“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity but an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” Winston Churchill
What does being an optimist really mean? Does it mean we always feel positive? Does it imply we have no concerns for the future? Does it suggest that we will ... Views: 1612
Think about your typical day. Do you have the same things for breakfast each morning? Do you buy a cup of coffee every morning on the way to work? Do you watch the same television programs, meet the same friends and have the same sorts of conversations? When was the last time you you made a ... Views: 890
Many people from a variety of different disciplines have talked about the importance of loving what you do for a living. Yet for many of us, the reality is quite different. Somewhere between our childhood dreams of achieving our ambitions and the practical realities of actually running a ... Views: 1059
Many of us spend our days racing to catch up with ourselves. There are ever increasing demands being made on our time and it can be difficult to know where to turn and what to do next. As we are pulled in different directions we are also confronted with the ever-growing list of ways to ... Views: 1166
The theme of my life has now developed into a more effortless shift into the flow of my life. I am very aware of my own unique energy and live every day in tune with my own body rhythms. I wasn’t always this way, it took a conscious effort for me to unlearn the rules of life I had learned ... Views: 1002
If you have recently been thinking about starting your own coaching business but are still a little confused about where to start and what to concentrate on the following 8 questions will help you to gain the clarity you need to move forward. You will instantly know the answers to some of these ... Views: 1662
Within our own culture we are provided with a code of behavior which we learn from infancy. This code covers basic values and beliefs including attitudes towards different behaviors. There is right and wrong, professional and unprofessional, respectful and disrespectful. Unfortunately there is ... Views: 1012
Times have changed and leadership is undergoing an evolution. Leadership is no longer confined to those at the top of organizations, indeed it is no longer confined to those working within organizations. Leadership is becoming an essential skill for us all; it offers us many insights into how we ... Views: 1218
Are you ready to move past your struggles and feeling stuck, and joyfully leap into accomplishing your BIGGEST goals with ease, joy and success?
Are you someone who knows you are bright, creative and self-aware but you have been too busy to be as in touch with your true self as you would ... Views: 946
Let me share a secret with you.... the one thing that could be standing in the way of greater business success is your own energy. By understanding the components of your own unique energy you can predict the likelihood of your business either soaring, flat-lining or even failing. You see each ... Views: 913
We instantly recognize energy when we see it. People with energy are alive with that special something that makes them stand out from the rest of us like shining stars. They sparkle and attract people like bees around a honey pot.
But why do some people have more energy and more vitality than ... Views: 1647
Coaches often ask me to relate what I think is the most powerful coaching question to ask a client. Now the question itself seems like an anomaly to me since there couldn’t be just one question which would be powerful for all clients - or could there? And what if there were, what would it be? ... Views: 1764