“Start by becoming a pack leader in your own world and healing your own world, and the effects will ripple.” - Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer
One of the fun assignments I like doing with clients is what I call “Mental Dress Up.”
This is a game that you can play daily. It is designed to ... Views: 1850
Do you ever hear a deeper calling to step out and make an impact in this world? Have you created your own business because you know you want to make a difference? Are you living your life purpose in some way?
If you answered YES to these questions, then you’re not alone. Six million people ... Views: 1774
Somewhere along the way, we learn to avoid things that are uncomfortable.
“Hey look at this,” we think. “If I just stay here in the middle – away from the sharp edges – then I don’t get too banged up.”
Slowly, our passions and goals cease being about what we want to create or who we dream ... Views: 1164
Paula is upleveling in a big way.
Paula works in a male-dominated service industry setting where each person is responsible for his own business, but the group operates out of the same building. She is the only woman.
Several months ago, Paula realized that she had to stop complaining ... Views: 1815
Overwhelm is one of the toughest things my clients face.
No surprise, of course.
Many entrepreneurs tend to have one thing in common:
They’re creative types with lots of great ideas and a deep desire to be of service in the world. (If you’re reading this, you’re probably that ... Views: 1309
I love the Law of Attraction. I believe in it wholeheartedly.
And you know what else I believe in?
Taking action, and taking chances.
This is not good news for some people.
In fact, every time I give a retreat, or offer a new program, I hear from so many people who are scared to ... Views: 1959
Have you ever been at home all day when there’s nothing in the fridge?
You open the door. You poke your head in. You hum a little tune and look around. You sigh. You grab a handful of pine nuts. You go back to your desk.
About an hour later, you’re hungry.
So you go back to the fridge ... Views: 1318
Here’s a question to ask yourself at random times:
Am I getting? Or am I being?
When it comes to new paradigms and big dreams, think about this:
Getting somewhere is not an option. There is no there to get to.
You gotta just be there. Experience the feelings and the sheer ... Views: 1435
I was backstage packing up the stuff in my dressing room.
A woman knocked on the door and said, "Can I ask you something?" I invited her in. She asked me how long I had been performing. I told her. Then she said, "What I'd like to know is -- when did you get over stage fright?"
(At ... Views: 2748
“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember - the only taste of success some people get is to take a bite out of you.” - Zig Ziglar
Here’s one thing I’m pretty sure of:
I’m pretty sure you don’t want to know “How to Get Over Criticism.”
I’ll bet you’d prefer a guide called: “How to ... Views: 1707
Let’s face it. No matter how much progress we make, we’re still going to have “bad days.”
You know the ones.
When the old critical voices are milling about drinking martinis in your head. You try to send them all away with your favorite powerful affirmation, but only a few of them even ... Views: 1257
Many years ago, when I first shared my dream of being a songwriter with one of my best friends, she knitted her brows and said, “Huh?”
I can’t say I was deflated by all of the warnings that followed. After all, I had always been surrounded by this kind of “practical thinking.” In fact, I ... Views: 2886
“How is this even freakin possible?” the voice inside my head moaned as I faced a challenge in my business. “I’ve already done this.”
What had I already done?
Well, in the world-view of the tantrum-throwing teen-ager that sometimes takes up residence in my head, I had already grown. I ... Views: 1153
People who say that procrastination is about laziness are probably the same people who think that anorexia is about not eating enough.
Procrastination isn’t about laziness. It’s about fear. It’s about perfectionism. It’s about overwhelm. We all experience it, and there are some tricks to ... Views: 1213
“Perfection is not when there is no more to add, but no more to take away.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery
A retired man once told me he loved going camping with his wife because camping showed her how simple ... Views: 1483
Jennifer’s parents didn’t approve of her choice to hire a coach now that her new business was up and running. Jennifer was expecting a long letter from them filled with judgments about her irresponsibility – first, with starting this “crazy” business and second, with paying someone for advice. ... Views: 940
Let’s face it. Many people do not succeed as they set out to follow their purpose and build a business based in their passion. There are two primary reasons for this:
The first is that too many people rely solely on themselves to figure out the HOW. They try to go it alone, thinking that ... Views: 1184
Do you ever feel like you’re just way too sensitive?
Do comments from other people sometimes knock the wind out of you?
Girl, I totally understand!
During my 15 years in the entertainment business, I had lots of experience learning how to not take things personally!
Really though, ... Views: 1553
There’s a popular Esquire Magazine article called “75 Skills Every Man Should Master.” There’s stuff about baseball, neckties, and other things that most of the extraordinary men in my life could care the least about.
It got me thinking about the happiest, coolest, most successful women I ... Views: 949