A reader writes, “I read your article, The Benefits of Laughter, and while finding it most informative I also felt as though it were rubbing salt in a wound. You see, unfortunately I cannot laugh, and have been looking for all sorts of medical help with this problem. Of course you didn’t know ... Views: 1475
Our Strengths
A) The Big Picture
We all have strengths. But we cannot just smugly sit self-satisfied like a Cheshire cat. Rather we need to further develop our strong points because it’s a matter of using them or losing them. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890~1969) explains, “Our real problem, ... Views: 1535
Many are painfully aware of weaknesses that hold them back. Yet, surprisingly, they are unaware of their many strengths. Focusing on our weaknesses while ignoring our strengths can be a source of discouragement and failure. And glorifying our strengths while ignoring our weaknesses can be ... Views: 2379
You wouldn’t fire a gun without aiming, would you? So, why would we act without thinking? When we live as robots doing whatever feels good instead of whatever is best for us, there is a heavy price to pay. Replacing thoughtful behaviour with thoughtless acts leads to material, mental, and ... Views: 2517
Life is not meant to be complicated. It is straightforward. It’s simply a matter of doing the right things. And when we do so, the right things will happen. The reward for doing the right things is success, happiness, and fulfillment. But when we do the wrong things, we reap failure, misery, and ... Views: 1315
Some people are uncomfortable with ambiguity. They have a need for precision. In their eyes, the world is clearly defined. Things are good or bad, right or wrong, virtuous or sinful. The problem is, the only time that is true is while we dream. Of what value is life if we choose to sleep through ... Views: 1684
Stuff happens. What happens is neither good nor bad. It merely IS. But we, in our attempt to understand everything, stick labels on things. We call things big or small, hot or cold, smooth or rough. These descriptive words can help, but where we go astray is when we label things as ‘good’ or ... Views: 2249
Is life an adventure or a misadventure? The question is an important one because the view we take colors everything we experience. Our attitude or perspective either works for or against us. So, now and then we need to pause and examine which way our life is heading. After all, if we don't ... Views: 1315
Problems: we’ve all got them in one form or another. It may be health problems, financial difficulties, relationship trouble, career worries, or something else. Yes, we all have challenges to face, puzzles to unravel, and hurdles to overcome. But is that so bad? Psychiatrist, best-selling author ... Views: 3935
Does the title of this article sound like a contradiction or oxymoron? After all, “self-discipline” makes one think of work or effort, while “happiness” brings up thoughts of pleasure and the absence of work. So, how can the two go together? Well, first we have to understand what happiness is. ... Views: 4368
Imagine being a wizard. If you were, you would have the powers of creation and transformation. You would be able to bring things into existence and transform what you dislike into something you do like. If you had such powers, what would you create? What would you change?
If we would awaken ... Views: 1263