Are you like most people and would totally love the results and the good feelings that come as a result of changing your life? If so, there’s a downside to change – and here it is, despite how much you sincerely want a change, there’s always something that holds you back.
It can be the ... Views: 1889
If you’ve ever asked yourself the question, “how do I overcome fear”, you’ll be relieved to know you’re in good company. In this article, I’ll provide 3 quick cures to help you live a life free of limitations.
Fear! Just the word alone can send shivers up the spine of some people. It evokes ... Views: 1062
Being 100% responsible for your life is something that most people tend to overlook. They feel they must accept the circumstances that life throws their way. This is the farthest thing from the truth. One definition of responsibility I like is being responsibility for your life, for your ... Views: 1360
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to live a charmed life? I’m referring to those individuals who appear to have magical powers to attract things and circumstances they want into their lives.
This ‘magic’ power can be attributed to their daily habits. These individuals get what ... Views: 1146
A common enemy that attacks most people’s dreams and goals is not having a strong and healthy self-image. This hidden self is responsible for helping you to achieve your heart’s desire or hindering your progress. It can also hinder you from playing a bigger game in life. If you’re ready to ... Views: 3470
As the Christmas season approaches, there’s usually a feeling of yuletide cheer in the air. All you have to do is turn on the TV and you’ll be inundated with the endless stream of commercials. Each product promises they have just what you need to make this the best holiday ever.
For some ... Views: 1095
Improving Self Confidence: 3 Surefire Strategies to Boost Your Confidence
Have you ever wondered if there is an invisible force that affects the way you live your life? Are you aware that you can harness this power? I’m referring to self confidence and if improving self confidence is ... Views: 1299
Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Does time seem to be speeding up the older you get? There may be an unlikely culprit keeping you stuck in life’s holding pattern – it’s physical and emotional clutter that has crept into your life over the years. In this article, I’m going to provide a three step ... Views: 1803