Hello out there.
There's a news story that came out a little while ago that I have been reflecting on. I've attached the link for you if you'd like to check it out.
I wanted to share with you the thoughts that it brought up for me about the ... Views: 2237
You’re a magical thinker.
That’s not a criticism, or a flaw. It’s the reality of the human brain. Magical thinking is a part of our wiring and it is also a key component of many of the most enjoyable parts of our culture and entertainment and a great way to release tension and stress. And ... Views: 2270
If you'd like to learn the art of saying no without feeling guilty at all, this article will give you the education and information you need to get started!
You see, in my work as a specialist with clients who struggle with anxiety, self-confidence, addictions, overeating, or dieting and ... Views: 1757
This article will help you to understand a very important piece of what stops you from achieving your goals with food and weight loss and provides you with some specific examples of what to do to change that once and for all.
As I enjoy the peace, the safety, the trust and confidence I feel ... Views: 2112
Hi all, this article began as a response to a question I received from an on line program member as part of our group chat forum and it’s such a common experience for everyone who uses food to cope I thought I’d turn it into an article and share it with all of you out there in our global ... Views: 1686
Now bear with me here. I’m going to take you on a bit of a journey in order to explain a very important part of your recovery process. If you were sitting in my office I’d be leaning over and beginning to draw a diagram on my white board to illustrate this piece of information and you’d be ... Views: 6778
The eating disorder struggle begins and ends within:
I know, I know, it really does seem like the issue is food and what you weigh and all those people out there who seem to judge or criticize you rather than love and appreciate and welcome you. And it's really frustrating to hear that that ... Views: 1662
First comes love, then comes obesity:
So reads the heading from an article in the July 6th issue of Time Magazine (See the article at this link: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1907143,00.html).
Even though my skin was bristling at the glib headline, I felt obligated ... Views: 1870
If you'd like to understand, once and for all, why you feel so frustrated about your weight and why your relationship with food is so stressful, this article will explain it all.
Regardless of whether you are an emotional eater, a compulsive eater or struggle with an eating disorder such as ... Views: 1641
In this article I am going to define binging and ensure that you have a good, clear answer to the question: What is binge eating?
What is Binge Eating?
First off, it’s natural to wonder what the word binging actually means because, in our culture, binging essentially could be ... Views: 1542
Does it ever feel like your urge to binge is so powerful it truly has a life of its own and that no matter how much you know you want to stop binging it just seems to keep happening?
It’s very frustrating to see that night after night, no matter what promises you make to yourself or ... Views: 1417
How to stop Binging, my article from last week, focussed on The Diet-Binge-Guilt cycle: Why we often binge in the first place and began a discussion of how to stop binging for good.
This week I’m going to enhance that discussion with a more detailed exploration of how our intention ... Views: 1414
I want to share a tool I discovered to deal with the guilt I felt about eating. But, before I do, I must digress for a moment and ask you if you have ever been a relationship with a person that commits to doing something and then does not follow through. If you have, then you know that your ... Views: 1456
I discovered that I had a piece of work to do on expressing genuine love and affection when I’m angry or hurt – I would go into my ego and get into some all or nothing thinking where I couldn’t give my partner a real warm hug for example when I was feeling hurt or angry. It would take me a ... Views: 1692
The other day I received an email from a dear friend who has been actively doing his own personal growth work. He was sharing about some insights he has been having about how his ego creates distress and distance in his relationships with others. He then reminded me of something I “learned” a ... Views: 1659
Have you ever wondered why you feel compelled to do things or say things that you don’t want to? Have you ever found yourself overeating, dieting, drinking too much, spending too much money, procrastinating on things or isolating rather than socializing? If you would like to finally understand ... Views: 2568
It’s time to learn how to step free of your inner power struggle and start living without an eating disorder.
Have you ever started your day thinking that today is the day you are going to exercise and how much control you are going to have over what you eat today?
If you have had this ... Views: 2429
If you want to make sure your efforts towards overcoming emotional eating are as purposeful and brief as they can be, the place to focus your efforts is on learned helplessness and the anxiety it triggers whenever you feel the slightest bit stressed or uncertain about something.
Learned ... Views: 3349
Do you have times when you feel unsettled or anxious and rely on food to calm you down? Do you focus on what you can eat rather than on the actual problem at hand? Here are a few thoughts on natural eating to concentrate on when you are about to overeat because of your emotions:
Eat when ... Views: 2099
How do we relate to others? One of the key aspects which influences all our interactions with others is the extent of unconscious co-dependent behaviour that exists in us.
Ask yourself this question: Is there anything in my life, right now, that I feel anxious about? Do I feel responsible, in ... Views: 2320
You can find peace with your body image even though nothing has changed physically in your body. Through my own recovery experience and from hundreds of conversations with clients, I have learned that integrity is the secret to happiness. Integrity means that your words and actions are in ... Views: 2518
Have you ever wondered why you feel compelled to do things or say things that you don’t want to? Have you ever found yourself overeating, dieting, drinking too much, spending too much money, procrastinating on things or isolating rather than socializing? If you would like to finally understand ... Views: 1617
How does one establish a normal relationship with food? Most of us have dieted and are aware of healthy choices that we should make in order to succeed. We just need help figuring out what stands in the way between us and actually carrying through with those choices.
The key to success is ... Views: 3166
Have you ever found yourself being defensive over what others have said? Do you react to comments and take it upon yourself to prove that you are right?
This tactic only ever makes us feel vulnerable, insecure and small. It is an experience that will inevitably lead us to either binge or ... Views: 2873