Do you want to enter the gates to heaven? We have all seen the images of the pearly white gates that lead us to the heavens. We have all heard the myths about an angel weighing our souls, judging us based on passed life experiences and our future intentions. If we have been good, then we are ... Views: 1680
I am gonna knock you out! Momma said knock you out! I am gonna knock you out! Momma said knock you out!!! I am sorry, but if you choose to work with me, I am gonna knock you out. This is the reason why I am very selective about the people I work with. I need to be sure that they are going to ... Views: 1689
I remember taking my little niece to see the Disney movie, the Princess & The Frog. The movie was eerily accurate, especially when the Shadow Man does his little song and dance about black magic spells and how he is going to appeal to his “friends on the other side.” I know that it is a ... Views: 3019
Do you need a hit? Great, because I can pump you up with a few therapeutic dosages of electrical energy. Don’t worry. I am not going to use an actual defibrillator. I am old school, and I am just going to do it the same way our ancestors did, with my bare hands. Oh! You didn’t think that I ... Views: 1353
Our ancestors had a weird way of solving most of their problems. If someone were a social deviant or misfit, they would just kill them. If someone committed incest or treason, they would kill him. If someone refused to contribute to the community, they would bury them neck deep in the soil, ... Views: 1346
I’m always amazed when people think that they can hold on to energy. The best thing to do when it comes to energy is to pass the ball! Yes, pass the ball! It could be an air pass. Or bounce pass, as long as you understand the importance of passing. Basketball much like life is a team sport. ... Views: 1098
I love irony. Irony is the reason why I was captivated by the character Hannibal Lecter in the movie “Silence of the Lambs.” He was a brilliant psychiatrist, who also happened to be a violent psychopath serving a life sentence in prison. He committed murders do to his insatiable appetite for ... Views: 2092
Have you ever watched a bag of popcorn in the microwave? The bags are relatively flat with kernels creating indentations. We normally place the bag on the microwave plate, hit the on button and watch the bag spin around and around. Then we hear the first kernel pop. Then we hear a succession ... Views: 1557
When People tell me that they meditate for hours. I have a difficult time believing them. I’ve been meditating for almost ten years, and I can’t sit still for more than twenty-minutes. My legs start to get rigid. My back begins to hurt. My fingers start fidgeting. I start to lose ... Views: 1268
They are everywhere! They are plotting in chat rooms, gathering in groups, and sharing information with all of their friends on Facebook. You know the people I am talking about. These are the people who do everything right. They follow a spiritual formula right down to the letter, and yet, ... Views: 1134
Don’t do it! Don’t walk around with a noose tied around your neck. What do I mean by that? Stop believing that positive intentions, thoughts, prayers, and desires are all you need to manifest great things into your life. They are not. These things are just variables that work much like ... Views: 2933
You ever have one of those songs that you just can’t get out of your head. These songs are so incredibly infectious that you find yourself singing the lyrics at the most inopportune time. I guess that is the power of good music, or good marketing. The one song that I like to avoid is “Love ... Views: 1530
The book the “The Power of Now” changed the topography of spiritual pop culture.
The “Power of Now” allowed people to coin really cool phrases like, “It is what it is,” and “The only time that we have is now.” You know that a book is a pop culture phenomenon when Wall Street yuppies are ... Views: 1490
If you are the kind of person who hangs out in the “Self-Help” or “How to Section” of the bookstore, you have to read this article! This piece will blow your mind and make you think differently about the spiritual, financial, and physical world. You will begin to see things from a different ... Views: 991
I just want to give you a short quiz on what you think love is. A, Do you think that love is about reciprocity? B, Do you feel that love is about openness, honesty, and sharing? C, Do you feel that love is about calling someone ten to twenty times a day, monitoring their Facebook page like it ... Views: 1619
I know a great deal of people who are Buddhist. I used to know a whole bunch of Christians but since I had a change of fate, they decided to disown me. It is just as well, I managed to find some acceptance under the practice of Ifa, but there are still some burning questions that I need ... Views: 1371
I’ve been around the block a couple of times and I’ve heard all the talk about empathy and compassion. The Buddhists preach about how great it is to have compassion. Priests in Yoruba talk about sensitivity, and Christians talk about forgiveness. What does all this mean? It means absolutely ... Views: 934
Be aware! There are people who are committing the most heinous spiritual crimes. They look like regular people. They could very well be your ex-boyfriend, current wife, or psycho girlfriend that you just can’t get rid of. Some people may refer to them as divas, or ladies men, pimps, or ... Views: 1762
If you want to discover your life purpose, all you have to do is follow the trail of breadcrumbs. Only in real-life, the breadcrumbs would represent your desires. You know you are on the right track when you feel the tingle, that sensation that motivates you to do and explore more. You are ... Views: 1119
Everything In Life Is a Choice
I am not going to write some upbeat, unrealistic article about how you should take responsibility for your life, because ultimately, “you” create your experiences with your choices and actions. I am not going to do that because I don’t believe that it is true. ... Views: 2027
Are you setting your intention to get a new CLS Mercedes Benz Sedan?
Are you changing your vibrations to lose weight and get back in shape, but just inhaled a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies? Are you putting out your intentions to get a six-figure income, when you only have a high ... Views: 1122
What is peace? It is anarchy with a smile on it. Come on. I am not telling you anything that you don’t already know. You understand that we all have this sense of corruption, destruction, and turmoil seething inside of us. This is perhaps why the Joker, the infamous villain normally ... Views: 2646
I have a really stupid question for you, would you rather be pinched or punched? Of course, the obvious answer is that you would rather get pinched. Being punched is perhaps ten times more painful. Also, by getting punched you can get certain injuries like a black eye, busted lip, or a broken ... Views: 1122
There are millions of people who suffer from a very common illness. Unfortunately, most of these people who suffer from the illness are unaware of the symptoms, causes, and treatment. Many people suffer from being control freaks. Control is very much like an addiction. These people feel more ... Views: 1196
Everyone can define manifestation in different ways. There are some who would say that it is about bringing thoughts, ideas, and emotions from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind. There are others who would say that manifestation is primarily about intention, and that people need to ... Views: 1211
Many people are starting to have a great deal of doubts about the Law of Attraction and the Power of Intention. People just can’t seem to attract good things into their lives no matter how hard they try. I know Bob Proctor has a whole series on what went wrong with “The Secret”. However, I ... Views: 1503
Let’s get ready to rumble. Hey! I am guilty of it. I am guilty of having terrible fantasies about beating up people. Although I make a point to be non-violent and try and handle all my affairs with flair and civility in the real world, there is an evil wicked part of me that just wants to see ... Views: 1339
I am a sporadic sleeper, so I have many nights when I am up at 3am. There is really nothing to do at this hour aside from flipping through 321 television channels, and finding nothing good to watch. Then, I try to surf the Internet, but I slowly lose interest. Finally, I try and go back to ... Views: 1795
Everyone has there own technique when it comes to clearing energy. From wearing a cross, to splashing holy water, to smoking out a house, to praying close to an altar. There are dozens of wives tales about negative energy and how to clear it. I have been studying spirituality for some time ... Views: 2184
I have two main pet peeves. I can’t stand people who get multiple readings and people who pick their scabs. My brother used to have the nasty habit of picking his scabs when we were younger. I suppose that he got some kind of sick pleasure out of reopening a wound and watching it bleed. Or ... Views: 1945
There is one day that I can never forget. The Rodney King trial and the Los Angeles race riots that soon followed. I can still see the image of Channel Six News helicopters scurrying the area, taking shots of a city in peril. Thousands of people were running around in the streets, buildings ... Views: 933
When we go to the movie theater, our eyes are focused on the screen. We become so engrossed by the storyline, the sound and special effects, that we fail to see the projector that is tucked away in the back. If we didn’t know any better, we would think that the movie is actually coming from ... Views: 1439
There is one thing that is an absolute complete turn-off, bad breath. It is even more disgusting when we start to understand why someone’s breath smells bad. When you don’t brush your teeth properly, you are allowing food and left over debris to literally rot in your mouth, resulting in ... Views: 1201
Breakups are hard. The first thing that you want to do after a break-up is to refrain from being a psycho. Yes it is fun to fantasize about slashing tires, or throwing a drink in your ex boyfriend or girlfriend’s face. But then reality starts to set in, and you realize that you really miss ... Views: 1232
Unfortunately, in the Western world, everything is good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong. Despite the capacity, our brains seemed to have limited bandwidth. So we stuff virtually all-incoming information into two little compartments that take up only 10% of the brain. So ... Views: 1174
I’ve lived in the concrete jungle for quite some time now (NYC). And I’ve heard every story in the book. Everyone’s a novelist, writer, actor, or up and coming entrepreneur. Everyone seems to have a side hustle, but they seem to be going nowhere fast. When it comes to business, Rupaul said it ... Views: 945
Are you bored with life? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Do you feel like there is something more that you should be doing, but you just don’t know what it is? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not living your life consciously. You have become a slave to your own ... Views: 1293
Just rewind back to when you were a child and you used to play with Barbie and Ken dolls. If you were a boy, you probably played with small action figures like He-Man and GI Joe. You put so much imagination into those toys. After all, you needed to bring them to life. Each toy had a story ... Views: 1733
I know that you can go and do a Google search online, and you’ll see hundreds if not thousands of articles on how to stop negative thoughts.
I truly believe that there’s nothing that you can do to stop negative thoughts. We need to be interrogated by our minds, so we know that we are making ... Views: 1826
So What’s Really Going On?
You gave up your bleeping freedom to get a job. That’s why you bleeping hate it. You can’t communicate effectively or freely, so you end up with a whole bunch of suppressed desires. You exchange time for money and you have to sacrifice so much of yourself to ... Views: 1890
Most people come from dysfunctional families. We’ve read the news and have seen all the people who come up with sob stories. I suppose that they want us to throw up the confetti, cut the cake and engage in one big pity party. I don’t buy it for a second. We are all dysfunctional in one way, ... Views: 2855