Practice meditation daily for it is a powerful tool and the first step to the conscious awareness of our Divine self. As we reach the place inside of inner peace we access our own Divine wisdom.
When we practice meditation daily we focus the mind on the breath. Then we are able to feel our ... Views: 1792
Be willing to forgive self. Willingness is the first step in forgiving ourselves. The act of self forgiveness helps us to let go of the past. This is essential as we continue to heal our past and move forward in our new life.
The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to ... Views: 1528
Trust self, trust the Divine who lies within us. We are the sons and daughters of the Universe. Our essence is love. Full access to wisdom is our birthright.
The key to those treasure is in our ability to trust self, trust the Divine. The way within is not through logic and the rational mind. ... Views: 1934
It is with great pleasure and honor that I announce the birth of my new baby "Collaboration In Spirit" Meditation CD.
For quite some time I felt strongly guided to create a meditation CD. What a huge project this would be, I thought, and where do I begin? Having no experience whatsoever with ... Views: 2018
Co-create in the world knowing that you are a Divine being of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our spirit through our words, actions and our work in the world - our service to humanity.
In order to co-create in the world we need to surrender to God. When we let go and let God our ... Views: 2128
Healing our heart is a multifaceted process that takes patience. The first step is to acknowledge that our heart is broken. Whether it is through the death of a loved one, a relationship ending or a betrayal in a close relationship the broken heart will heal.
Once we accept the pain and ... Views: 1705
Call now to set up your appointment with me for your session during my Channeled Reading 1/2 off Special!
For a limited time only, from January 10-February 15, 2013, I am offering a 1 hour Channeled Reading 1/2 off Special for $50 which is half off my regular rate.
Call 845-706-HEAL(4325) ... Views: 1723
New Beginnings 2013 are here now as we celebrate the New Year. Let's start on a positive note for this new cycle in our life on planet Earth.
Everyday is a new day, a new opportunity to begin again. In order to do so you need to let go of yesterday, the past as you embrace new beginnings 2013 ... Views: 3269
Forgiving self is a simple yet powerful jewel for self discovery. The act of self forgiveness helps us to let go of the past. This is essential as we enter our new beginnings in the year 2013.
The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all ... Views: 1485
Affirmations for New Year 2013 are a powerful yet simple way to begin the New Year. The past is over. We have already entered a new beginning here on the new Earth.
These affirmations for New Year 2013 will help to support the powerful changes that we are co-creating now as we enter ... Views: 2038
All we need is love. Yes it can be that simple. Love is the only reality. Our hearts know this to be true. The ego just doesn't get it. That's alright for truth is more powerful than the ego.
Our hearts contain all the wisdom of our experiences and of the universe. All we need is love. Feel ... Views: 1809
It's Thanksgiving - let's count our blessings. For many of us Thanksgiving reminds us of family visits and turkey dinners with loved ones. It is a time to reconnect.
Thanksgiving is a time to focus on gratitude. Let's count our blessings such as the people and things that we appreciate in our ... Views: 1278
This time of year in the season of Autumn the Day of the Dead 2012 is celebrated especially in Mexico and by Latin Americans in the US. It is also know as All Souls Day on November 1 and the Catholic holiday All Saints Day on November 2.
The Day of the Dead is a time for family and friends to ... Views: 1610
Sacred Feminine Goddess Kwan Yin is the embodiment of all qualities of the Sacred Feminine. She is also called the Mother of all Buddhas and the Chinese Divine Mother.
The qualities of unconditional love and compassion are sought after by spiritual seekers around the world and people in need. ... Views: 1807
Our intuition guides us to what is best for us. I believe in this truth just as I believe in God who loves us unconditionally.
Our intuition is the still small voice of Goddess. Intuition guides us to what is best for us. In other words, God has our back and wants us to be happy.
In order ... Views: 2151
Divine Feminine Grandma has the nurturing, patient, unconditional love energy of the Divine Mother. It is a deep, abiding love that knows no limitations serving as a foundation of trust, strength and endurance.
In many ancient cultures the Divine Feminine Grandma raised the children, not the ... Views: 1709
Fall Fun Fair
Saturday September 29, 2012
Swinomish Casino
12885 Casino Drive
Anacortes, WA 98221
Come join me at the Fall Fun Fair. I will be available for 15 minute Intuitive Readings, where I received Channeled messages, for $20. Look for me at table #17. Relax and ... Views: 1791
Sacred Feminine Soul Sisters are those female friends who see us, love and accept us for who we are. They are our people who we can relax and be ourselves with. Our sisters do not judge us.
Nurturing and healing our hearts are what our Sacred Feminine Soul Sisters do with ease when we are ... Views: 1869
Being in our brilliance means loving and embracing ourselves as the perfectly human and perfectly Divine beings that we are. It is about self love and self acceptance in each now moment.
When we are being in our brilliance we are not holding back in any way that would dim our light. We are ... Views: 1433
The full moon on Friday August 31 is the second one this month making it a Blue Moon. The second full moon in a month is called a Blue Moon. The moon doesn't look blue. It's name has nothing to do with it's actual color.
The last Blue Moon was December 31, 2009. It happens every 2.72 years ... Views: 1572
Kindness involves the quality of being warm-hearted, considerate, compassionate and gracious. It is the willingness to do good, kindly acts to help others in need.
The source of kindness is an inherent benevolent nature that expresses sympathy and gentleness toward others. It comes naturally ... Views: 2016
Soulful friends are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have. Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world.
When we have soulful friends we have a built in support system to help us along the way ... Views: 1571
Intuition - the Voice Within is the wisdom from our Divine self. We are all intuitive beings. Intuition is a natural ability from Source that we are able to tap into. It is available to assist us in living our life more consciously with intention and fulfillment.
Intuition is also called the ... Views: 1847
How to heal a broken heart is a multifaceted process that takes patience. The first step is to accept that our heart is broken. Whether it is through the death of a loved one, a relationship ending or a betrayal in a close relationship the broken heart will heal when we focus on that ... Views: 2399
Manifest in the world knowing that you are a Divine being of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our spirit through our words, actions and our work in the world - our service to humanity.
In order to manifest in the world we need to surrender to God. Then our ego is out of the way ... Views: 2573
Love thyself is another way to say self love. Love is a powerful energy that is within us and all around us. God is love and love is the only reality.
"Love, love, love thyself." Channeled by Maureen
Self love or love thyself is essential for us to live as the spirit beings that we are, ... Views: 2193
Our daily prayers are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God. Prayers help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of prayer.
There are many ways to ... Views: 1537
It's time to enjoy the Summer. What are you waiting for? Life is here and now. This is not a dress rehearsal. Get out and have some fun.
In my life I have had so many challenges and I have lost so many loved ones. In seeking some kind of answer or guideline to deal with all of these tragedies ... Views: 1437
Letting go and allowing God is a powerful intention that reminds me to surrender to Source. It may seem like a simple message but it isn't easy to live it.
It helps to bring awareness to the intention of letting go and allowing God. Moment to moment each day I need to remember this simple ... Views: 1646
Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers today. Whether you are called Dad, Daddy, Pop, Poppa, Poppy, Father, Pappy, just know that you are loved and needed. We honor you today on Father's Day.
Today I am grateful to my dad on the other side for his loving, patient way of being a father to me ... Views: 1475
Prepare for surgery with self care. Self care and self love go hand in hand. Giving to yourself first is an act of self love. This is important in order to increase your body's ability to heal from surgery.
Prepare for surgery with self care. It is essential. Your body, mind, emotions and ... Views: 1298
It's June - enjoy Mother Nature! Look around you and receive the beauty of Goddess Gaia that is so freely given. It doesn't matter whether the sun is shining or the rain is falling.
The eyes are the doorway of the soul. You feed your soul through impressions. Drink the beauty in and heal. ... Views: 1679
June 4 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4:12am PST in Sagittarius. The energy of this eclipse is helping to block our past. This assists us in seeing where we presently are in our life. Then we are called upon to let go of all that is not who we really are inside through intention.
A Lunar eclipse ... Views: 1990
This is a Channeled Message for June 2012 that I just received and I would like to share it with you.
"Stay focused in your heart space. The heart is the healer, the purifier. Breathe into your heart and let it gently expand. Release all that is unlike love and just let it go. Love is the ... Views: 1781
Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012 @ 4:47 PST. 7:47 EST in Gemini. Eclipses are about sudden change. The energy of a Solar Eclipse is powerful. It is the coming together of the Solar, masculine energy with the Lunar, feminine energy that builds to a peak.
When the two power points are at the same ... Views: 2037
Everyday is a new day to begin again. With the dawn of each day we have the opportunity to make a fresh start. Yesterday is over. There is no tomorrow. So let's focus on the now moment
The errors of yesterday are behind us as long as we learn from them. Dragging the weight of those mistakes ... Views: 1427
According to the Urban Dictionary in the zone is an "expression used to describe a state of consciousness where actual skills match the perceived performance requirements perfectly.
"Being in the zone implies increased focus and attention which allow for higher levels of performance. ... Views: 1755
Choose forgiveness as another jewel for self discovery. The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.”
When we choose forgiveness we let go of resentment, anger, bitterness and vengeful thinking. We ... Views: 1692
Use your intuition as it is the wisdom within from our Divine self. We are all intuitive beings whether we are aware of it or not. Intuition is a natural ability from Source that we are able to tap into. It is available to assist us in living our life more consciously with intention and ... Views: 4964
The Supermoon in Scorpio May 5, 2012 is tonight at 11:36 EDT where the full moon is closest to Mother Earth. This moon is 14% larger and 30% brighter than most full moons. Some are calling this the "Super Duper Moon."
This Supermoon in Scorpio is intensely transformative. The moon rules ... Views: 1819
I received a Channeled Message for May 2012 and I would like to share it with you here:
"Be. Be who you already are: perfectly human and perfectly divine. There is no separation between you and God. You are ONE. Celebrate your oneness with God the Father and Mother Goddess. You are loved and ... Views: 1599
Healing power of friendship is what I am so grateful for. Friends are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have.
Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world.
With the healing power of friendship we have ... Views: 1983
What are Channeled Messages? Channeled messages are messages that come from a higher source such as angels, spirit guides and ascended masters like Jesus, Mother Mary, Kwan Yin and Archangel Michael.
The person receiving the message, the channel, needs to have an open heart and an open mind. ... Views: 1929
We connect to Goddess Gaia by being present with the Sacred Feminine Goddess of planet earth. Using all of our senses, letting go of our thoughts and just being in the stillness of nature is all it takes.
Walking in the woods, swimming in the ocean, hiking a mountain or picnicking in a meadow ... Views: 3364
Being grateful to me means waking up and being happy for all my many blessings. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the trees are pale green with new blooms. I feel grounded in Goddess Gaia by her grace that surrounds me.
As a new day begins again I am reminded of the simple things ... Views: 1435
Healing with imagery is a simple way to relieve stress, ease pain in the body and co-create in the world. Imaginal exercises are very simple, taking only a few minutes. Imagery is a very powerful jewel for self discovery.
Our mind is a powerful tool to create in the world. We create through ... Views: 2459
Co-Create in the universe knowing that we are Divine beings of love and light. Our birthright is to manifest our intention through our words, actions and our work in the world.
In order to co-create in the universe we need to surrender to God. Then our ego is out of the way. Spirit is now in ... Views: 2457
This is a Channeled Message for April 2012 that I first received back in 1983 when I started channeling. I was guided to give you this message today. It is so appropriate for these times now as we are ascending as beings of light.
"Remember who you are. You are a Divine Being of Love and ... Views: 1545
Nettle leaf herbal infusions is my first article on how to make herbal infusions. I have always been interested in herbs to improve my health and well being.
My resources for herbal information have been from articles I've read, my friends and Susun Weed, a world renouned herbalist. Our ... Views: 1558