Easter People-Our Greater Yet To Be
The Easter experience for Jesus’ disciples was chaos. What had happened? Their great master had been crucified. It is suggested that he was seen in a celestial-light body, yet physical enough to be present even touched by Thomas.
All too often Jesus is left on the cross and worshiped there. Many Christians focus on the death and suffering of Jesus instead of realizing that Jesus rose, resurrected from his chrysalis body to his awakened self. Jesus’ whole teaching was, we have not reached our greater yet to be. It is so much easier to worship Jesus instead of focusing on Jesus’ teachings, “All that I can do, you can do as well”, because doing the inner work is not easy.
Jesus’ teachings were about living from the inside out. It wasn’t about creating peace and love outside ourselves it was about being peace and love from within. When we actually practice this we will find that we too are an Easter People. All the stories that lead up to the crucifixion and resurrection are ours. Betrayal, people unable to support us in our time of need like the Garden of Gethsemane, carrying our cross and burdens of life, feeling crucified, the healing tomb experience, and finally rising anew to a greater perspective.
Chaos seems to reign throughout the world on may levels. People are losing their jobs, homes, financial well being and retirement plans. Others have no food, water, or support from wealthier nations. What was once foundational and dependable seems to be floundering.
Chaos is described in one sense as, “The confused unorganized state of primordial matter before creation.” Possibly what looks and feels like chaos is creation trying to organize into a higher creation which is “our greater yet to be.” This “greater yet to be” begins individually, but has been and is calling for a collective emergence for all people no matter race, creed, color or lifestyle.
Who would guess that the “greater yet to be” of the caterpillar would be the emergence of a butterfly? Who would guess that the chaos going on within a chrysalis is a form of primordial matter doing battle within itself as to whether the caterpillar or the butterfly wins out?
Caterpillars after crawling around eating its full weight in food daily finally affixes itself to a leaf and a process begins unseen with the human eye. Science tells us knew cells are activated and these new cells are scientifically called “Imaginal cells.” These cells hold the code, the pattern, the design for the butterfly to emerge.
As the “Imaginal cells” begin to form, a civil war begins within the caterpillar, holding back the possible emergence. Scientist suggest that finally it arrives at critical unworkability. Ultimately within the chrysalis chaos reigns. What would seem to be a nothing more than ooze “a state or primordial matter before creation” the “Imaginal cells” have begun to cluster. They form bonds, share genetic information and then it takes on a momentum and they vibrate at a higher frequency than their host.
We have come to a literal critical unworkability on our planet. We have huge economic changes, disparities, educational inequities, disenfranchisement and discrimination of all sorts of people despite our long historical lesson on all this. This is happening to people from all walks of life rich and poor.
Barbara Marx Hubbard writes in EGO TO ESSENCE, ““The footprint of self centered humanity is seen everywhere on earth and the life it is creating is not sustainable. Our generation has reached choice point. We are finding out what worked out in the past for our survival will destroy us now. We are slowly awakening giant just beginning to realize that we are one living body...responsible for its own future within its unknown dimension. Our crisis is a birth.”
Someone once wrote, “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.” Lets not waste this time.
Wisdom teachings suggest we can be so much more than these caterpillar humans, worms of the dust as some refer to humanity. Wisdom teachers, like Jesus, have suggested for thousands of years when our “IMAGINAL cells” win out over our “egoic self” cells, as the butterfly does, we will learn how to fly. Then we can teach others how to emerge and fly as well.
It is suggested that a butterfly receives its strength to fly from the struggle to escape the chrysalis that has held it captive. If the butterfly is cut open to release it too soon, it will die.
Each of us has been invited to one of the most powerful moments in history. Something is seeking to emerge in the collective as an elevation of our way of being so that we can be free from the chrysalis. We must find a way to cultivate the collective emergence in all people, for everyone’s greater yet to be, not just our own
These “Imagnial cells” seeks to grow in you and me. They seek to vibrate with the understanding that we are “one living body” in many forms. Yet, we can only be the change we want to see by being it. by opening and be-living this process.
Opening to our greater yet to be, then moving forward to be it, and then freely sharing it is truly the greatest gift we can give.
Easter people always rise. If you have been on the cross of crucifixion for a long time, maybe it is time to truly let go and have faith in your greater yet to be.
Rev. Lana Charlton is the senior minister at Unity Gateway Church, Coral Springs, FL, and writes for numerous worldwide, national, and local publications.
Rev. Lana Charlton is the senior minister at Unity Gateway Church, Coral Springs, FL, and writes for numerous worldwide, national, and local publications.
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