I hate, hate it when the church service is about to begin, and I need to visit the ladies room. Never fails. Hubby leads his blind wife to the entrance and waits for me. I usually make my way out with no problem. Sometimes I take a while because I chat with friends—girl stuff, you know.
And ... Views: 1185
Last Wednesday, my dear friend and I stepped into a nice hotel nestled in the busy part of Miami, near the airport. She put a large gift basket in my hands. “I think they left this for you.”
What a lovely surprise! And on the night table was a stand with a copy of my new release, Simplemente ... Views: 1236
“Quick, Honey,” I said, “get your shoes in the closet, and make sure the remote controls aren’t all over the place.”
The videographer from a local TV network affiliate was about to arrive. And the clips were to be used as part of my intro as I keynoted an event.
So I dashed around to and ... Views: 1382
“I read your book two times. I love, love it. It changed my life.”
Comments like this one from my readers dance in my heart with gratitude. Writing books is a delight for me. But public speaking? That idea made my stomach cramp.
I inhaled deep and took the plunge. I joined a local ... Views: 1428
Valentine’s Day was approaching and I didn’t know how to tell hubby. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. And I definitely didn’t want to seem ungrateful.
I gave a huge smile. “Honey,” I said with hesitation in my voice, “roses are great. They smell nice. But I don’t even know they’re there.” ... Views: 1056
Hubby and I were enjoying a nice lunch at a local restaurant the other day. And as I munched on my salad, I noticed a taste of pasta.
“Hmm…” I thought. I don’t remember noodles being part of the oriental salad I ordered.
I made a comment. And that’s when hubby admitted. Without me knowing ... Views: 1197
My friend and I sat by the window at a local restaurant. Between bites, we caught up after months of not seeing each other.
Then, with no warning, the fire alarm went off. We stopped for a second, then went right back to our chatting.
We smelled something burning, made a comment, then right ... Views: 1437
How could I sing a Christmas carol when families are sobbing their loss? How can I continue shopping, when families are robbed of their joy? And how can I think of celebrating when families of those precious children are bombarded by tormenting thoughts?
This heart wrenching tragedy transported ... Views: 1065
Do you have a friend who is just about perfect? You know what I mean—she has hair to die for, gorgeous skin, wears killer clothes and always smells divine?
I have one of those friends. But rather than hate her, I admire her…she’s so very special!
So I said to her. “I wish I could be like you. ... Views: 1438
No way. Could that be true? Book reviews being tainted and slanted for a fee?
Confession time: Regarding reviews, as an author, a slightly negative comment about my work erases joy quicker than a click on the mouse.
Faced any rejection lately? A bit of criticism clouded your day? Here’s a ... Views: 1206
“How did they get to Paris without me?” my friend said when she got the news from the airline.
Has that happened to you? You reach your destination and your luggage ends up in another part of the world.
Frustrating. But not as much as missing your connecting flight because the previous ... Views: 2126
Hubby lied to me. And I love him for it. Crazy, I know, but I think you’ll agree with me.
We decided to host three foreign students for a month. Fun experience. But that required me to clean closets; a task that for the last decade, I avoided like the plague. Each was jammed with clothes, old ... Views: 1505
Apologies in advance. Don’t want to brag. Last week I gave a silly grin of pride. Yes, shameless pride at my four-year-old granddaughter.
In those delicate hands, she held her Mom’s cell phone. And in seconds, she managed on her own, to text a message to her other grandma.
The message ... Views: 1299
It was our favorite Mexican restaurant and hubby and I sat across the table from friends with whom we re-connected after decades. And in the lively conversation a comment was made that jolted my senses.
I positioned the wheelchair beside the table (I still can’t put weight on the foot with ... Views: 1289
A friend asked me the following question (she had read my last post about me praying with the doctor who had given me bad news).
“Dear Janet. Question. If you had just met this doctor for the first time, how did you know he would be willing to pray with you? Did you know he was a ... Views: 1720
“Don’t you just hate her?” some have said at the way Nora Roberts has reached real success as an author.
But her story goes just a tad beyond success. Five books a year? Insanely impossible. Not for her. She just threw a party to celebrate her 200th book out. And, the millions each sold no ... Views: 1192
I stepped out from our bedroom. “C’mon, honey,” I called out to hubby in the next room. “It’s late.”
Sometimes I need to nudge him to stop his tasks and head to bed.
After that reminder, I made a quick turn to head back in the bedroom. And with one swift swivel of my foot, I caught the ... Views: 977
Okay, so a little envy slipped from this chica’s heart. Do you blame me? My friend described the house she’s building right on the water in a prestigious area in Florida.
But envy soon changed to wisdom. “What’s wrong with you,” I said to myself, “you live in a mansion yourself.”
Compared ... Views: 1318
Forgive the bragging, the shameless boasting. But I have to say my oldest son married a gem.
She works full time, is sweet as can be, pretty, she’s a great Mom…and…are you ready? She keeps a spotless house.
Her secret? She has a schedule. And finding the balance in her life—time for work, ... Views: 1086
Bring them on, baby. Colorful evening gowns, dazzling jewelry, snazzy shoes and hairdo to go with the make-up that was to kill for.
My friend Audrey made the above extravaganza possible to none other than, are you ready? To homeless girls. Ones for whom attending the prom was only a ... Views: 1176
In my days as a blind Nana, a few gems of joy glimmer through.
This past week, while my four-year-old granddaughter and I interacted, the TV played in the background. In the middle of our giggles, she let out a loud gasp, and then tapped my arm. “Nana, did you hear that?”
Her tone told me ... Views: 1157
We joke about it. We dismiss it. We want to ignore it. And we don’t want to think about it.
Author, Heather Bauer gives a unique twist to his influence. Bread is the Devil is the title of her book about dieting. And she discusses it on this segment on CBS’s “The Talk.”
But no matter how ... Views: 1130
No, it can’t be! I cannot be getting sick, not again. I gritted my teeth. But my burning throat mocked me.
After I called someone to take my place and teach ladies’ Sunday school, I dragged myself out of bed, head throbbing, chills and aches all over. I tightened the belt to my robe and ... Views: 1047
The phone rang the other evening, and to my delight it was a group of friends from college. I gladly took a little break from my work on the computer to chat.
I laid on my bed and talked to all three—they put me on a speaker phone (a great invention). We shared fun things only we girls can ... Views: 1995
So what’s the politically correct word for handicap? Disabled? Or physically challenged? I say, “what does it matter?”
The real question is what do you do when you’re part of this group. As one myself, I wanted to sprinkle a bit of insight to those who are tiptoeing their way, riding their ... Views: 1343
“What time did they say we’d arrive?” I asked the man beside me in the plane.
The answer made me smile. Two and a half hours of lots of reading. I had brought a couple of books on CD. With earphones in place, I pressed the CD in the player, loaded with fresh batteries. I settled in my seat, ... Views: 1321
“How are we doing with time?” I asked hubby.
He stuffed my suitcase in the trunk. “You’ve got plenty of time.”
Expectation bubbled up in me. I was heading to St. Louis for my high school reunion.
As we reached the airport, he pulled the car beside the curb in front of the Southwest ... Views: 1206
“He has his own elevator to his apartment,” my friend told details about the homes of the rich and famous. His line of work takes him into homes some only dream about.
Remember when people were glued to the TV program about the rich and famous? Is that because most want to know what that life ... Views: 1385
“I was touched by your husband’s tenderness,” my friend said, “he has so much love in the way he helps you.”
Hmm…if she only knew all he does for me at home, too. In our busy day, we communicate via email. Since my web site navigation is limited, I often seek his assistance.
The other day ... Views: 1324
This makes no sense. It didn’t to me either. September 11 carries deep scars in my heart. On the first anniversary of the attack, we buried my youngest son. I was thrown in the pit of sorrow with thousands of others who tasted the bitterness of grief.
Then something happened. God’s face shone ... Views: 1479
“Hey,” my friend wrote, “did you know you can add key words on amazon.com so your book can be easily found?”
Imagine that! I had no clue. I went right to the task. Actually, I went right to hubby. And I sweetly asked him to add, “inspiration, encouragement, conquers, triumph, etc.”
So I’m ... Views: 1155
Okay, so I’m a silly chica. Monday through Saturday I work an average of 15 hours a day. I know, I know, got to slow down. Hard to do because I just delight in what I do. But, when Sunday comes around, look out—life gets better. All day is dedicated to the Lord, family, and friends.
This past ... Views: 1162
I heard the door open to my room, and lifted my fingers off the keyboard. I turned toward the door, “C’mon in, honey,” I said to my three-year-old granddaughter.
But rather than run to me as is her routine, she gave a quick gasp. “I forgot,” she said as she closed the door quickly. Then her ... Views: 1505
A baby camel asked his mother, “Why do we have such large hoofs on our feet?”
She turned to him. “God made us that way for a very special reason,” and she began her explanation. “The big hoofs are to keep us from sinking into the sand.”
“Oh! So why do we have long eyelashes?”
“It’s to ... Views: 1250
There I was—hair fixed, make-up on, purse hanging on my shoulder. I stepped around my suitcase toward the front door to listen for my friend’s car, hoping I’d hear her pull up in the driveway. We were heading for a yearly writers event.
I waited 10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour. No car. No ... Views: 1302
There I was, waking up in that quaint cabin in the middle of an enormous cruise ship. The soft humming of the engine played the melody of promises for the day.
“Hi there,” my friend greeted me. She must have come in while my hubby left to finalize details for the day’s excursion.
I yawned and ... Views: 1406
“The nightly news depress me,” a friend said, “I don’t know if I can handle more gloom about the economy, violence, and huge bills that pile up.”
Her sentiment mirrors millions who go to bed restless, worried and overwhelmed by the rough ride in these stormy waters of tough times. With each ... Views: 1081
“I have to talk to you,” my husband said. His somber tone told me nothing pleasant would follow.
We got in the car and I figured maybe this talk had to do with another job change, or a new way to tackle our bills. During our eight years of marriage, these issues called for serious ... Views: 1572
Out of habit, I felt for the light switch in our bathroom. I flipped it on. But, the darkness remained. My body shook with terror. Holding on to the cold, slick counter top, I leaned toward the mirror and saw a dreary gray of nothing. In desperation, I fought the urge to scratch through the ... Views: 1122
“But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble” Psalm 59:16 .
My college- age son grabbed the car keys from the counter. “Sure, Mom, I’ll take you. but I’m a little low on gas,”
We headed to his car on ... Views: 1013
“The louse is still here,” a friend said. “I’m so enraged at his gall that I can’t see straight.”
Do you blame her? She found out he’d been unfaithful with not a stranger, but with her friend.
The shock of betrayal threatens to crumble our world. It dismantles all we hold trustworthy. And ... Views: 1667
“I dread doing this,” I said, heaving a long sigh, “but we can’t put it off any longer.” I wrinkled my nose toward my husband. “The closet really needs cleaning.”
Rolling up my sleeves, I tackled the chore with reluctance. Items came off the shelves —a hot pink Flamenco dress from my dancing ... Views: 1362
Brief summary:
Help to overcome economic downturns, emotional tornados, and financial troubles.
“The Upside of an Economic Downturn: Eight Ways to Conquer Crisis”
Janet Perez Eckles
“I dread doing this,” I said, heaving a long sigh, “but we can’t put it off any longer.” I wrinkled my ... Views: 1031
A baby camel asked his mother, "Why do we have such large hooves on our feet?" She turned to him. "God made us that way for a very special reason," and she began her explanation. "The big hooves are to keep us from sinking into the sand."
"Oh! So why do we have long eyelashes?"
"It's to ... Views: 1036