Garlic Honeyc. 2012, Susun WeedOne of my favorite remedies to have on hand for the winter is garlic honey. It is super easy to make and ready almost immediately to counter sore throats, colds, the flu, lung congestion, and sinus problems. I use a smallish jar (4-8 ounces/125-250ml) with a ... Views: 2009
Herbal Oils for Breast Self-Massage 1.2 Excerpt from: Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Wayby Susun S. Weed
read Herbal Oils for Breast Self-Massage 1.1
Using infused herbal oils is an easy and pleasurable way to keep your breasts healthy, prevent and reverse ... Views: 1971
Under The Knife c. 2003 Susun S Weed
The Sixth Step of Healing -- break and enter -- is one we mostly hope to avoid. But even those who prefer herbal medicine and natural healing may find themselves needing -- or wanting -- invasive procedures, including surgery, when faced with serious ... Views: 1555
Herbal Adventures with Susun S WeedThe Polygonaceae family - knotweed, buckwheat, or smartweed family
as seen printed in
Herbs that we can eat and use for medicine grow all over our planet. It's fun to travel and meet new herbs, or to read about, and then buy, ... Views: 1858
Herbal Adventures with Susun S WeedThe Malvaceae -- or mallow -- family
as seen printed in
I like to stay at home and watch my flowers bloom. And I also like to travel and see other flowers. In previous columns you've accompanied me horseback riding in the ... Views: 1867
Herbal Adventures with Susun S WeedThe Liliacea family - lily family
as seen printed in
Welcome back and merry meet. Welcome to people's medicine, herbal medicine, your medicine, given as a gift of love from Mama Earth to us. Speaking of love, I love the Liliacea ... Views: 1868
How do You Pray? by Susun Weedmentor at the Wise Woman UniversityPlus Ode to Susun – Her Favorite Weeds by Joy-Prem
My Prayer c. 2011, Susun S. Weed High Priestess of the Goddess, Peace ... Views: 1900
Herbal Adventures with Susun S WeedThe Rosaceae -- or rose -- family as seen printed in
Herbal medicine is people's medicine. And people's medicines are the medicines of the earth: the common weeds. Weeds, though often reviled, are powerhouses of ... Views: 2494
Afraid of Anthrax? Strengthen Your Immune System!by Susun S. Weed
Anthrax. Smallpox. Plague. Diseases that can kill. Diseases that are now in the hands of terrorists. What if these diseases were released in your hometown, or the place where you work? What could you do if ... Views: 1461
Herbal Adventures with Susun S Weedthe Poaceae family - Grasses - the beating heart of life on earthas seen printed in www.sagewoman.comThe earth offers us so many green blessings: an abundant, overwhelming, brimming basket of beauty, food, and medicine. With so many choices, it's hard to know ... Views: 1315
The Goddess is Alive in Every Woman The True Story of How She Came to Be, How She Disappeared, and How She Returned
c. 1999, Susun S. Weed
In the beginning, everything began, as it always does, with birth. The Great Mother of All gave birth, and the Earth began to breathe. Again, and ... Views: 1272
Herbal Adventures with Susun S WeedThe Artemisia genusas seen printed in
Green blessings surround us. Herbal medicine is people's medicine: free, simple, and accessible. Connect with the plants and you'll find yourself in love with the earth and your own wild ... Views: 1709
Herbal Adventures with Susun S WeedBrassicaceae family 'aka' Cruciferae (crucifix) familyas seen printed in
Herbal medicine is people's medicine; herbal medicine is women's medicine. Most women alive today, everywhere across this planet, rely ... Views: 1921
How Safe Is Soy?by Susun S Weed Condensation of an article in NewLife Mag, May '96, by Sally Fallon, M.A. and Mary Enig, Ph.D.
With widespread concern about the possible unhealthy effects of commercial meat and cows' milk many more people than before are using soy products ... Views: 1783
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, including recipes and full color photos, visit:
Weed Walk
September 6, 2012
Green greetings to you all.
There are still lots of new plants coming into bloom. Get your walking ... Views: 1743
The Vagina (part 2)
by Susun Weed
I am the sheath of the sword. I am toothed, armed, and ready to bite. I have the power to defend, to keep women safe. I am not passive, accepting, ready to be filled. I am aware, watchful, ready to reject what I don’t want and to ... Views: 1563
The Vagina by Susun Weed
The Vagina – part 1
I am the sheath of the sword. I am toothed, armed, and ready to bite. I have the power to defend, to keep women safe.
I am not passive, accepting, ready to be filled. I am aware, watchful, ready to reject what I don’t want and to seize ... Views: 1647
STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM!Herbal Allies to Help you Avoid Catching the Flu!
by Susun S. Weed
Winter is when we are most likely to catch a cold or the flu. With Susun Weed’s help, you can prepare yourself with herbs and home remedies to avoid infection and to build a strong immune ... Views: 1537
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, filled with color photos and a recipe for you, visit:
Weed Walk
August 14, 2012
Green greetings. We finally got some rain. How about you? I hope so. The trees are thankful and so are ... Views: 1911
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. Commonly referred to as a "filter," the liver is actually more subtle and sophisticated than a passive filter. Every drop of blood in your body moves through your liver every ... Views: 1483
Natural Health and Healing in the Wise Woman Tradition
c. 2002 Susun S Weed
The Wise Woman tradition is invisible. Without healers, without diseases, without cures, without certificates, without guarantees, it exists. It has no rules, no right answers, no promise of life eternal. The ... Views: 2652
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, including color photos and a recipe for you, visit:
Weed Walk
August 3, 2012
Umbels and Asters
Green blessings to you all. Ah, the first days of autumn. Yes, really. The beginning of ... Views: 1872
The Bladderby Susun Weedmentor at the Wise Woman UniversityExcerpt from "Down There Sexual and Reproductive Health"
I am the holding tank. I am the lowest point. It all flows down to me. The blood goes round and round, and the liver decides what stays and what goes. What ... Views: 2069
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, filled with color photas and recipes, visit:
Weed Walk
July 24, 2012
The Berries of Summer
Yum! Yum! It’s time to harvest the berries of summer. There are so many to choose from, I ... Views: 1891
Mammograms don't replace breast self-examsexcerpt from Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Wayby Susun WeedAvailable at
Women find their own breast cancers most of the time. (Ninety percent of the time according to one English study.7)
Monthly breast ... Views: 1426
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine including color photos and a recipe for you, visit:
Mid-Summer Weed Walk
July 17, 2012
This week I would like to introduce you to a mysterious, and often maligned, family of edible and ... Views: 2149
Mammograms – Screening Risksexcerpt from Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Wayby Susun WeedAvailable at
Mammographic screening increases risk of breast cancer mortality in premenopausal women.A Canadian study of 90,000 women (published in Lancet, ... Views: 1791
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine filled with photos and a recipe, visit:
Weed Walk
July 10, 2012
It sure is getting hot, isn’t it? The plants continue to bloom and make themselves available to us, though ... Views: 1647
Wild Salad with Wild Flowers
c. 2012, Susun Weed
You will need a sharp pair of plant scissors and a few baskets. For safety sake, I harvest each plant into a different container. Keep the chickweed stalks parallel as you cut them and place them in your basket that way, making them much ... Views: 1411
Herbal Flower Wine
c. 2012, Susun Weed
Herbal Flower Wine
Equipment you will need:
6 or more 750ml wine bottles (reused is fine, no need to buy)
8 or more real corks of a size to fit your bottles (reused is fine, no need to buy)
1 or 2 wire-porcelain-closure beer bottles ... Views: 1406
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, including full color photos and recipes, visit:
Weed Walk
July 3, 2012
A Walk in The Woods
Green greetings!
I promised you a walk in the forest this week, so, if you’re ready, ... Views: 1748
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, including full color photos and recipes, visit:
Weed Walk
June 26, 2012
“Can we go for another walk in the woods?” you ask. Good question.
Let’s see . . . Have we harvested and dried ... Views: 1784
Herbal Smoking Mixtures
c. 2012, Susun Weed
See Part OneLet's expand our range of plants activated by fire. Some sources say that more than a hundred different herbs were utilized in Native American smoking mixes. What would your smoking mix be? Would you have several, for different ... Views: 2021
To read the entire Ezine including color photos and recipes, visit:
Joyous Solstice Greetings to All.
The energies of the plants are throbbing as the longest day of the year floods us all with warmth and sunshine. It’s a good thing ... Views: 1889
Walking Barefoot
c.2011, Susun Weed
With the weather so warm and mild, we are still going barefoot, though we are well into the middle of November!I love to let my bare feet inform me. What do they tell me?First, they let me know how my health is. Reflexologists say that there is a ... Views: 1925
The Wise Woman Tradition is the oldest known healing tradition on our planet. It offers a unique view of health that is woman-centered and deeply empowering to women. This is in stark contrast to orthodox - and most alternative - ... Views: 1486
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, including color photos and recipes visit:
Weed Walk
Green greetings to you all.
Thanks so much for your feedback. Sounds as if we are all having lots of fun with these virtual weed ... Views: 1762
Mint Honeys
c. 2012, Susun Weed
Mint honeys are a delicious way to prevent and treat winter miseries: the flu, colds, and coughs especially. I usually make mine just before the frost takes down the tender mints, but January is not too late to get some started if you have access to ... Views: 1470
Herbal PharmacyMaking Herbal Infusions
In your herbal pharmacy you transform fresh and dried plants into herbal medicines. Learning to identify and use the common plants around you is easy and exciting, beneficial and safe. Making your own medicines saves you money if you follow the ... Views: 1288
To read the entire six page ezine, including photos and recipes visit:
The Green Report - May 29, 2012
Green greetings.
“Roll me over in the clover, roll me over, lay me down and do it again.”
So goes the old song. And ... Views: 1499
Go to the six page ezine here, including photos and recipe for you:
The Green Report
May 22, 2012
Green greetings.
This is such an exciting time of year. So filled with flowers. All the plants are singing their songs, and ... Views: 1582
Herbal PharmacyWater Based Preparations by Susun Weed
In your herbal pharmacy you transform fresh and dried plants into herbal medicines. Learning to identify and use the common plants around you is easy and exciting, beneficial and safe. Making your own medicines saves you money if ... Views: 1528
HERBAL PHARMACY Picking and Drying Herbs by Susun Weed
In your herbal pharmacy you transform fresh and dried plants into herbal medicines. Learning to identify and use the commonplants around you is easy and exciting, beneficial and safe.Making your own medicines saves you money if ... Views: 1556
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, including color pictures, visit:
The Green Report
by Susun Weed – May 15th, 2012
Come with me into my early garden. I have some lovely plants to share with ... Views: 1494
HERBAL PHARMACY – Meeting the Plants by Susun Weed
In your herbal pharmacy you transform fresh and dried plants into herbal medicines. Learning to identify and use the common plants around you is easy and exciting, beneficial and safe. Making your own medicines saves you money if you ... Views: 1513
To read the entire Wise Woman Ezine, visit:
The Green Report
by Susun Weed – May 8th, 2012
Greetings to all!
Here is the second installment of your Green Report for this month, featuring wildflowers of the fields. ... Views: 1581
Herbal PharmacyMaking Decoctions and Syrups by Susun Weed
In your herbal pharmacy you transform fresh and dried plants into herbal medicines.Learning to identify and use the common plants around you is easy and exciting, beneficial and safe. Making your own medicines saves you money if you ... Views: 1439
To read the entire Wise Woman Herbal Ezine, including full color photos and recipes, visit:
The Green Report-Part 1
by Susun Weed – May 1st, 2012
Green greetings!
We finally got some April showers. Hooray!
Now ... Views: 2355