Failure is inevitable.
I know that may sound like a negative attitude, but it's the truth. And, it's not a bad thing. When you accept this fact, it transforms you. You no longer feel like a failure when something doesn't work out. You know it's par for the course, and you simply move ... Views: 1234
A cut medically known as an avulsion. Not really even a cut or a gash. Basically, the removal of a chunk of flesh.
After a visit to the ER, where the doctor told me there wasn’t much he could do—after all, there was nothing to stitch up—I had no choice but to give it time to heal.
For ... Views: 1420
The other day I was trading emails with a potential client who was struggling to find a profitable niche for his coaching/consulting business. He had been testing the waters but feared he wasn't doing something right. That he was missing some secret step that would magically tell him if his ... Views: 1030
When I worked in advertising agencies and we created a print ad or any other piece of marketing, it saw many eyes before it went public. It was created by experts, and critiqued, reviewed, and proofread by multiple people inside the agency. After that it went to the client for approval, and only ... Views: 1762
If you're a solo professional running your own service-based business-such as a coach, consultant or other "expert"-you may wonder how much money you should invest each year in activities to grow yourself and your business. How much should you spend on activities such as marketing, and ... Views: 1214
A friend emailed me the other day and confided that after hearing so many "successful" people talk about the concept of playing small, she wondered if maybe we were. We've both chased big success and found that instead of finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, all we really did was ... Views: 1049
Running has taught me many life lessons.
It's an activity that provides great wisdom. Both in terms of how it relates to life, and in the way it opens your mind and allows the voice of your higher self to come through loud and clear.
Last week I was running at a lake near my home and this ... Views: 1337
WIIFM is a popular marketing acronym.
It stands for "What's In It For Me?"
But the "me" it's referring to is your ideal clients, not YOU as the business owner. Yet it seems many business owners are applying this acronym literally.
Peruse the plethora of online marketing promising to ... Views: 997
My dad just turned 80 years young.
As I get older I'm realizing that my dad has taught me a lot about how to be happy. Although he wasn't really "teaching" me... more like setting a great example by the way he has lived his life. Unfortunately, as is common with kids, I didn't appreciate or ... Views: 1757
Yes, it's true, bad things happen to good people. But it's also true that...
GOOD things happen to BAD people.
And, BAD things happen to BAD people.
And yes, even GOOD things happen to GOOD people.
It's called life, folks.
I'm tired of hearing all the Law of Attraction "experts" ... Views: 1183
I've made the decision to try life without social media.
What that really means is getting off Facebook. While I have accounts on Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn, I rarely visit those sites. But Facebook is different. For some reason, even when I vow not to visit, it draws me in. Calls to me. ... Views: 2549
I can't help reflecting on all the times I have had to make the hard choice in life. To forgo the easy path and take the tough one. It's mind boggling and reassuring at the same time. At least I know with hindsight that it always works out.
It really is about letting go.
The easy thing is ... Views: 1067
Have you ever watched the flow of money in your life?
As I’ve been endeavoring to simplify my life, cutting out things I don’t really need--and lowering expenses in the process--I find myself observing the flow of money more and more.
I’ve worked hard over the past year to release my ... Views: 1773
Have you ever asked yourself that question, thought about it, and given yourself an answer?
If you’re like most people, you don’t have a definitive answer.
Rather, your answer is simply “more money than I have now.”
I remember when I graduated from college and got my first advertising ... Views: 1893
Do we choose our own path? Or does it choose us? Are we creating our lives? Or are we following some grander plan that’s already been laid out? Are we in control of what happens to us? Or are we simply in control of how we respond?
Big questions to be sure.
I was raised to believe we not ... Views: 1706
I’ve lost many things in my life. Jobs. Grandparents. Pets. Money. A house. A business. Even my identity at one point.
I’ve watched my parents lose their parents, my husband lose his father, my daughter lose teenage friends.
I’ve seen that in the moment these losses feel insurmountable. ... Views: 2180
I like to believe that most people are inherently good and are simply doing the best they can in the moment. Very often peoples’ actions are driven by fear or some other negative emotion, causing them to act in ways that feel difficult to us. And, we’re often quick to brand them as a difficult ... Views: 1197
The older I get the more life changes I seem to encounter.
Of course you expect major changes to take place when you’re younger. You start your career. You get married. You have kids. Of course those things change your life in a big way. And they did mine. But I pretty much thought that ... Views: 1344
My inability to effectively balance my work life and my home life is what led me to start my own business in 1998. I was never one of those people who dreamed of being an entrepreneur. In fact, for years people kept telling me I should start my own business, and I always said no.
Until ... Views: 1218
According to new research conducted by the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, overall happiness is more related to how much you are respected and admired by those around you than the status that comes from how much money you have in your bank account.
After ... Views: 1221
The dictionary defines "independent" as:
• not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.
• not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: an independent businessman.
• not ... Views: 2048
Branding has become a buzzword and trend in the online business and personal development industry over the past few years. It seems that suddenly everyone is a branding expert: graphic artists, web designers, business coaches, and even photographers.
While some of these people may be very ... Views: 1087
As a coach, consultant, or other service professional, your marketing will work a lot harder for you if you establish a brand name, instead of simply doing business under your own name. You'll want to make sure the brand name you choose strategically represents the work you do or the products ... Views: 1164
Last week I washed two cars and cleaned my house.
These are things I haven't done in years. For as long as I can remember, I've had a housekeeper and I've taken my cars to the car wash. My time was too valuable to spend doing these menial tasks. My time was better spent building my business. ... Views: 1547
According to a study by researchers at Kansas State University and published in the Journal of Financial Therapy there are four money belief patterns that may have a negative impact on our financial health:
1. Money Avoidance
Money avoiders tend to believe money is bad, or that they do not ... Views: 1290
In the success industry there's a lot of talk about money.
In recent years, I find that more and more coaches, experts, and gurus talk openly about how much money they make and how much money they can help others make. I suppose it's all in an effort to inspire. To show people what's ... Views: 1239
While we jokingly call it “cold, hard cash,” there’s nothing cold about it.
It’s definitely an emotional substance, at least in terms of what it represents for most people. We’ve seen the television commercials showing Publisher’s Clearinghouse awarding million-dollar prizes to unsuspecting ... Views: 1154
Marketing is essential for a business to succeed
And, there's a simple, age-old formula for marketing that goes like this…
"Offer the Right Product to the Right People at the Right Price and the Right Time"
It's taught in business school as the 4 P's: Product, Place, Price, ... Views: 1251
As a baby boomer woman, I was raised in an era when women were encouraged to fight for equality. Strive for independence. Seek career success. Be paid the same as men. Break the glass ceiling.
And, like many women my age, that is the path I chose.
I put myself through college. Set my sights ... Views: 1225
If you've ever been to a personal development seminar, or a free teleclass, or read a sales page for a program promising to teach you how to become more successful or make more money, odds are you've heard or read the following...
• If you're not fully committed to your own success this ... Views: 1214
In 2003, I was introduced to the world of personal development.
While I have learned many valuable lessons since then, and I have grown (i.e. "developed" I guess you could say), looking back I also believe that some of what was being shared was not what it appeared to be.
Much of my ... Views: 1261
When we get an A in school, then our parents will be happy, and so will we.
When we win the Little League game [you can fill in any sport here], then we'll be happy.
When we finally have a lot of money, or no longer have to worry about money, then we'll be happy.
When we get that new ... Views: 1136
I was interviewed recently by The Oxford Student, the student newspaper at Oxford University in England. The interview quickly moved into a discussion about students and success.
The student interviewer shared with me the pressure University students feel to strive for high grades and fill up ... Views: 1165
I recently heard another American Idol contestant was kicked off the show for reportedly lying about his past. It seems nearly every season the show disqualifies a contestant for glossing over life details that violate the show's rules.
But as we know, in Hollywood, skeletons always come out ... Views: 1303
While most of us don't like to think we're driven by money, the truth is we are. In a recent survey I conducted among 500 people, 70 percent reported that at least half of the decisions they make in their life are driven by money. Additionally, 55 percent said money played a large role in ... Views: 1138
Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, many of us lose our ability to find happiness in life's simple pleasures. Granted life is more complicated for adults. We have responsibilities such as jobs, bills, and children. But far too often we let these responsibilities squelch our innate ... Views: 1315
In the 1970's, Richard Easterlin, who was an economist at the University of Pennsylvania at the time, published what has become one of the best known studies on the connection between money and happiness. Dubbed The Easterlin Paradox the study determined that economic growth in countries doesn't ... Views: 2117
Have you noticed that recently the luxury car companies are focusing a lot more on fun than luxury?
As a former advertising executive (it actually feels like another lifetime!) I pay attention to advertising. And I've noticed a shift in the television commercials for several luxury car ... Views: 1189
In 2010, Travie McCoy's song Billionaire soared to number three on the Billboard Hot 100, sharing its aspirational lyrics, “I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad, buy all the things I never had.”
The song shares the dream of fame and fortune.
And, I think on some level we'd all like to ... Views: 1485
Goals are a very accepted and highly promoted way of accomplishing what we want in life.
It’s no wonder so many people advocate and practice goal-setting. Nearly every coach or mentor I’ve encountered and every success seminar I’ve attended advocates setting goals. And not only setting them ... Views: 1519