Discouragement is probably one of the biggest life tribulations we need to face on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter how successful we have been in the past; we will need to confront discouragement at some point in our life. Before teaching how to overcome discouragement to some good friends of ... Views: 1786
Even when we know that life tribulations are part of our daily life, sometimes we have the challenge of facing unexpected difficulties. These are like low blows that seem to take our breath out. I remember the occasion when we had to take my grandmother to the hospital because she was feeling ... Views: 1660
With so many tribulations in life, it’s easy to lose the correct perspective and to focus on problems like the lack of money and time, between other giant challenges that we need to face every day. If we are not careful, we can easily forget about the great blessings the Great Creator of the ... Views: 1953