Michael Roth is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Trauma". You can find complete information on Michael Roth and his products by visiting Transforming Trauma.
In general, there are feelings that are seen as “good” and feelings that are seen as being “bad”. As a result of this, it can be normal for someone to deny certain feelings and to embrace others.
To go one step further, they could view themselves as a “good” person who only experiences “good” ... Views: 282
If someone has the need to please others, it can stop them from being able to live a life that is in alignment with their true-self. Through being this way, their priority will be to do what other people want and what they think they want.
It is then going to be normal for them to be focused ... Views: 442
In order for a car to move, it will need to have a power source; without this, it will simply stay in the same place. If it does move, it will only be because it is being pushed by someone or something that has power.
In the same way, for a man to move and to take action he will also need to ... Views: 306
It has been said that planet earth is the plane of duality and this can be noticed by the fact that there are usually two parts to everything. For example, there is hot and cold, up and down, and fast and slow.
There is also “good” and “bad” in the world, and, just as these two things exist ... Views: 275
Human beings have many needs and one need, a need that is a key part of what will allow them to live a fulfilling existence, is their need to express themselves. This need will include being able to behave how they want to behave, to say what they want to say and to be creative.
Each of these ... Views: 351
Feeling heavy, low and deflated could be an inner experience that a man is accustomed to. For as far back as he can remember, he may have had the tendency to experience life in this way.
Consequently, he may typically see life as something that has to be endured, not enjoyed. In general, ... Views: 332
What a man could see, if he was to take a step back and to reflect on his life, is that he finds it hard to get things done and is often passive. Along with being this way, he could find that he spends a lot of time feeling depressed.
So, instead of being able to ‘take life by the horns’, so ... Views: 305
During a man’s childhood years, he may have had a father who was physically abusive. If this was the case, this would have been a time when he was regularly harmed by someone who was supposed to do the opposite - protect him.
Therefore, instead of being able to feel safe and secure in his own ... Views: 306
If someone is in a position where one area of their life is not going as they want it to go and they experience a lot of “negative” feelings, they can end up doing what they can to change their life. This can be seen as the right approach to take; after all, simply putting up with what is going ... Views: 327
In order for someone to truly embrace life, they will need to be connected to their emotional self. The reason for this is that, through having this connection, they will know what they need to do and they will be able to connect to others.
Without it, then, they will struggle to know what it ... Views: 344
A lot has been said in recent years about the number of people who are taking their own life and how this has got worse over time. Along with this, there are the people who often think about calling it a day.
With this in mind, it would be easy to assume that if someone wants their life to ... Views: 303
There is a source of energy or fuel that exists in each person on this planet, and this can be seen as their fight instinct. Another way of looking at this part of someone would be to say that it is their aggression.
In addition to giving them the energy that they need to take action and to ... Views: 330
After getting to the point where they can no longer continue to live in the same way, someone could take a step back and reflect on their life. During this time, they could come to the conclusion that their life is not in alignment with who they are.
This is not to say that there won’t be ... Views: 341
Although someone’s worth is inherent and is, therefore, not based on what they do, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. Instead, they can believe that their worth is based on what they do.
Nonetheless, this is not to say that this is something that they are consciously aware of. Even ... Views: 365
If someone was to think about what it is that they want to experience, a number of things could come to mind. They may want to have a successful business and/or loving relationships, for instance.
Now, regardless of what it is that they want to experience, what is clear is that they will need ... Views: 371
If someone was to take a step back from their life and to reflect on their expectations, what they may find is a lot of these are “negative”. The expectations that they do have that are “positive” are then going to be overshadowed by those that are “negative”.
After this, they could find that ... Views: 304
Through getting to the stage of his life where he is now a man, it could be said that he won’t need all of the same things that he needed as a child. To put it another way, he will have grown out of certain needs that he had.
To focus solely on the needs that he would have primarily had in ... Views: 384
It has been said that out of all of the emotions that someone can experience, shame is the hardest one to handle. The reason for this is that when someone experiences shame, they can feel bad and worthless.
It doesn’t end there, though, as their inner world can collapse and they can have the ... Views: 330
If someone was a take a step back and to reflect on their own behaviour, what they could find is that spend a lot of time do-ing and very little time be-ing. Said another way, they can practically always be on the go.
They are then going to be a human being but it would be more accurate to ... Views: 455
If someone wanted to find out about what is taking place around them and in the world at large, they could end up looking towards the mainstream media. Most likely, this is what they will have done for most of their life.
It is then not that they have taken a deeper look into this source and ... Views: 367
When it comes to the modern-day world, there are numerous sources that are trying to gain people’s attention. And, thanks to the invention of the Smartphone, it is perhaps easier than ever before for them to do this.
As a result, it is no longer necessary to have someone sit down to watch ... Views: 362
If someone has a victim mentality, they are essentially going to believe that they have no control over their life. What will be in control of their life will be the situations, circumstances and events that they find themselves in and the people with who they cross paths with.
In other ... Views: 366
If someone was able to take a step back and reflect on their life, what they may find is that they often feel helpless. This could be how they have experienced life for as long as they can remember.
Consequently, it is unlikely that they have a very fulfilling existence. In fact, they could ... Views: 454
There are a number of things that are part of the human experience and having needs is one of them. This comes down to the fact that human beings are interdependent; they need others to survive and thrive.
When it comes to these needs, it could be said that there are at least three areas. The ... Views: 401
Many years ago, in 2006, the law of attraction came bursting onto the scene thanks to a documentary film. However, this law wasn’t new, it had been around for over a hundred years by name and the teachings themselves had been around for thousands of years.
So, although these teachings were ... Views: 388
After something ‘bad’ has happened, it can be normal for the mainstream media to assess what has happened through the victim/perpetrator lens. One person or a number of people will be victims, whilst another person or a number of people will be perpetrators.
It might not end there, though, ... Views: 356
There will be the needs that a child has and then there will be the needs that an adult has. Now, some of these will be the same whilst there will be others that are different.
With this in mind, once someone is no longer a child, they are going to have a very different set of needs. However, ... Views: 430
At the deepest level, so beyond mere appearances, it has been said that human beings and everything else for that matter, are vibrating energy. This is might not be something that someone is willing to just accept.
Due to the feedback that their fives senses provide them, this can be seen as ... Views: 464
There are a lot of people who look towards the mainstream media to keep them informed about what is taking place in the world. And, thanks to modern-day technology, it is easier than ever before for this source to do this.
As long as someone has a Smartphone, then, this source can keep them ... Views: 427
If someone is in a position where they are often all at sea and find it hard to feel at peace, their life is going to be far more difficult than it needs to be. With so much going in within them, they are not going to need to live a stressful life in order to feel stressed.
They could then ... Views: 451
For some people on this earth, feeling safe is something that is a normal part of their life. This is not to say that someone like this won’t ever feel unsafe; what it means is that this is something that they will rarely experience.
However, even though they probably won’t think about the ... Views: 498
In today’s world, it is not uncommon for someone to believe that what is going on ‘out there’ is the problem. Consequently, what is going on ‘out there’ will need to change in order for the world to change, and, if it doesn’t, this won’t happen.
It could be said that it will be perfectly ... Views: 392
What someone may find, that’s if they were to reflect on their life, is that they are rarely treated well by others. Just thinking about this could make them angry and then they could feel down.
To make matters worse, this could be how their life has been for as long as they can remember, ... Views: 423
For as long as someone can remember, they may have found it hard to behave how they have wanted to. In general, then, it will be a challenge for them to express themselves and thus, for their true-self to see the light of day.
So, if they are able to fully show up, it will be the exception as ... Views: 411
In today’s world, it is often believed that human beings generally have no control over what happens to them. Also, when it comes to the ‘negative’ experiences that they have, the ‘negative’ feelings that they experience will be seen as being caused by what happens.
When someone is on board ... Views: 506
It has been said that someone shouldn’t have any expectations; however, it has also been said that having expectations is simply part of the human experience. If they are simply part of the human experience, it is not going to be possible to remove all expectations.
So, if someone was to try ... Views: 522
Although someone can believe that they are bad, it doesn’t mean that they will be consciously aware of this. The trouble is that even if they are not aware of this, it is still likely to have a massive effect on their life.
This belief is going to be running at a deeper level and it won’t be ... Views: 432
If someone was able to take a step back and to reflect on their life, they may find that there is something that absorbs most of their attention. This could be a time when they come to see that they have a strong need for another person to take care of them.
Upon closer inspection, they may ... Views: 455
It could be said that are at least two types of people; those who rarely seek approval and those who seek a lot of approval. When someone fits into the first category, it is going to be possible for them to live their own life.
The reason for this is that they won’t need the all-clear or to ... Views: 425
Irrespective of whether someone is into self-development, they will probably be familiar with the term ‘negative’ feelings. In fact, they may even describe some of their own feelings in this way.
If this is the case, it will mean that some of their feelings will be seen as ‘positive’ and ... Views: 427
At this point in time, and perhaps this has been the case for quite some time, one could be in a position where their mind is often out of control. To use an analogy: it will be as though their thinking brain is a human being who drinks a lot of energy drinks.
This part of them is generally ... Views: 467
After living a life that is anything but fulfilling for a number of years, someone could come to the conclusion that they need to do something about it. Perhaps something that they have seen on TV or read online has played a part in this.
For quite some time, they might have got a sense that ... Views: 394
If a man is in a position where he has just lost his father, he could be experiencing life in one of two ways. He could be in a very bad way emotionally, or he could be emotionally shut down.
Then again, there could be moments when he feels overwhelmed with grief and moments when he is out ... Views: 581
It could be said that there are true needs and then there are false needs. When it comes to the former, it will relate to needs that other people can meet, and, when it comes to the latter, it will relate to needs that other people can’t meet.
Nonetheless, even though there are two different ... Views: 447
When it comes to the men in a man’s life, some of these could just be seen as other human beings, whilst others could be seen as being far more. As a result of this, he is not going to view all of the men in his life in the same way.
However, this is not to say that this is something that he ... Views: 397
For some people, usually, those who are into self-development or study psychology, for example, defence mechanisms are something that they are familiar with. This is not to say that they will always be aware of when they are using one or a few of them, though.
It simply means that they will ... Views: 456
When it comes to someone’s ‘story’, this can relate to how they see themselves, what they believe they are capable of and what they believe they are here for. Now, it could be said that the ideal will be for each of these elements to be empowering.
As if someone sees themselves in a positive ... Views: 530
In recent years, a lot has been said about how much hate there is in the world. One thing that is seen as having played a part in the rise of hate is social media, with these platforms often being viewed as breeding grounds for hate.
So, as part of an ongoing crackdown on hate, videos and ... Views: 574
Although someone’s emotional self should support them, giving them the strength that they need to handle life, this might not take place. Instead, this part of them could do the complete opposite.
Therefore, if they were able to take a step back and to reflect, they may find that, in general, ... Views: 509
In today’s world, if someone is practically always on the go, it is not going to be difficult for them to find people who believe that they are living in the right way. One can be seen as someone who is taking life by the horns, as opposed to waiting around for things to happen.
If one was ... Views: 415