do bad things and want to make the world worse (or better in their ... Views: 510
When it comes to whether or not someone has a felt sense of their own worth, it can all depend on what their early years were like. Now, this is not to say that if someone’s early years were not very nurturing, it won’t be possible for them to develop it as an adult.
The truth is that this is ... Views: 539
Even if someone is not connected to themselves and rooted in their body, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. As a result, there will be no reason for them to do anything about their life; they can just carry on living in the same way.
Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that they will ... Views: 529
Although someone could live somewhere that is relatively safe and secure, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this at the core of their being. As a result of how they behave and live their life, it will be as though they are living in a very dangerous environment.
But, even though this is ... Views: 471
One thing that is often said in the self-development world is that someone shouldn’t seek approval from others. This is typically seen as something that will hold them back and prevent them from living a fulfilling existence.
A quote by Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher and author, goes ... Views: 567
Who is a Sociopath? Sociopaths/Psychopaths are fun, exciting, seductive, charismatic, impulsive, sexy, AND unfortunately, individuals diagnosed with an anti-social personality disorder.
Dr. Anne Brown
What does this mean to you? After you have been drawn into their world, then you are going ... Views: 775
If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on when they feel good about themselves and when they don’t, they may notice a pattern. What they may start to see is that when they receive positive feedback from others, and shortly after this has taken place, they feel good.
Yet, if they ... Views: 798
If someone is into self-development, they will have probably heard of the Law of attraction. However, even if someone is not into self-development, there is still the chance that they have heard of it.
This could be a law that they have used to transform their life; then again, it might not ... Views: 526
When someone is in a relationship, the ideal will be for them to be in touch with who they are and to express their true-self. By being this way, being close to another person will have changed them, but it won’t have caused them to abandon themselves.
Therefore, when they are around the ... Views: 535
If a man was to think about what his interactions have been like with women over the years, he could come into contact with a number of memories that he would rather forget about forever. This doesn’t mean that every moment he has shared with a woman will have been unpleasant.
No, what it ... Views: 599
It could be said that when someone is in balance, they will be there for themselves and they will be there for others. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they will neglect their own life when they are there for others, though.
In general, they could find time to be there for others without ... Views: 527
If you are dealing with the pain and heartache of losing a loved one, it is important that you find ways for managing stress while you experience the grieving process. When a loved one dies, it can be very difficult to grieve in a way that does not make you feel like you are drowning or alone, ... Views: 860