Michael Roth is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Trauma". You can find complete information on Michael Roth and his products by visiting Transforming Trauma.
Perhaps, after not being in a good way for a little while or quite some time, you ended up reaching out for external support. Yet, although your intention was to change your life, you may find that this hasn’t really taken place.
You may have read a number of books and even had a few ... Views: 648
In addition to a physical and mental self, someone also has an emotional self. Nonetheless, just because they will have at least three parts to their being, it doesn’t mean that they will always be in touch with each of these parts.
What one may find, that’s if they were to reflect on how ... Views: 932
If someone was to get to the point in their life where they can no longer carry on living in the same way, they could end up buying a book on self-development or they could find a therapist to work with. What this could show is that their inner world is not as they would like it to be.
As a ... Views: 624
Nowadays, it is not uncommon for someone to talk about how they are with or were with someone who is a narcissist. Conversely, they could say that social media is full of people that are like this.
Furthermore, are also numerous videos and books that go into how to handle someone who is like ... Views: 789
Although there are people that generally feel strong and as though they have control over their life, there are others that don’t. Consequently, these people are likely to have a very different experience on this earth.
Not only will their inner world be different, their outer world is also ... Views: 732
What someone may find, that’s if they were to take a step back and to reflect on their life, is that there are moments when they end up feeling completely overwhelmed by how they feel. When this takes place, it could seem as though they have absolutely no reason to feel as they do.
However, ... Views: 745
When it comes to the human body, it could be said that it is designed to take someone forward. Of course, they can walk back but it is not as easy as it is for them to walk forward.
Now, although going forward, not backwards is what is supposed to take place, it doesn’t mean that someone will ... Views: 727
As a result of being abused and/or neglected as a child, someone may find it hard to fully show up in life. What could be normal is for them to hide when they are around others or to hide away from others.
Still, regardless of what takes place, the outcome will be the same. If they do hide ... Views: 738
If someone has experienced trauma, either as an adult or as a child, they may end up suffering in silence. This is not to say that they will consciously choose to suffer as this is something that can just take place.
What took place will have had a big effect on them and it will be a ... Views: 627
As a result of being abused and/or neglected as a child, one may find that it is a challenge for them to feel good about themselves. Their time on this planet is then going to be anything but fulfilling.
In fact, it could seem as though they are in hell as opposed to hell being somewhere ... Views: 676
In 2008 I completed my Master’s in Sustainable Development and the global financial crash was about to hit its peak, so was my stress.
Like many people in their twenties, I struggled for many years trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I had always had a love for the ... Views: 626
If someone was abused as a child, it could be something that they are only too aware of. Many years will have passed since they were a small child, but it could seem as though very little has actually changed.
They would have gone through hell during this part of their life and they could ... Views: 741
As a result of being abused and/or neglected as a child, someone may find it hard to let go and to relax now that they are an adult. Thanks to this, they can have the need to always be in control and on the go.
Now, there could be moments when one thinks about how their early years are still ... Views: 939
If someone was a neglected as a child, there will have been the pain that they went through for many years while they were younger and, now that they are an adult, there can be all the pain that they experience. What took place will have happened a long time go, that much is clear, but time ... Views: 671
In recent years, a lot has been said about mental and emotional health and how so many people are not in a good way. Largely, the focus has been on the inner challenges that the average person is trying to deal with.
Along with this, there have been times when different celebrities have come ... Views: 734
Although someone might not realise that they were neglected as a child, it doesn’t mean that what took place will be firmly behind them. Their physical appearance will have changed and they might even live in a totally different environment, but their adult life could have a lot in common with ... Views: 669
As a result of being abused and/or neglected as a child, someone might not have much motivation in life. This is, of course, will be in addition to all of the other challenges that they may have.
So instead of having the need to embrace life and to make the most of the life that they have ... Views: 671
When someone takes the first step on their healing journey and looks into what they can do to experience life differently, they may have suffered for many years. As a result of this, they may want their life to change more or less overnight.
If the pain that they are in is unbearable, it is ... Views: 708
If someone was abused as a child, they might not realise that this is what actually took place. They can then have a number of different problems, but they won’t be able to join the dots, so to speak.
One can have mental and emotional problems and their relationships can be anything but ... Views: 507
If someone has anxiety problems, they may have a strong need to find a way to change their life. Then again, they could simply tolerate what is taking place and do the best that they can to keep it together.
Undoubtedly, it is going to be far better if someone has a strong need to change ... Views: 1744
One thing that can happen, that’s if one was abused and/or neglected as a child, is that they may have disconnected from their true-self. Due to what took place, they can believe that they have to hide who they are.
Therefore, while living in this way will stop them from being able to be an ... Views: 726
If someone was abused and/or neglected as a child, they might not have a favourable view of their fellow human beings. As a result of this, they will be part of the human race but they can feel the need to keep their distance from others.
Through being this way, their life is likely to be far ... Views: 749
One of the effects of early abuse and/or neglect is that one can have no sense of their own value as an adult. Deep down, they can feel as though they have absolutely no value whatsoever.
As a result of this, it will probably be hard for them to feel comfortable in their own skin and they ... Views: 660
“Whatever we have taken from them, the founding story of our lives, imposed on us by a mother and father who in turn inherited a faulty script from their own parents, isn’t even ours.” – Derren Brown in Happy
There is an element of your shame that is not yours. It was drip-fed down through ... Views: 938
There are people on this planet that have a sense of their own value and then there are those that don’t. It can be as though some people were born with this in place, while others weren’t.
Still, even though it might seem as though this is something that someone is born with, there is far ... Views: 853
If someone was abused and/or neglected as a child, it may have stopped them from realising that they deserve to be here. As a result of what took place, it can be as if they have no right to be on this planet.
What took place at this stage of their life will then define how they experience ... Views: 740
By Sam Vaknin
Author of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited"
"Triggering cascade" is when a seemingly minor trigger results in vastly disproportional trauma.
Painful memories, replete with the attendant negative emotions, are walled behind mental barriers: combinations of dams and ... Views: 1836
In recent years, a lot has been said about the importance of being present and living in the moment. Numerous books have been written about it and there have even been programs on TV that go into this.
This surely shows that this is something that is a challenge for a lot of people; if this ... Views: 761
If someone was abused as a child, it might be possible for them to see that their childhood was anything but nurturing. However, if they were neglected during this stage of their life, this might not be possible.
The reason for this is that when it comes to abuse, someone might be able to see ... Views: 734
As a child, one would have been powerless, dependent and not equipped to deal with their emotions or too much arousal. This is why they needed caregivers who were loving, caring, and emotionally in tune.
Yet, as they were abused at this stage of their life, they wouldn’t have received what ... Views: 708
Although someone could live in an area that is relatively safe, they could behave as though their life is constantly under threat. What this means is that they could have the tendency to be aggressive.
As a result of this, they could routinely get into heated arguments and even fights. So no ... Views: 667
As an adult, one will most likely have the ability to take action by moving their body and to speak by using their voice. Therefore, they will have the ability to just be and to do nothing, and they will have the ability to do and to express themselves.
However, while this could be the case, ... Views: 627
Towards the end of last year, I read the ‘The Divided Self’ by R.D. Laing and, before this, I read ‘The Integrity of the Personality’ by Anthony Storr. In one or both of these books, it went into how someone felt like a nobody as they were disconnected from their body.
One then had a physical ... Views: 601
When it comes to the tools that are held in high esteem in the self-development world, affirmations are right at the top. There are even people that believe that one can transform their whole life by using these alone.
For others, they will be seen as powerful but they won’t be seen as some ... Views: 631
Although someone will have a body and live on planet earth, it doesn’t mean that they will feel comfortable being in their body and living on the earth. This can be due to what took place when they younger.
If this is so, thanks to what they went through as a child, they won’t be able to ... Views: 654
While it can seem as though being seen is a normal part of being human, it doesn’t mean that this is actually the case. So, just because someone’s being can be seen by others, it doesn’t mean that they will feel comfortable with being seen for who they are.
There is then going to be a big ... Views: 685
Experiencing emotional trauma can be one of the hardest moments of your life. As you replay the events in your mind, it can seem overly difficult to focus on anything else. To get relief, you can participate in these five different strategies below.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
This is ... Views: 1235
If someone was abused and/or neglected as a child, it can be hard for them to just be. No matter what part of the day it is or what day of the week it is, they can more or less always be on the go.
Simply doing nothing and relaxing can be something that rarely, if ever, takes place. In a way, ... Views: 683
One thing that someone can experience a lot of, after having been abused as a child, is anger and even rage. Given what they went through during this stage of their life, it could be said that this is to be expected.
They may have been violated on a weekly, if not daily, basis, and this would ... Views: 633
If someone has a strong connection with their body, they will generally be in touch with their needs and feelings. Through having this connection, they will be able to fulfil their needs and to listen to their feelings.
This will make it easier for them to live a fulfilling life and to have ... Views: 649
Ideally, if someone was abused as a child, they would end up getting the assistance that they need now that they are an adult. At this point in their life, they will most likely be able to do something about what they went through.
The years will have passed, that much is clear, but what they ... Views: 711
In the same way that a child can disconnect from their feelings when they are too painful to handle, an adult can also do the same thing. In both cases, it can seem as though the feelings have disappeared.
Even so, in both cases the feelings will have most likely been pushed down into their ... Views: 788
If someone finds it hard to be emotionally balanced and to experience inner peace, there is the chance that their early years were not very nurturing. This may have been a time when they experienced some kind of abuse and/or neglect.
The time in their life that should have built them up would ... Views: 694
If someone was abused and/or neglected as a child, one thing that they may struggle with as an adult is saying no. Thanks to this, they can have the tendency to say yes when they would rather not do something.
This is going to mean that they will go along with things that they don’t really ... Views: 680
One thing that someone may find, that’s if they were abused and/or neglected as a child, is that it is hard for them to stand their ground. In other words, it will be a challenge for them to be assertive.
As a result of this, it will be normal for other people to walk over them and for them ... Views: 654
One thing that is often spoken about in self-development is the importance of being present. In some cases, this is seen as the answer to every problem and, in others, it is just seen as something that will allow someone to function better.
So when someone is present, they won’t be caught up ... Views: 723
One outcome of early abuse and/or neglected is that someone may find that it is hard for them to fulfil their needs now that they are an adult. What could be normal for them is taking care of other people’s needs.
As a result of this, they are going to spend a lot of time being there for ... Views: 651
If someone was abused and/or neglected during their early years, it could be hard for them to get close to others. Their early years would have been a time when the people that were supposed to love and protect them crossed their boundaries on a daily basis and violated them in a number of other ... Views: 786
If someone was abused and/or neglected when they were a child, it may be hard for them to reveal who they are now that they are an adult. What could feel comfortable is hiding from others and hiding when they are around others.
However, even though this is what can take place, it doesn’t mean ... Views: 860
One thing that early abuse and/or neglect can do is set someone up to have serious relationships problems as an adult. They could be used to having relationships that are dysfunctional.
Then again, it could be far worse, with them having had a number of relationships that were abusive. They ... Views: 1019