We are all looking to grow through joy, peace and love and release struggle and pain. We are all looking to live a more joyful and fulfilling life. Yet over time, many of us habitually over identify with negative and limiting thought patterns. This programming can cause inner confusion and ... Views: 3487
Are you ready to bring new energy into your life?
Think about your environment. Most people are unconscious of the effect their environment has on them. Yet everything in your home has an effect on you from the smallest object to the largest. In fact, every particle in creation is alive and ... Views: 2449
Love ~ The Energy That Is YOU!
Raise your vibration to manifest prosperity, health and happiness
The universal law “like attracts like” is absolute. We get what we want by the way we think and feel. So stop and think, what is the personal broadcast you’re sending out into the world? ... Views: 2311
Have you ever wondered what the Universe or a Higher Power would have to say about a challenge you might be experiencing in your life right now? How would your life change if you knew the answer?
With so many of us being challenged right now with loss, unexpected health challenges, ... Views: 1445
Do you ever wonder if your dreams have any significance? Why do you have certain dreams repeatedly? Research shows that dreams are an essential part of our life and have a purpose. Sleep is the time when our body rests and relaxes. The mind, however, is still mulling over what happened during ... Views: 1902
Do you feel that life just becomes more and more complicated as the age of information takes over? Do you find yourself over committing and then feeling guilty for not keeping up? Do you feel overwhelmed living the 'American dream?' Are you struggling to keep up with the pace of daily ... Views: 1767