Reiki is a misguided fad in the realm of healing that is not yet a complete healing system. Nor does it have any real understanding of how the energy system works. It is a form of generic healing that believes that by pushing energy into someone, it's going to magically heal them of their ... Views: 3099
As a practitioner of a complete healing system, it saddens me to see so many people who have nearly given up on energetic healing, because their only experience has been reiki, and it hasn't worked for them. Even though they've been very dedicated and received pricey sessions on a weekly basis, ... Views: 2747
As a Clairvoyant Energetic Healer, I think it's really important to
talk about ways to make sure you are dealing with a genuine
clairvoyant and not a fraud. There are many people in this field that
are genuinely gifted. There are also people who are not. In my
practice I hear astonishing ... Views: 1620
Have you ever felt like you weren't in control of your actions? Have
you ever wondered if there was something behind the misery in your
life? Does everything seem much harder than it has to be? Do you feel
like you sabotage good things in your life? You are very likely being
influenced by ... Views: 1844
What makes one person's healing session so amazing, while another
person seems to get little results with the same healer? How is it
that some people can claim to experience miracles in their lives,
while other people seem to be stuck with their problems? The answer is
the client's approach ... Views: 1706
Have you experienced the annoying phenomenon of ringing in the ears, or tinnitus? If so, you have been experiencing definite proof that you are sensitive to the energies around you and may even be gifted clairvoyantly!
We are all made up of energy and when other beings enter our energetic ... Views: 2468
Do you have problems that never seem to go away? Are you often concerned about your health? Do your relationships always seem to fail? If so, you might have "Problem Mentality Syndrome"! People with "Problem Mentalities" are often stuck in the misery of their lives. It is very hard for them to ... Views: 1765
Creating the perfect life seems outside the reach of most people today. We are struggling with difficult relationships, a struggling economy, world-wide disasters, and much more. So why do some people seem to have it so easy? The answer might surprise you! What if I told you that we can each ... Views: 1982
Most of us have struggled in unfulfilling and troubled relationships. We may have tried counseling, couples' therapy, or even the self-help section of our local bookstore! What if I told you there was another way to address relationship issues that often produces dramatic results in your life ... Views: 1721
If you are a person who has struggled with long-standing health issues that don't get better no matter what you do, you probably have some resistance to healing. We are all running subconscious tapes that color our approach to life. We have picked up the beliefs and influence of those around us ... Views: 1943
Low-vibration entities are beings that exist on a lower energetic plane than the one we exist on. Therefore, they do not have a physical presence in our world. However, they are present here. In order to exist on this plane, they must attach to us and feed off of our energy. Unfortunately for ... Views: 2037
Why is it that famous actors receiving a 7-figure salary still have to go to casting calls before they are given the part, but healers and clairvoyants often expect you to pay them to experience what they do without any guarantee? Healers are a lot like actors. We have a very important role to ... Views: 1408
Many people ask me what low-vibration entities are. Quite simply, they are beings that exist at a lower vibration than we do. There are many planes of energy, each vibrating at different levels. These planes of existence have different beings that inhabit them.The lower realms have always been ... Views: 16669
As a clairvoyant and a healer, many people ask me how they can determine for themselves the steps they need to take to start seeing positive changes in their lives. They admit to me that their efforts often seem to fail and even when they work with someone, the benefits never seem long-lived. ... Views: 1358
As a healer I am always on the quest to improve my services and increase the benefits my clients receive. I've learned many things over the years and I would like to share them with you so you can maximize the results your clients experience as well. I am going to address the two main factors in ... Views: 1410
In my work with clients I often see entities attached to their chakras. This is most common in people with potential to step out of their low energy and help others do the same thing. People who are meant to be spiritual leaders, teachers, psychics, and healers are all primary targets for this ... Views: 1841
Relationships are never cut and dry. There are so many varied dynamics at work. Not only do you have to consider the different interests, temperaments, and personalities involved, but there is also an energetic component that most people aren't ever aware of. We are essentially a collection of ... Views: 2394
Many of us are familiar with the Law of Attraction. We have heard that what we send out to the Universe, we draw back to us. So we make a great effort to change our 'negative' thinking and behavior. But many people are still not finding success. Many people find they cannot make the Law of ... Views: 1783
Have you gone to many healers but no one has been able to help you? Do psychics have trouble reading you? Is it hard for you to believe that anything will ever get better in your life? I have good news for you! There could be a very simple reason for why your efforts have failed in the past! You ... Views: 1409
Do you experience feelings of anxiety and can't find a cause? Are you easily overwhelmed by simple tasks? Do you having trouble facing the world? You are not alone! Millions of people are experiencing this as well and there is hope that doesn't require taking drugs with harmful side effects! ... Views: 5691
Are there times when you feel able to manage all your tasks and get everything done, only to feel overwhelmed by everything a few weeks later? Do you have periods of excessive activity, followed by periods of lethargy? Millions of people share these symptoms and the drug companies make billions ... Views: 5824
Do you have symptoms of a low or underactive thyroid? Are you looking to find a root cause, and not just symptom-management? I practice a form of clairvoyant, energetic healing and I may have the answer!
In my work, I clairvoyantly "see" the chakras of my clients and all the events, emotions ... Views: 5649
Are you one of the countless people that have wasted hundreds of dollars trying to find a practitioner that was genuine and could help you with your problems? Have you gone from psychic to psychic without finding any real help? Good news! You can identify genuine psychics and healers quickly and ... Views: 4135
Lately I've been doing a lot of healings and I often encounter people with their auras somewhat aligned to the left or right side of the person. In talking to the Creator I've discovered that this is telling me when a person is focused on the past or future, their aura changes its position to ... Views: 2648
When I was 19 I moved to Reno, to be near my family. I stayed with my mother and grandmother while I was looking for my own apartment.
The first night I was there I knew something was very wrong. The apartment had a strange and unnatural atmosphere. My grandmother seemed very strange and ... Views: 2681
When I was five, I started having strange experiences of being tormented by low vibration entities. I would "see" blobs of dark energy that radiated feelings of anger and fear. I would feel them before I even entered a room. Sometimes shapes would be inhabited by a seemingly dark presence. One ... Views: 2520