“As we played during the ‘hide and seek’ dance, I received insights about a part of me that has been hiding a long time.” said one Playshop participant.
This last weekend, Julie Blake and I busted the myth that personal growth and self-awareness comes only through hard work, struggle and ... Views: 1183
“Kindness is like a snowball that’s rolling down a hill. Each unselfish act or word is another snowflake that greets the others…creating something much larger than itself in the process.” Mac Anderson
I am creating a joyful game of giving gifts of kindness every day for 25 days. Will you join ... Views: 2231
When you look deep in the eyes of a baby, you may recognize the pure essence of love.
The one necessary healing component when bandaging a child’s scraped knee is the comforting kiss and hugs of a mother’s love.
A child’s generous love can turn a small fist full of dandelions into the most ... Views: 1587
Tears came to my eyes as I told my friend, Karol, how amazed and grateful I am for the relationship John and I share. We love each other more than I ever imagined possible. “How can it keep expanding and getting better?” I wondered out loud to her. Karol said she feels the same way, her 34-year ... Views: 1478
I remember many years back a counselor I was seeing asked me what I was doing for my birthday? In those days, my life was so busy, I scheduled almost every waking hour. I listed the activities that I had scheduled feeling in a celebratory mood. He asked me a question that stopped me in my ... Views: 1418
Improve your state of health by improving your relationship with your body. Relationships are improved by communication. Your body is no different, tune in and sense what’s going on with it, and support your body by doing these 7 simple yet important activities daily:
1. Breathe—take time to ... Views: 1942
When I first awaken in the morning, I check into my ‘state of being’. How do I feel? Are there any sensations in my body? What space is my heart in? What thoughts are going through my mind? How am I really feeling?
Awareness of my ‘state of being’ means I take a barometer reading of where I ... Views: 1169
I awoke early this morning even though the night before had been a late retiring. The darkness was like a cool blanket as I sat with myself by the living room window. Morning’s light crept ever so slowly to silhouette the mountain rim. The bird song choruses began one voice at a time until there ... Views: 1424
We went to a gathering of friends on Sunday to enjoy good food and each other's company. We circled up to talk for a while and the hostess shared her thoughts on miracles and asked us to share ours'. Everyone has his or her own meaning for this word. What I felt inside of me as we shared our ... Views: 2095
Have you ever perceived life as a play, and what is happening behind the scenes as important as what is happening on stage? I am going to out on a limb by sharing a new perception I just received from a car accident Monday night February 27, 2012. If you do not agree, I honor your opinion. Yet ... Views: 1382
In our lives, we can get stuck in ruts and may be feel that there is no way to change our experiences. What if life is like the song, “Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream?”
Nanice Ellis shared, “…Everything that you perceive ... Views: 1729
“We are all on our own path, and exactly where we need to be. The labyrinth is a model of that path for it is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. Walking a labyrinth represents a journey to our ... Views: 1243
I sat in the hospital as my dear friend Scott slept. At the age of 50, his head of beautiful dark hair rested against the pillow. His once muscular body has been ravaged. By what? …They had no answers.
The veil between this existence and the next was so thin, and I felt tender knowing that I ... Views: 1764