It is an accepted fact that positive thinking leads to success, whereas the opposite is almost a guarantee of failure. There is also much evidence that positive thinking contributes to good health, a boosted immune system and can even make the difference in surviving or expiring when a serious ... Views: 1281
It seems that more and more people are trying to find new and innovative ways to help them improve their lives. With the major downfall of the economy, people’s lives are being turned upside down. Dedicated workers have been finding themselves in the unemployment line, people don’t have enough ... Views: 4062
So, you want to find your success in life. You have officially taken the first step on your journey to self improvement. Simply by taking the few minutes to read this article shows that you plan to make your life better for yourself and your family.
Many people say that they want to become ... Views: 5363
Let’s face facts. Everybody in the world wants to be able to become a success, whether it is in their personal, business or spiritual life. Personal success is a coveted thing that unfortunately, very few people have been able to achieve. The truth is that your own success is completely up to ... Views: 2137
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
When you find yourself in a rat race of getting ahead of others and impressing people, you tend to portray yourself as someone you are not. You say things ... Views: 1430
“A man is but the product of his thoughts … what he thinks, he becomes.”
-Mahatma Gandhi.
Whatever happens in your life is the result of what thoughts pass through your mind. Your thoughts, good or bad, pass into your subconscious mind and greatly influence your behavior and produce similar ... Views: 1404
"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."
- John H. Miller
All of us face problems in our lives. But positive thinking keeps us going and helps us ... Views: 5309
There are many people in the U.S. who have made a concerted effort to do all that they can to improve their lives through self help techniques. The poor state of the economy and incredibly high rate of foreclosures and unemployment seems to have forced people’s hands to try new ways to make ... Views: 1314