We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Hope". If you have expertise in Hope and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The holidays have passed and we have settled into the new year. Might I suggest a focal point for your intentions and energies?
I am not talking about the oft-forgotten resolutions. We all mean well and, at the time we announce our resolutions, we think this is the year. We are going ... Views: 1214
When my friend was diagnosed with cancer and was facing radiation and chemotherapy, I wondered what I could I do when I lived 2,000 miles away. I couldn’t do any of the usual things to help. Normally, I might offer to drive her to chemotherapy and radiation sessions, take care of her kids, or ... Views: 1882
It is a tender day here in Connecticut. My eyes well with tears at the memory of the senseless shooting of beautiful, bright-eyed first graders, teachers, and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT.
Loss is never easy. Loss of a child is especially traumatic. Loss of so ... Views: 1266
This world of ours is fast-paced and challenging. Time is elusive; personal energies fluctuate, and a healthy sense of self can get battered in the mix. Needless to say, we want to be happy, feel less stressed, have more satisfying relationships, get in better shape, have more adventures, feel ... Views: 1358
Generally speaking, I am grateful type. I say, “Thank you, God” with regular frequency. I acknowledge drivers when they let me merge into traffic from an uphill entry ramp and am appreciative of any and all assistance, information, and service. Unexpected beauty in nature ... Views: 1278
James Van Praagh is a spiritual medium--someone who is able to bridge the physical and spiritual worlds. Unaware of his spiritual gifts until he was in his twenties, he slowly came to terms with his unique abilities. In addition, many of his sessions with grieving people who came to him looking ... Views: 1512
If you have ever had a journey with Breast Cancer, you know that it is much more than a pink ribbon. Many of the women that I have spoken with had resented the pink ribbon at one point or another.
“You feel so overwhelmed with everything, the doctors, treatments, medication and then you have ... Views: 1492
What is your life goal? Do you even have one, or are you still trying to figure out who you are and why you’re here? Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter because you’re here now, so make something great out of the life you’ve been given. So many people keep asking the wrong questions which is ... Views: 1434
Life is a work in progress
that never is complete.
We learn a different lesson
from each experience we meet.
We learn the joy of living-
of what a heart is for.
We learn that through our struggles
we are stronger than before.
We learn the thrill of victory-
the pain of a ... Views: 1157
Terrified . . . starving . . . her leg throbbing in pain from the deep sore extending down to her bone . . . the horse had little chance for survival.
Bought at auction by a backyard butcher, this gentle horse - along with 14 cows, 32 goats and sheep and 4 turkeys - was slated for ... Views: 1232
Why is it that some people seem to live an enchanted life and others at the same time are struggling merely to survive?
The difference is that those that live an enchanted life are choosing a state of grace where they peacefully surrender to the natural flow of all things. Grace allows them ... Views: 3966
Kevin Allison, creator of the RISK! podcast and shows – who teaches all dimensions of storytelling at The Story Studio in New York and will offer Storytelling For Personal Growth: Find Your Voice and Get What You Want starting on Sept. 16 - views the appeal of authentic stories as a return to ... Views: 1218
Faith Grows From the Inside Out
The faith that is valid for you is what only you can feel in your heart and soul. This is your true essence awakening! It is your life long relationship that you authentically create with yourself and your higher power. It grows as you nurture it earnestly and ... Views: 1345
I often hear people are talking about the universe, how the universe is assisting them or what universe is providing for them. I even saw many web pages with domain names such as “Note from the Universe”, or “You and the Universe” and so on… I am not against people’s relationship to the ... Views: 1679
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The Birdcage - by W. Richard Hoffman WRHoffman and Associates
The Birdcage
I remember in my younger days, it was fashionable for people to own birds such as Parakeets, Song Birds and Canaries. Gentle birds who could be domesticated. These birds through training and experience with man could entertain with songs or repeat human words. Their reward would ... Views: 1505
“Grief can destroy you --or focus you. You can decide a relationship was all for nothing if it had to end in death, and you alone. OR you can realize that every moment of it had more meaning than you dared to recognize at the time, so much meaning it scared you, so you just lived, just took for ... Views: 1538
Being without a mother is special kind of club. Only those that share the experience understand the profound ache for once what was or could have been.
Mothers are lost for a myriad of reasons - be it childbirth itself, accident, illness, poverty, circumstances of family, culture, or fate, ... Views: 2239
Are we controlling our lives? The obvious answer which most of us will give is a Yes. “I have a life with a beautiful and caring family and a good job which helps me earn enough to support me. “ But the question again is, are we really controlling our lives? If yes, then why are we scared! Most ... Views: 1053
You Have The Key To Your Own Heart
Did you know that you have the key to your own heart?
Heart and Soul is Who You Are, and it’s who I am. This has always been the source of my highest guiding self. My heart tells me who I am and also what I want. It moves me into my true passions that ... Views: 1250
Friday, March 9.2012 I was on my way to work. I left home about 7:40am. I take the same route: Morningwood Drive to Cashell Ct, turn right then left on Bowie Mill Road. Turn left at Muncaster Mill Road and then a quick right on Needwood Road. Needwood Road has a small lake and I always take ... Views: 1321
“Kindness is like a snowball that’s rolling down a hill. Each unselfish act or word is another snowflake that greets the others…creating something much larger than itself in the process.” Mac Anderson
I am creating a joyful game of giving gifts of kindness every day for 25 days. Will you join ... Views: 2231
There are days I feel like I am treading as fast as I can and barely can keep my head above water. Glub, glub, glub. Technology is wonderful, and, equally, it can be exhausting for me. My email in-boxes are full of great things I want to read and way too many good intentions on my part to ... Views: 1884
o many people suffer from such severe dis-ease that they lose their will to live. They live with constant "pain" never believing that life could and can be better. I know this to be true because I used to be one of them until I made the choice to embrace life and all that it is. Easier said ... Views: 3211
It was autumn in Iowa, 1963. I was fourteen and about to begin eighth grade. My mother remarried--for the sixth time--and we moved from my hometown of Muscatine to a farm just outside the rural community of Atalissa. This was the nineteenth move for me since my dad died in 1953. I was four back ... Views: 1729
This past Easter Sunday our two sons and their families joined us for the traditional ham dinner accompanied by scalloped potatoes, baked beans, homemade rolls and strawberry shortcake for dessert. You'd think after all the years and all the hams I would get a different menu request, but the ... Views: 1481
Easter People-Our Greater Yet To Be
The Easter experience for Jesus’ disciples was chaos. What had happened? Their great master had been crucified. It is suggested that he was seen in a celestial-light body, yet physical enough to be present even touched by Thomas.
All too often Jesus is ... Views: 1409
After being told that God exists and that Jesus died for your sins, sometimes you may be left with a, "what next?" This article is intended to help people new to Christ and also people who are already devoted Christians to really grasp what that Lord wants from you now that you know the truth. ... Views: 1397
The book the “The Power of Now” changed the topography of spiritual pop culture.
The “Power of Now” allowed people to coin really cool phrases like, “It is what it is,” and “The only time that we have is now.” You know that a book is a pop culture phenomenon when Wall Street yuppies are ... Views: 1490
Valentine's Day has been, gone and the shops are getting rid of all the hearts and special love offers. It is just one day for everyone in love to proclaim their love. To be fair this can and should be done every day of the year. Is it vital you get flowers, chocolates or anything else that says ... Views: 1956
A glimmer of hope can be an expression on your face, your hand reaching out to someone, a kind word, or a warm embrace. A glimmer of hope is any sign, no matter how small, that things will get better. A glimmer of hope is a prayer, a positive thought or action moving out of a negative place ... Views: 1673
Have you ever felt that you are simply hanging in the middle of the time and space continuum? You have plans, an agenda, goals, deadlines, places to go, and people to see, but you find yourself stuck in an energetic void where nothing -- as in zippidy-do-dah -- is happening. You want it to ... Views: 1655
Many people are hindered by procrastination, and have no idea why they do it. There doesn’t seem to be any logic or reason as to the cause of putting things off, but it is almost impossible to get the simplest task done.
My theory is that the problem lies in the aspiration of perceived ... Views: 1724
There certainly is importance regarding modern sciences’ attainments and advancement. None can challenge its requirement and utility value. Yet one can say that we truly benefit from it only when it encourages desirable creativity. Regarding destruction sciences’ achievements have always proved ... Views: 1482
Looking up horoscope before doing any important activity is a commonality in the modern day scenario. People from all backgrounds are checking out their sun signs and accordingly going to the astrologers for getting their charts read. These are then analysed and presented in form of charts to ... Views: 1410
Throughout our lives, we are going to be thrown unexpected curve balls from time to time. Whether you allow them to hit you square in the face or step out of the way is what is most important. Do not allow it to be anything more than what it is. It is a curve ball, plain and simple.
Too ... Views: 1863
Some people don’t know how to goal set for the New Year. Why? They may be feeling low or overwhelmed about the year ahead. Perhaps they didn't have a great year in 2012 and are predicting the same results for the year ahead.
I've been there but these feelings don’t last forever. They will ... Views: 1553
My friend and I sat by the window at a local restaurant. Between bites, we caught up after months of not seeing each other.
Then, with no warning, the fire alarm went off. We stopped for a second, then went right back to our chatting.
We smelled something burning, made a comment, then right ... Views: 1437
Despite the harshness of life that obstacles bring, finding a soul path is like finding the light that leads us out of the cave. The soul path is the bright, shining spiritual path of life and hope, that once found, will guide and lead you to life meaning, peace, love, and joy. Walking on this ... Views: 1477
As per Encyclopedia Britannica a report given by United Nation’s Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO in 1980 says 172.582 billion dollars the world over are blown up in designing war based technology and weapons. This forms 7.25% of the world’s total income. Further every ... Views: 1225
Parents, by definition, have three primary roles.
Their first duty is to cover the physical basics for their children. Food, a roof over their heads, shoes on their feet -- the rudimentary physical necessities of shelter, sustenance, and clothing. And under this rubric, there would ... Views: 2334
Emmet Fox, a 1940’s new thought minister, stressed the importance of setting a mental equivalent to create an abundant life, borrowing the term from chemistry and physics. If engineers can work out the equivalent of heat in order to determine how much energy it represents in the form of another ... Views: 1921
How do You Pray? by Susun Weedmentor at the Wise Woman UniversityPlus Ode to Susun – Her Favorite Weeds by Joy-Prem
My Prayer c. 2011, Susun S. Weed High Priestess of the Goddess, Peace ... Views: 1900
This time of year in the season of Autumn the Day of the Dead 2012 is celebrated especially in Mexico and by Latin Americans in the US. It is also know as All Souls Day on November 1 and the Catholic holiday All Saints Day on November 2.
The Day of the Dead is a time for family and friends to ... Views: 1610
Ask Astrid - How can I shift out of a downward spiral?
Do you pick up a cigarette when you're feeling uncomfortable and needing to "leave". Are you the kind that blows up, or goes running? And when you're spinning down, do you refuse to get out of bed?
To take flight or refuge from going ... Views: 1423
Today I write this blog post with a heavy heart. Just last night, we returned from a trip back home to visit my family. Normally, a trip like this is filled with joy and laughs, sharing stories, and general goodness.
This time was different. You see, 2012 has been a tough year for all of us. ... Views: 2307
The new A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained is taking a look at past-life regression therapy. New York City psychic, Joan Pancoe is featured this Saturday, September 15 at 10 p.m. EDT in an episode entitled “The Weight of My Past.” You will watch Joan doing past-life ... Views: 1771
This is my first web based article. I feel joy as I write it, simply because many of my cob webs are gone and I feel like I CAN... do many of the things my prior life said were not possible. It is my goal to offer you inspiration, hope, and a desire to truly clean up and be free... in other ... Views: 1345
With so many tribulations in life, it’s easy to lose the correct perspective and to focus on problems like the lack of money and time, between other giant challenges that we need to face every day. If we are not careful, we can easily forget about the great blessings the Great Creator of the ... Views: 1963
This summer, I had the opportunity to visit sunny, palm-treed southern California, where it kisses the blue, blue of the Pacific Ocean. It is a beautiful part of the world. I had the great honor and privilege of presenting my new work -- and still in-process book – Making Peace with Suicide at ... Views: 2727
When You Can’t Stop Crying!
Friend, let me be there for you! I may not know you, but I know how it feels when you can’t stop crying.
Pain and the accompanying broken heart and anguish and despair sometimes overwhelm us to the point that all we can do is cry. Sometimes just the littlest ... Views: 4309