Michael Roth is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Trauma". You can find complete information on Michael Roth and his products by visiting Transforming Trauma.
If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on how they usually feel, what might become clear is that they often feel low and even depressed. This could be how they have felt for as long as they can remember.
There could also be moments when they don’t feel anything, which will give ... Views: 564
It could be said that, at this point in time, there are more people than ever before who are looking into what is taking place behind the scenes, so to speak. Thanks to the amount of information that is available, this is not something that takes much effort.
There are numerous websites, ... Views: 545
If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on their life, what could become clear is that they don’t believe that they deserve anything. It is then not going to matter what they do or what they contribute, as this won’t change what is going on for them.
There is the chance that this ... Views: 450
First off, regardless of whether or not someone experienced a lot of trauma during their early years, they are going to engage in transference. It could be said that this is just something that human beings do.
The difference is that if someone has experienced a lot of trauma, this is likely ... Views: 478
If someone is going through a very challenging period, there is the chance that they will have a lot going on internally. As to why this stage of their life is challenging, it could be due to a number of different reasons.
They might have just gone through a breakup, lost their job or fallen ... Views: 466
If someone was traumatised on a weekly, if not daily, basis during their early years, there is a strong chance that they will be in a bad way now that they are an adult. Still, although what took place at this stage of their life will have had a big effect on them, it doesn’t mean that they will ... Views: 418
In most, if not all, countries around the world, there is a government that is in control of what happens. Or, according to some people in the world, just appears to be in control of what happens.
Anyway, this government will have a main leader, and this person will be responsible for the ... Views: 502
If someone was to take the time to reflect on their own behaviour, what they may find is that it is a challenge for them to express themselves. This is not to say that this won’t ever take place but what it could mean is that this rarely takes place.
Furthermore, they may generally only be ... Views: 544
In recent years, there has been an intense focus on the environment and the damage that is being done to it. This is an area that the mainstream media, Hollywood and even the British royal family routinely covers.
Considering the magnitude of what is going on, it is a good thing that each of ... Views: 463
When a year ends and another year begins, it is often seen as being a new beginning. What took place for someone in the previous year will be behind them and they will have the chance to create a very different life.
To be reminded of this, they will only have to look at down at their watch ... Views: 458
As a result of what is currently taking place in the world, it has meant that a large part of the population hasn’t been able to carry on as normal. Right now, a lot of people are in isolation and are only allowed to leave their home to do certain things.
When it comes to those who are not ... Views: 391
Nowadays, most people live in countries that provide around the clock news coverage. Thanks to this, there is no reason why any of the citizenries who live in a country like this need to miss out on what is going on.
When someone pays attention to the mainstream news source, or even an ... Views: 437
The other night, I watched a video of a brown bear that kept walking around in circles. This bear was not in a cage, though, it was outside and was thus, free to go anywhere that it wanted.
Apparently, it wasn’t that long ago that this bear was in a cage and didn’t have the freedom that it ... Views: 563
If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on their own behaviour, they may see that they have the inclination to hide their own needs. They may see that, in general, this is something that just happens.
It is then not going to be something that they always think about doing; it will ... Views: 499
In most, if not all, societies around the world, it is normal for a large part of the citizenry to look towards others for answers and to guide them. In a lot of cases, these people don’t just look towards anyone, though; they look towards the experts and the authorities.
Nonetheless, this ... Views: 472
A number of years ago, the mainstream media spent a lot of time talking about “fake news”. This was seen as something that was “undermining democracy” and had led to a “post-truth world.”
As time passed, different social media platforms cracked down on the “fake news” and fact-checking sites ... Views: 604
The mainstream media routinely gives exposure to stories where one person, or a group of people, is the victim and another person, or a group of people, is the perpetrator. One person will then have been randomly harmed in some way by another person.
The former will have been powerless to do ... Views: 568
Although experiencing emotional pain from time to time is simply part of being human, it doesn’t mean that everything can relate to this experience. For some people, this is something that they will experience after a breakup, a loss, the end of a job, or when something doesn’t go as they had ... Views: 543
There can be a number of reasons as to why someone would be in a bad way and unable to simply ‘get on with life’ or to ‘put the past behind them.’ Perhaps their early years were very abusive or maybe they experienced a lot of neglect during this time.
It could go back even further than this ... Views: 466
Although someone may want to form deeper connections with others and to even have an intimate relationship, this might not have been possible. When it comes to the former, they may have only been able to get so close to people, and, when it comes to the latter, it might not be any better.
If ... Views: 558
If someone was to take the time to take a step back and to reflect on their life, they may find that they rarely feel good. Along with how they feel, there is going to be what takes place.
At this point in time, they could believe that what takes place causes them to feel as they do. ... Views: 597
As a result of what is currently taking place in America and around the world, a number of people believe that now is a time when it is good vs. evil or light against darkness. Some of these people are religious and some are spiritual, but they will more or less have the same ... Views: 524
Although someone might not be consciously aware of the fact that they fear their fellow human beings, they can still be aware of the consequences of having this fear. So, if someone in this position was to take a step back and to reflect on their life, what could instantly stand out is how ... Views: 588
In a very short period of time, America will have a new president, and this president is likely to be in the white house for at least four years. For a lot of people in America and around the world, this moment can’t come soon enough.
They will be pleased that the current president will be ... Views: 544
When it comes to what is taking place in the world, the mainstream media is at hand to inform people. This source generally creates the impression that what they have to say is the truth.
Most, if not all, of what this source focuses on is negative and so, if someone spends a lot of time ... Views: 468
During certain points in history, some people have looked for someone to save them from a challenging situation. Along with this, there have been individuals who have had the same need.
Fast forward to the present day and it is clear that not a lot has changed in this regard. There are still ... Views: 490
Remember Sociopaths are opportunists and you are at risk for being that opportunity for him. I need five commitments from you if you want to avoid the wake of destruction that comes from dating a Sociopath.
1. Commitment to your Heart:
Healing a broken heart takes time in pain and sorrow. ... Views: 743
At this point in time, it can seem as though the world is in a mess and that it will only get worse. As a result of what appears to be taking place, it can be normal for someone to feel helpless and hopeless.
When it comes to how they currently perceive the world, what can play a big part is ... Views: 444
When someone is in touch with their emotional self around others, it will allow them to feel connected to them and to fully embrace the moment. Being this way will also allow them to develop deeper relationships with others.
So, whether it relates to a friend or an intimate partner, one will ... Views: 540
What someone may find, if they are able to step back and to reflect on their life, is that they rarely feel emotionally strong and secure. In general, they could feel powerless, helpless, hopeless, fearful and scared.
On the outside, then, they will look like an adult but they feel like one ... Views: 414
In the western world, a large part of the population looks towards health professionals to take care of their health. This is something that has taken place for many, many generations and is likely to continue for many generations to come.
When someone has this approach, there is a chance ... Views: 426
For many, many years now, it has been said that the world is ruled by a small group of people. Some of the people who have been talking about this for decades have even become household names.
This can be seen as largely the result of the platforms that are now available online and how easy ... Views: 402
There are people who see themselves as being ‘awake' and even ‘high vibration’ and, in their eyes, it can be essential for other people to ‘wake up’ and to even ‘raise their vibration’. This can be seen as a key part of what will change what is taking place on this earth.
Someone like this ... Views: 473
There are a number of things that someone can do when they feel overwhelmed and are unable to handle what is going on. They can get away from what is taking place or they can get away from themselves.
If the former takes place, it can show that what is going on externally is the problem. ... Views: 478
Now, while someone’s early years may have been a time when they received what they needed in order to grow and develop, there is also the chance that this wasn’t the case. As a result of this, they would have been deeply traumatised at this stage of their life.
However, even though this took ... Views: 724
At this point in time, one could be in a position where they believe that their parents are to blame for what they are going through. This could show that their life is in a mess and they may have mental and emotional problems.
Perhaps they have only had this outlook for a short while, or ... Views: 508
What someone may find is that although they want to experience life in a certain way, it is not possible for them to do so. If they were to think about how long their life has been this way for, they may find that it has been this way for as long as they can remember.
Consequently, they may ... Views: 451
If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on their life, it might occur to them that they have a problem receiving. They may see that although they give a lot, not a lot comes back to them.
It is then not that they sit around all day waiting for things to just drop into their lap, ... Views: 495
At one point in time, someone could be able to handle life, and, at another, they could be in a very bad way. This could show that they have just experienced a breakup or a loss, or perhaps they have just lost their job.
Irrespective of what has taken place, they are not going to be the ... Views: 427
What someone may find, that’s if they were to reach out for external support, is that they have what is classed as a ‘victim mentality’. This is what they could be told if they were to open up about what is going on for them and how they experience life.
When it comes to what is going on for ... Views: 499
If someone was able to take a step back and to reflect on how they generally feel, they may find that they often feel powerless. This might not just be something that they feel, though, as it could be an experience that consumes them.
There is then going to how they see life and themselves, ... Views: 512
There are some people who typically come across as weak, powerless and incapable, and then there are those who typically come across as strong, powerful and capable. The former can look towards the latter to save them, and the latter can do what they can to save the former.
This dynamic is ... Views: 447
When it comes to what someone’s life is like, there are at least two things that will play a part. Firstly, there will be what is taking place in their mind, and secondly, there will be their behaviour.
Nonetheless, what is taking place in their mind will be the most important part, as what ... Views: 459
Even if someone is not aware of the fact that they experienced trauma during their early years, what they may be aware of is the fact that they find it hard to make decisions. It might not matter if it is a big or a small decision as it could still be a challenge.
As a result of this, they ... Views: 566
If someone was to take a step back and to reflect on their life, they may find that there are a number of areas of their life that are not how they want them to be. For example, they may find that most of their relationships are not very functional and they might not have been able to make much ... Views: 476
Thanks to the current pandemic, a lot of people have been looking towards the mainstream media and the government for guidance. For a lot of these people, the aforementioned sources are seen as having all the answers.
Therefore, as long as they stay up-to-date with what these two sources say, ... Views: 455
It could be said that there are at least three types of people; those who are connected to their mental and emotional self, those who have a weak connection to their mental self and those who have a weak connection to their emotional self. Naturally, the ideal will be for someone to be connected ... Views: 469
If one was to strike up a conversation with someone who they are attracted to, they may end up being rejected by them. Now, one way of looking at this would be to say that this person didn’t reject them, they just rejected the version of them that showed up and there can be a number of reasons ... Views: 564
There will be times when it is possible for someone to know what another person’s needs are and times when it won’t be. That is, of course, unless someone has the ability to read minds; if they do, they will always know.
But, if this ability is put to one side, another person will need to ... Views: 551
A number of years ago, I read a book called “I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality.” This is an old book, originally published in 1989, but I thought it was still excellent.
I would say that even if someone doesn’t have a borderline personality or even know ... Views: 624