Today is unlike any other, it is unique to this point in time and space. The reality of this always brings to mind the quote, “Carpe Diem”. This quote actually means so much more than just, seize the day, it means to sense this fact, to enjoy it, and yes of course to make use of the gift that ... Views: 1141
What is your life goal? Do you even have one, or are you still trying to figure out who you are and why you’re here? Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter because you’re here now, so make something great out of the life you’ve been given. So many people keep asking the wrong questions which is ... Views: 1434
What are psychic abilities? Simply put, it is the ability to perceive, receive, or transfer energy and thought without the physical use of your 5 basic senses. Some call these abilities gifts and others call them curses. I suppose it’s all in the way you discovered them, how much control you ... Views: 1407
Crystals are the very soul of the earth and as such have been used in sacred ceremony since man first walked the earth. Nearly every indigenous culture has harnessed the power of crystals for healing and for various forms of divination. Crystals have been powerful healers, balancers, ... Views: 1305
I think one of the first things that attract people to metaphysics is wanting to know how to manifest the things they want and need in life. There’s nothing wrong with that, we all need money, food, shelter, and various other things to live. So today’s post will be about the basics of ... Views: 1630
It never ceases to amaze me how many people hold wildly inaccurate ideas and beliefs about spiritual gifts and the people who openly use them.
Let’s start by having a basic understanding of the most common ones in order to release unnecessary fears of the unknown:
• Automatic Writing – To ... Views: 7730
We live in a world filled with noise. Sometimes it can be hard to focus, to truly focus on everything around us. We find ourselves tuning things out. Tuning out our spouses, tuning out the children, tuning out the construction across the street, tuning out the planes landing at a near by ... Views: 2072
Recently I've been thinking about my own mortality. I've wondered, if I had to review my life right now, would I be proud of the choices I made? The one thing I know for sure, is that you can start new this moment. It's never too late. Instead of waiting for that final life review, take the time ... Views: 1500
It seems everywhere you look there’s articles, documentaries, and books on manifesting. They offer a plethora of avenues to seemingly achieve your heart’s desires with nothing more than 10 minutes a day of either positive thinking, creating boards, or meditating. While all of these things are ... Views: 1813
There comes a time in everyone’s life when you start to feel a little nudge in your soul that questions your set of reality. We either entertain it, and start questioning and looking for answers beyond the physical, or we ignore it until we become adept at silencing it.
There are naturally ... Views: 1317
If you are not living a joyful, passionate, spiritually fulfilling life, then your spiritual growth is the single most important thing you should be focusing on right now.
Spiritual growth is a journey as vast and as diverse as humanity itself. As you begin to grow spiritually your ability ... Views: 1213