This is a different sort of article from those that I have usually written in the past; but, this isn’t the past any longer, is it? We’ve all been through so much the last few years including a frackin pandemic! And, how fast did that happen. One week things were more or less normal and then ... Views: 490
“What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.” Carl Gustav Jung
Society has taught us that to get rid of whatever it is we do not want, we must fight it and resist it. We must never show weakness and we must never lose our focus on that thing we want to get rid of.
This ... Views: 7867
Even though depressed people may share a common cluster of symptoms such as sadness, sleep problems and/or exhaustion, suicidal feelings, an inability to feel pleasure and a variety of physical discomforts, conditions and illnesses, this doesn’t mean that these symptoms are the result of the ... Views: 1326
A few years ago I took a hard look at myself and where I was and what I had been feeling for several years and I realized that I wasn’t happy. In fact, I realized that I was downright unhappy and even worse, I just felt empty. This took me by surprise because it wasn’t me. At least it wasn’t the ... Views: 1242
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things." ~ Eric Butterworth
Perhaps many of you are evaluating and re-evaluating your financial situation. This is a great time to re-evaluate ... Views: 1073
Love and relationships, and in particular jealousy, presents each of us with an opportunity to better understand ourselves. Jealousy is most often the result of attachment and expectations, beliefs, projections, delusions, envy, guilt and low of self-esteem.
What do you do when you're ... Views: 4748
You may be able to help get a handle on high blood pressure by letting bygones be bygones.
In a study, people who generally had forgiving natures tended to have lower blood pressure readings compared to people who were not as forgiving. Chronic high blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke ... Views: 1144
Think your immune system's not tough enough? Try tai chi.
When it comes to health, the slow, graceful movements of this low-impact exercise are deceptively powerful. The latest benefit: improved resistance to viruses, such as the one that causes painful shingles.
Looking for fun ways to ... Views: 1137
During times of stress it is becomes even more necessary to guard your physical and emotional health, because for those of us who are able to help others, our ability to help and stay strong for them becomes even more important.
A more carefree attitude may help keep your mind young.
Chronic ... Views: 1412
Having a happy social life may be as important to your health as not smoking.
People in a study who not only made good physical health decisions, but also worked on maintaining a satisfying social life, were more likely to be completely healthy compared to people who only followed physical ... Views: 1281
I want to discuss briefly the difference between perception and projection because this is something that people sometimes get mixed up.
It is important to understand that when and as we access our memories, we change them because we ourselves change. For example, if you have a memory from ... Views: 6003
HypnoSculpting (changing or sculpting your body with hypnosis) is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to surgery and/or for use with a diet or weight training regime. HypnoSculpting is being used to increase or decrease virtually any part of the body with a seemingly high degree of ... Views: 2219
The current movement of “integrative medicine” encourages us to focus on maintaining a state of optimal mental and physical good health rather than simply attempting to alleviate symptoms as they pop up. According to psychologist Jon Kabat-Zinn (founding director of the University of ... Views: 1414
Sometimes, it seems as if all the doctors, scientists and dietitions in the world are trying to keep us confused. First, we were told that fat is bad for you; now oh oh, maybe it isn't. We all know the difference between bad and good fats, but in addition, according to the New York Times, a ... Views: 1042
Anxieties and fears generally develop from an unknown primary cause through an association with something else. The trigger (which is usually non-threatening itself) is frequently buried in the subconscious and over time an association with the fear or anxiety develops later at a moment of ... Views: 1879
I promised Part Two of my “Resolutions – Make them Work” article and as I started to put Part Two together I realized that I should probably have a Part Three and Four as well. There is so much that I want to say and share; you who know me or have had sessions with me, know that sharing ... Views: 1011
Stress - Friend or Foe
What is stress?
Stress is the wear and tear our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has definite and specific physical and emotional effects on us that can create both positive and negative feelings. And as many of you experience ... Views: 2812
It occurred to me the other day after overhearing a conversation when I was out shopping, that I should write down some of the thoughts, suggestions and techniques I use with my clients as part of our therapy sessions when they have decided that it is time to change their life. When they have ... Views: 1086
Are You’re a Victim?
Why do we choose to beat ourselves up over things that we’ve done, but not only that, frequently things that are done to us? So many of us seem to have a desire or need to make ourselves a victim. I call this phenomenon Victimhood and you won’t find that term in any ... Views: 1112
Love, Jealousy and Relationships
Relationships, love and in particular jealousy and present each of us with a unique opportunity to better understand ourselves. Jealousy is most often the result of attachment and expectations, beliefs, projections, delusions, envy, guilt and low of ... Views: 1759
It’s that time of year again and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, this is the perfect time to take inventory of our lives and the perfect time to focus on the amazing and magical effects of thankfulness, appreciation and gratitude.
If you want to be the magnetic force in your own ... Views: 1180
I'm in the process of developing a workshop that deals primarily with relationships and in the process of doing that I've been working on an article about relationships and jealousy. I thought I'd share a bit of it here and more later. I has been very enligtening for me and I hope for some of ... Views: 1490
Perhaps the strongest poison to the human spirit and body is the inability to forgive oneself or another person. When I say “forgive” I mean letting go, releasing your anger, bitterness, fear and hurt. Forgiveness is different than saying “I lose” or “I was wrong” and it does not mean that you ... Views: 1340
More and more doctors now realize that hypnosis is powerful medicine. Why this is and how it happens is still something of a mystery, but science is showing hypnosis can improve your health in amazing ways. It can help relieve pain, make breathing easier for people with respiratory illnesses, ... Views: 1304
I get many clients who come to be because they have found that they can’t seem to stick with their resolutions or reach their goals and they ask my help in figuring out why and helping them break through their barriers. I thought you all might benefit from the following suggestions and ... Views: 1182