To be Or Not To be Happy ~ That Is The Question!
Have you even decided that you do want to be happy? Have you noticed when you are most happy? What are you doing? Is it long lasting or fleeting? How do you explain it?
Let’s take a few moments to allow these questions to ... Views: 935
Shift Inside To Know Peace
In today’s ever changing fast paced world, particularly since the recent Co Vid 19 pandemic, we must rely on our Spiritual strength and Inner Balance to sustain us through such challenge. We must sensitively attune to our Spirit and Shift Inside To Know Peace. As ... Views: 1111
The Window of Our Soul ~ Divine Alignment
Come enjoy some Inner Reflection!
When do you feel aligned? When do you feel misaligned? Can you easily distinguish that difference? Can you articulate it, perhaps name it so you can identify with it more readily? This reflection is a valuable ... Views: 679
Choose To Be Creative
When we ‘Choose To Be Creative’ we decide to see the world with fresh open eyes! We make new connections and perceive new facets of experiencing life. Our simple being, doing and living takes on new dimension! There are several theories espousing the nature of ... Views: 1383
A Practice of Self-Love through personal challenge!
How do we define such an overarching concept: Self-Love? Take a few moments for yourself to pause and reflect and then consider how much you feel you really do Love yourself? Although most people would probably say that they do, the reality ... Views: 1299
The Gift of Being Highly Sensitive
What comes to mind instantaneoulsy when you read this title?
Is it assuring, confusing, validating or maybe it even elicits a mixed emotional response? If so, why do you think that might be the case? Take a moment to consider this and reflect, then ... Views: 1604
I Choose To Be Myself!
To be Myself is to be Whole and To be whole, healthy and happy is to truly be Myself! Such a magical way to live life!!
I Choose To Be Myself!
When life doesn’t go just as we hope, it feels as if we lose a part of ourselves along the way! It's completely normal to ... Views: 1741
Individuation: A Soul’s Journey
One thing’s for sure for all of our lives, regardless of who or where we are, that is that we wake up each day with a life experience that has created who we are! Our Soul knows where we’ve been and where we’re going! Soul knowledge is indestructible! In the ... Views: 1354
The consensus among most Psycho-Spiritual philosophies is that we all have a cluster of primary character archetypes encoded in us that help us live in the world! One of the four universal archetypes (crosscultural) is known as the ‘Saboteur’. Yes!! in fact we do all have one! It’s function is ... Views: 1253
To know our Soul Work, we must experience the world through a divine perspective which means we must know our archetypes and how they influence our daily lives. From a Psycho-Spiritual model of consciousness it becomes evident that our archetypes create the very foundation that uses symbolism as ... Views: 1201
Artist’s Integration: A Unique Blending
The artist spins and blends ideas inasmuch as the concept of Spin Art portrays this process so vividly well. This surrealistic technique embodies an intrinsic abstractionism by splashing an array of color and hues upon a spinner, so that it may ... Views: 1587
A Natural State of Abundance
Divine Dimensions wake us up to a natural state of abundance. A simple walk in nature reflects this awakening.
Our core worth comes from these Divine Dimensions that inspire our every day lives through nature’s beauty and grace. To appreciate the true ... Views: 1271
Clarity Through Your Sixth Sense
A Sacred Moment
Opening to nature’s mysterious wisdom is a valuable way to create a sacred moment that allows the brilliance of your sixth sense to emerge.
Dedicate time to feel centered with a posture of open awareness to experience the day with a ... Views: 1530
Perspective Shifts With Possibility
The Art of Possibility is to see the unseen! This is a unique inner process that is reflected by the magnitude of your creativity. You may already realize that the creative drive is ultimately your life force. It drives authentic expression of the essence ... Views: 1299
Dance At The Edge of The Gazebo
When you’re ready to dance at the edge of the gazebo, you’ll be ready to transform into your most harmonious being! As you begin your dance, you will free yourself to harness the energy of all your gifts. They are all there within you just waiting to be ... Views: 1306
Courageous Creative Empowerment
Having a sense of creative empowerment is about the power to create! It begins by centering yourself so you may achieve clarity and know that you have the courage you need to live in the now! When you have the courage to create, you never truly know what ... Views: 1151
The Path To The Gazebo
Have total trust in yourself with a strong, courageous faith. After all, we must all live life just one day at a time. Sure we can reminisce and plan as we like, yet its still all about today! Keeping it simply will help you enjoy the process.
Our life takes shape ... Views: 1460
Life Is Always Here and Now.
The truth of this title may sound like ordinary commonsense to most people; however, with this said you must deeply know that all you’re ever really promised is this moment here right now. Tomorrow is yet our anticipation of another Here and Now.
You may want ... Views: 1378
Reconstructing Your Story
Whether you realize it or not, the meaning you give to your experience is what eventually becomes your very own life-story. It is the creation of meaning that is the very movement within that story. This movement of meaning also creates its own momentum because it ... Views: 2171
Regain Your Inner Core By Working On Core Issues
The concept of family goes back to the beginning of time. It’s the traditional social system that shapes our inter-personal dynamics and provides the working model for the story we create about ourselves. Of course, we’ve all been children at ... Views: 1481
Heart Value In Relationship
Since we are all interconnected through our many types of relationships, this is an article that can be beneficial to anyone. As we come to realize that its necessary to value all our relationships as an integral means to our Spiritual Growth, then they offer us ... Views: 1162
To Know The Truth
To think that most of our lives we plan and ponder what we want, what we need, what we have and what we hope for; yet the unequivocal truth is that life emerges exactly as it must, above and beyond our ability to foresee. Recognizing what we need versus what we want is ... Views: 1900
Evolving Through Healthy Detachment
Many Buddhist practitioners claim that the chief cause of suffering stems from any form of attachment; therefore, the converse would also be true, that to experience a sense of peace and well- being would emerge from a process of healthy detachment and ... Views: 1346
Meditation To and From Your Heart Path
By now, all who have been on a Spiritual path can probably say that they’ve been there and done that in one way or another. We’ve all heard so much about the beneficial effects of meditation; yet in truth what is it that these are meant to mean for us? ... Views: 1395
Loss of A Loved One: The Journey of Grief
Since no two relationships are ever the same, the grief that follows
from this particular loss is also never the same. How could we possibly express the magnitude of the true loss we feel inside? We each experience loss and pain in our own personal ... Views: 1447
Transcend Insecurity The Buddha’s Way
We all know that life is filled with many uncertainties, which means that oftentimes we can find ourselves experiencing broad range feelings of insecurity from such unknowns. As we realize the importance of personal practice to devote time for ... Views: 1566
Unleash Your Ultimate Uniqueness
What exactly does ‘ultimate uniqueness’ mean to you? How might you attempt to define it? Is it captured by your strengths, abilities, beliefs, traits, mannerisms, behaviors, energy and/or personality profile and perceptions? Well, of course yes it is; ... Views: 1458
A Destiny Decision
Decisions, decisions, decisions! Life is all about them.
A destiny decision to come full stop at a drawbridge can actually save your life; however, when you think about it, all decisions are really destiny decisions in that it is truly impossible for any one thing to ... Views: 1685
Open Your Heart Path
When you open your heart path, you open yourself up to life.
When life opens you to real possibility then real possibility opens you to life! It’s a reciprocal dynamic action that makes it all so amazing. With that said, a psycho-spiritual journey through self- ... Views: 1473
We Create From An Internal Vision
Where does this internal vision really come from? Many may respond by saying that it comes from God or the Divine Source. This implies that as God chooses which gifts he endows to us, that we can allow such vision to gracefully unfold. You and I and all ... Views: 1337
It May Be Time To Finish Unfinished Business
Embracing a Psycho-Spiritual path in order to release past wounding is the overarching premise of this article. I say that “It May Be Time” with all due respect because I don’t know where you are on your own sacred journey. Those of you who are ... Views: 2550
Breathtaking Butterfly, Blaze Across The Sky!
When all is still and quiet and time is on our side, we may just see a butterfly appear out of thin air.
Awe inspiring, the butterfly’s impression holds traits that can humble us by its spectacular vision. It has a spirit that conveys ... Views: 1149
The Dream Domain: Where Inner Wisdom Knows No Boundaries.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that your dream world is ‘Only just a Dream’. In fact, it’s the time and space where your Inner Wisdom comes alive! It’s the perfect opportunity where we all get the chance to explore latent feelings, ... Views: 2182
What Contract Have You Made With Yourself?
We all go through our lives signing many contracts of agreement; yet I wonder if you’ve considered putting your signature on the most important one of all? That is, of course the One With Yourself! This is the soul agreement that you make in order to ... Views: 1131
Tranquility Through Faith and Healing
Honor Your Sacred Soul:
How might you define your Sacred Soul? More importantly, can you hear what it wants to say? Your Sacred Soul is your deep connection to source. It’s the original blueprint of the truth of who you are. It is your eternal guiding ... Views: 1195
Spirituality Transforms Negative Emotions Through Creativity
Emotional spirituality is the wellspring from where our deepest energy resides. It is here that our creative ideas are born. When we wonder where our creative energy comes from, we’re really wondering about the fundamentals of ... Views: 1523
Dare To Become Dazzled By Your Dreams
This title expresses a marvelous inspiration of inner truth when actualized. You need not judge or doubt the imponderable inception of your dreams. Just know they are simply divinely you! Trust your dreams and bring them to life.
We’re all ... Views: 1775
Forgiveness Strengthens The Capacity To Choose
The beauty of the New Year is already upon us! It ‘s the perfect time for personal reflection on the year’s ups and downs along with it’s challenges and triumphs. It’s an opportunity to affirm what went well and feel grateful for that. Perhaps ... Views: 1462
Your Journal To Spiritual Awakening
The Journaling Journey is about Reflective Writing. This process accesses self-knowledge from the depth of your being and captures the sense of who you are.
The healthy relationship you long to have with your self evolves from your immutable essence that ... Views: 3063
Choose What You Create and Create What You Choose
Just about everyone you speak with would undoubtedly agree that Life is all about choice.
We make choices constantly, each moment by moment and from day to day. Sometimes we make great choices and other times maybe not. Our ability to ... Views: 1236
Relax, Don’t Be Anxious About Your Anxiety
Anxiety may be caused by a number of factors. It may be due to a situation specific stimulus or it may present as a characteristic trait that endures over time. This is an important distinction in terms of tailoring treatment approaches that will ... Views: 1622
The Life of A Vision: Bring Your Images To Life
Do you have a Life Vision that brings your images to life? What ideas do you have that will take your ‘soul purpose’ and let it flourish? A Vision lives outside of artificially imposed boundaries that are laid out by societal norms. If you ... Views: 1465
A Heart Warming Recipe For A Happy Holiday
Thanksgiving is already upon us. Yes, it’s that time of year!
Let’s give gratitude for all of our blessings.
We can feel the weather quickly changing! It’s getting much colder as we briskly move into the winter months. Surely, we can wear some ... Views: 1713
When You’re Willing, You’ll Be Ready and Able
Trust Yourself To Love!
There’s no time like now to go ahead and make a difference. A sincere willingness with an Open Heart is the first truth in Love and Compassion. This willingness is the space where anything is possible, and all else ... Views: 1055
Embrace Self Empowerment To Consciously Co-Create
To Embrace a Self Empowerment Model means To Embrace your Inner Brilliance. My hope is that this one sentence captures the essence of this article. The reason I say this is because in order to truly become a self-empowered individual, you ... Views: 1285
Much Larger than Ourselves
Did you know that you are an important part of the big picture? Well, know that you are.
Wouldn’t you agree that our lives have many themes that simply show up as necessary? In fact, sometimes they seem to just tap us on the shoulder when we least expect it. ... Views: 1199
Faith Grows From the Inside Out
The faith that is valid for you is what only you can feel in your heart and soul. This is your true essence awakening! It is your life long relationship that you authentically create with yourself and your higher power. It grows as you nurture it earnestly and ... Views: 1345
Your Sparkling Soul Glows In Its Highest Truth
As you begin, you know that your soul is your source of guidance as you live in the moment now! It is really the only time you’ll ever have to sparkle! Your beautiful soul glows with its own brilliance as it emanates from the inside out. This is ... Views: 1717
Integrity of Clear Communication
Upon sheer glance, it seems that this title resounds a great deal of common sense, however, have you ever really taken the time to ponder what it means? Yes, it is a fact that communication affects every one of our ... Views: 2638
Share Your Vision from Your Sparkling Soul!
Your vision is a gift! So go ahead, unwrap it.
What is it that you really see? Can you describe it? What does it mean to you? I hope you know that what you see is like no one else can see. It is yours for all the good reason you can imagine! ... Views: 1152