Michael Roth is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Trauma". You can find complete information on Michael Roth and his products by visiting Transforming Trauma.
When a mother is unable to see her son as an individual, she is going to have an issue with him living his own life. His purpose, as far as she is concerned, will be to be there for her and to take care of her needs.
Still, this is not to say that this is something that she will be ... Views: 281
When a man is entangled with his mother, he is not going to know that he is separate from her. On the outside, then, he will look like a separate being, but, on the inside, he won’t feel like one.
As a result of this, he won’t have gone from a dependent to an interdependent human being; he ... Views: 260
If a man is emotionally entangled with his mother and unable to live his own life, other people could end up commenting on his behaviour. This is something that his partner could do, assuming that he is in a relationship.
She could often tell him that although he spends a lot of time focusing ... Views: 341
If a man is “enmeshed” to his mother, it is likely to mean that he didn’t receive what he needed to receive during his early years. Therefore, he hasn’t simply chosen to become entangled with his mother as an adult; he has always been this way.
What this means is that it is not just about him ... Views: 270
Even though a man is in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that his primary relationship will be with his partner. No, there can be someone else, and this person will take up a lot of his time and energy as a result.
What could come to mind at this point is that he is having an affair, with this ... Views: 354
As a result of the fact that a man is an individual, it will mean that he will be on this planet to live his own life. For this to take place, he will need to be in touch with his true self – his feelings, needs, and preferences – and feel comfortable enough to express these parts of ... Views: 421
Although one will have the need to form close connections with others, it won’t have been possible for them to do so. Thus, the need will then be there but they won’t have been able to fulfil it.
What they could find is that their life has been this way for as long as they can remember. And, ... Views: 329
If someone is in a position where they don’t feel capable and see themselves being less than others, it might not occur to them that this could be due to what took place whilst they were at school. There is even the chance that they are not consciously aware of this, with it being something that ... Views: 379
What could stand out, if a man was to take a step back and reflect on his life, is that he has felt responsible for his mother for as long as he can remember. He could see that this doesn’t just relate to her physical wellbeing but also relates to her happiness.
Therefore, he will feel the ... Views: 297
If one spends most of their time on this planet living in their head, it will naturally mean that they will rarely inhabit their body. In general, then, what is taking place in his part of their being will be a complete mystery.
As a result of this, they are not going to have a good ... Views: 246
Although someone is on this planet to express themselves, so that their life can be an expression of their true self, it doesn’t mean that they will feel comfortable doing this. Instead, what can feel comfortable is going along with what other people want.
Therefore, they are going to be ... Views: 296
According to Erik Erikson, the first developmental stage that someone goes through relates to whether they can or can’t trust others. Now, providing that their primary caregiver, who is likely to be their mother, is consistent with their care, this stage should go well.
This will mean that ... Views: 263
For someone to live a life that is in alignment with who they are, they will need to have a good connection to their own body. The reason for this is that this part of their being will provide them with the guidance that they need.
Their feelings, needs, preferences and desires will be found ... Views: 274
You may go through certain life events, such as losing a loved one or surviving a horrific accident that breaks us. Breaking due to a traumatizing life event may happen due to losing our sense of security and feeling insecure in various environments. The mental burden that comes with dealing ... Views: 461
It has been said that there are at least three types of love that a child can experience during their early years. There is value love, outcome love and love that is promised but never delivered.
When it comes to the first type of love, a child will only be loved when they adopt certain ... Views: 328
If a man is finding it hard to move forward in life, he might find it hard to believe that this could be due to what took place during his early years. As far as he is concerned, what took place at this stage of his life could be in the past and that’s the end of it.
The reason why his life ... Views: 272
In order for a boy to not just grow into a man but to act like one, it will be essential for him to receive the right care and guidance. For this to take place, both his mother and father will play an important role.
His mother will provide him with the care that he needs to emotionally ... Views: 313
What a man may find, if he was to take a step back and reflect, is that he doesn’t have a very positive view of himself. For a large part of his life, this may have been something that was just under the radar, so to speak.
Consequently, the view that he has of himself would have just been ... Views: 272
One way for someone to look at relationships would be to see them as a vehicle that will allow them to become more whole and complete. The reason for this is that when they are with another person, some of the material that is held in their unconscious mind will be brought to the ... Views: 334
If a man is very much estranged from his masculinity, he might not wonder if this is due to the issues that he has with his own father. In fact, he might not even be aware that he is out of touch with this side of his nature.
It could seem strange that he wouldn’t be aware of this but this ... Views: 287
If someone hasn’t been able to move forward in at least one area of their life, they could believe that it is due to what is going on “out there”. What is taking place in the external world is then going to be the reason why their life is the way that it is.
This can be backed up by the fact ... Views: 265
If a man didn’t receive the love and nurturance that he needed from his mother during his early years, it doesn’t mean that he will have simply been able to move on from what happened. Physically, as well as mentally, he will have grown, but emotionally, he is likely to be ... Views: 273
If someone spends a lot of time looking into what appears to be happening behind the scenes, so to speak, they are not going to happy to go along with the narrative that the mainstream media sells. They are likely to be a deeply curious person who has the need to know what is actually going ... Views: 370
One way for a man to view his aggression would be to see it as both a source of fuel and as something that will keep him alive. This means that, inherently, this part of him is not bad or “negative”.
This doesn’t mean that this part of him can’t be used in a destructive manner. The key will ... Views: 262
Although someone could be in a position where they have achieved a lot in one area of their life or a number of areas, it doesn’t mean that they feel comfortable with their current level of success. What they may find, that’s if they were able to take a step back, is that it’s as though they are ... Views: 296
When it comes to the needs that someone has, there will be at least three areas; their intellectual, emotional and survival needs. In order for them to live a fulfilling life, it will be essential for them to take care of each of these areas.
This is not to say that this is something that ... Views: 311
Now, if someone was to take a step back and reflect on what they fear, they may find that a number of things enter their mind. They could find that they have a fear of being abandoned and rejected.
Alternatively, they could see that they have a fear of being harmed and their life coming to an ... Views: 352
One thing that someone’s ego-mind will do is allow them to have their own experience on this planet. As a result of this, it is possible for them to fulfil their own purpose or mission whilst they are here.
In other words, this part of them creates the impression that they are separate from ... Views: 429
While someone can look like an adult, it doesn't mean that they will feel like one. In fact, a lot of their feelings and needs can have more to do with a child than an adult.
Even so, it doesn't mean that they will be aware of this as how they experience life can just be what is normal to ... Views: 342
What someone may find, that’s if they were to take a step back and reflect on their life, is that they find it hard to express themselves. As a result of this, it is going to be normal for them to behave in ways that are not in alignment with their true essence.
In general, then, how they act ... Views: 290
Although a man may be in tune with his feelings when he is by himself and even around a man, this may seldom be the case when he is around a woman. What will be normal, then, is for him to be out of touch with his body when he is in their presence.
This could be something that he is acutely ... Views: 381
If a man was to step back and reflect on his life, he may see that he generally finds it hard to be himself around women. There are then going to be moments when this is not the case, but this will be the exception as opposed to the rule.
Upon closer inspection, he may see that this is how ... Views: 274
Although a man will have both a masculine and feminine element inside him, he may find that it is hard for him to connect to the former. Consequently, it will be hard for him to express himself and to take action.
From the outside, it will probably look as though he has the ability to do ... Views: 282
If someone was to hear the term “self-activation”, they could wonder what it actually means. One way to understand this would be for them to imagine that they have a vacuum cleaner that can either be pushed around a room or it can go around a room by itself.
When it is being pushed around a ... Views: 411
In recent years, both the mainstream media and the government have said a lot about “mental health” and how people need to look after this part of them. Mainstream society offers a number of different ways for someone to do this.
One option that is often put forward is for them to talk about ... Views: 281
Although someone can have the need to grow and develop, it doesn’t mean that they will be able to do so. One could find that they have been working hard and doing the “right” things but that they haven’t been able to get very far.
As a result of this, they could believe that, unlike others, ... Views: 321
If someone was to go for a drive, they would be able to go wherever they wanted. So, if they wanted to go left, they could go left, and, if they wanted to go right, they could go right.
Quite simply, they would have the ability to go wherever suited them and to adapt if it wasn’t possible for ... Views: 369
When it comes to how someone behaves, it can primarily be the result of what is taking place in their body or what is taking place inside their head. In order words, it can be a reflection of their true self or their false self.
Therefore, in order for one to express their true self, they ... Views: 251
Having needs is simply part of the human experience and is not something that is bad or wrong. However, although this is the case, it doesn't mean that everyone on this planet feels comfortable with their needs.
When someone doesn't feel comfortable with them, their life is going to be a lot ... Views: 319
Nowadays, there are a lot of people who spend a fair amount of their time looking into what appears to be taking place behind the scenes. Thanks to modern-day technology, there is no shortage of information when it comes to this topic.
The only thing that someone like this will need is a ... Views: 282
In general, there are feelings that are seen as “good” and feelings that are seen as being “bad”. As a result of this, it can be normal for someone to deny certain feelings and to embrace others.
To go one step further, they could view themselves as a “good” person who only experiences “good” ... Views: 278
If someone has the need to please others, it can stop them from being able to live a life that is in alignment with their true-self. Through being this way, their priority will be to do what other people want and what they think they want.
It is then going to be normal for them to be focused ... Views: 439
In order for a car to move, it will need to have a power source; without this, it will simply stay in the same place. If it does move, it will only be because it is being pushed by someone or something that has power.
In the same way, for a man to move and to take action he will also need to ... Views: 300
It has been said that planet earth is the plane of duality and this can be noticed by the fact that there are usually two parts to everything. For example, there is hot and cold, up and down, and fast and slow.
There is also “good” and “bad” in the world, and, just as these two things exist ... Views: 273
Human beings have many needs and one need, a need that is a key part of what will allow them to live a fulfilling existence, is their need to express themselves. This need will include being able to behave how they want to behave, to say what they want to say and to be creative.
Each of these ... Views: 349
Feeling heavy, low and deflated could be an inner experience that a man is accustomed to. For as far back as he can remember, he may have had the tendency to experience life in this way.
Consequently, he may typically see life as something that has to be endured, not enjoyed. In general, ... Views: 331
What a man could see, if he was to take a step back and to reflect on his life, is that he finds it hard to get things done and is often passive. Along with being this way, he could find that he spends a lot of time feeling depressed.
So, instead of being able to ‘take life by the horns’, so ... Views: 304
During a man’s childhood years, he may have had a father who was physically abusive. If this was the case, this would have been a time when he was regularly harmed by someone who was supposed to do the opposite - protect him.
Therefore, instead of being able to feel safe and secure in his own ... Views: 306
If someone is in a position where one area of their life is not going as they want it to go and they experience a lot of “negative” feelings, they can end up doing what they can to change their life. This can be seen as the right approach to take; after all, simply putting up with what is going ... Views: 326
In order for someone to truly embrace life, they will need to be connected to their emotional self. The reason for this is that, through having this connection, they will know what they need to do and they will be able to connect to others.
Without it, then, they will struggle to know what it ... Views: 344