Introduction :When a person is overweight, health professionals advise him to lose weight. Losing weight means burning extra fat accumulated in tissues of body. In this process there are chances that we may lose portion of lean muscle mass. When a person undertakes a weight loss program it is ... Views: 1341
The resent statistics and researches have revealed that obesity or over weight is a growing global health problem. A person is called over weight or obese, when his/her weight is more than normal. Factors like age, height and race are considered to calculate normal weight of a person. Obesity ... Views: 1320
Patients suffering from diabetes have to be well educated about their diet to keep the blood sugar level under control. A well planned diet always helps to keep the diabetic complications at bay. Here are few important facts which have to be carefully noted by diabetic patients, while consuming ... Views: 1290
Before pondering about the diet plan please note these thumb rules for diabetes diet
1. A strict no for sweets, chocolates, ice creams, jams, jellies etc
2. Stay away from fats- avoid ghee, butter, deep fried foods, red meat etc
3. Divide your diet in 5-6 small portions spread over a day. The ... Views: 1340
Frequently we come across many people who suffer from obesity and they struggle hard to lose weight. But there is a section of people who put a great effort to gain weight or increase their body weight. Underweight men and women are at an increased risk of medical problems. Skinny women are more ... Views: 3456
Ayurveda acharyas repeatedly emphasize on not to control natural urges. The texts of ayurveda mention again and again that body immunity level reduces when urges are controlled. The untoward effects of controlling urges of sneezing and thirst are explained below.
Sneezing - Sneezing is the ... Views: 2026
Aged persons need more nutrients to aid the repair process of body. Their body needs more vitamins and proteins as it experiences continuous degenerative process. Elders‘ diet should be simple, nutritious and easily digestible. Here is a recipe which help to supply good amount of vitamins, ... Views: 1746
Dry skin on heel always has a tendency to crack. Continued pressure on heels aggravates the condition. Persons suffering from diabetes have to take an extra care about dry cracked heel. Micro organisms like fungus and bacteria tend to settle down in these cracks causing infection and wounds. The ... Views: 1509
Ayurveda acharya Vagbhata in his “ashtanga sangraha” suggests methods to prevent diseases. These are explained in chapter “roganutpadaniya” which means methods to prevent occurrence of diseases.
The first step in prevention of any disease is not to suppress natural urges. The following urges ... Views: 1835
Diseases like cold, cough, psoriasis, dry skin, arthritis, winter depression, viral fever, etc surface during winter. Our body is susceptible to these diseases when our immunity is low. But ayurveda acharyas have framed certain diet and lifestyles methods which boost immunity in winter season. ... Views: 1743
Parents will be under utter confusion when their tiny tot is 4 months old. Now they have to introduce him to the world of solid foods. Numerous advertisements on TVs and magazines about baby formula foods aggravate the state of confusion. Did our parents and grandparents face the same dilemma ... Views: 1329
Strength of an individual
We usually consider a man or women as strong or weak in different aspects. Ayurveda acharyas have classified strength of man or woman as follows.
The strength of human beings may be sahaja , kalaja or yuktikrita.
Sahaja bala: sahaja bala or natural strength is ... Views: 1596
The food which we prepare should fulfill many criterion. The food has to be tasty, nourishing and should not harm body. Texts of ayurveda say a strict no to few combinations of ingredients. They describe these combinations as opposite foods. Opposite food combinations lead to accumulation of ... Views: 1844
Moringa oleifera popularly known as drumstick tree has many common English names. The Moringa tree is draught resistant. It grows in dry sandy soil and is grown mainly in tropical and sub tropical regions. India is the largest grower of drumstick trees. This vegetable is used in cooking all ... Views: 1855
A small picnic for a short period of time can do wonders for our well being. Taking a break from our regular busy routine rejuvenates mind and relaxes it. New place, different food and experiences help to de-stress mind and body.
A good destination around our town or city can be chosen to ... Views: 1596
The skin of the scalp comprises primarily of the inner dermis and the outer epidermis. The hair that grows out of scalp can be divided into two parts, the root and shaft. The root part of hair is in the skin (epidermis) of scalp. The hair root is surrounded by a pouch like structure called ... Views: 1786
Normally the scalp skin sheds its cells like body skin. When this exceeds normal level, the shed scalp skin appears as flakes on hair and shoulders. There are innumerable causes for dry flaky scalp.
1.Dry winter season leads to flaky scalp.
2.Dandruff can lead to sticky flakes accompanied ... Views: 2571
Sesame is an oil crop which is widely grown in India and China. Sesame is a common ingredient in almost all cuisines around the world. With a rich nutty flavor, it has gained an important place on kitchen shelves.
Sesame is an annual plant. This erect plant grows to a height of 40 to 90 cms. ... Views: 1834
In charaka samhita acharya charaka explains the method of preparing Vajikarana Ghrita (ghee processed with aphrodisiac herbs). This aphrodisiac ghee is recommended for persons who have low sperm count and low sperm motility. The method of preparation is explained below.
Newly ... Views: 2524
Black gram or black lentil is known as urad dal in Hindi. In texts of ayurveda this bean is known as “MASHA”. Black gram is a bean grown mainly in south Asia. The plant of this bean is erect and hairy. It is an annual herb. It has a tap root which branches to form branched roots. The cylindrical ... Views: 4067
Carrot – 1medium sized ( cut into medium cubes)
Potato – 2 medium sized ( cut into medium cubes)
Green peas – ½ cup
Cauliflower (gobi) – 1 cup (florets)
Coriander leaves – ¼ cup (finely chopped)
Onion – 1 medium sized (finely chopped)
Bread crumbs – ¾ cup
Corn flour – 1 ... Views: 1240
Psoriasis affects both genders. This condition is not infectious. It is a prolonged inflammation of skin. The causes of psoriasis are still unclear. Psoriasis may start at any age. Here are few home remedies and self care tips for psoriasis.
1. Keep skin moist: Apply plenty of moisturizer on ... Views: 1503
Mucuna pruriens is a legume, found in Africa, India and the Caribbean. It is an annual, climbing shrub which grows over 13 – 15 m height. The young plant is completely covered by hair where as older plants are free of it. The leaves are tripinnate . Flowers are white, lavender, or purple. The ... Views: 2539
1. Eat a healthy Balanced diet. Include plenty of green vegetables, fresh fruits, minor millets, milk and milk products. Vegetables and fruits provide antioxidants and minerals which are necessary to keep the body healthy. Amla (amalaki or Indian gooseberry or emblica officinalis), is considered ... Views: 1637
Broken wheat: 1 cup
Milk: 3 cups (pasturised or boiled)
Jaggery (traditional unrefined cane sugar)– 2 cups (or according to taste)
Ghee: ½ cup
Water: 3 cups
Cashews: ¼ cup
Raisins (draksha): ¼ cup
Almonds: ¼ cup
Cardamom: (powdered) – ½ tea spoon
Preparation Method: ... Views: 1258
Banana is effectively used as an active ingredient in many home remedies for different health conditions.
Beauty Face packs:
Bananas are rich source of vitamins and minerals which are vital for skin. Face masks of banana help in many skin conditions.
For dry skin: Banana face pack ... Views: 1382
Banana is the largest herbaceous flowering plant. This plant grows 6 to 7.5 meters tall. This herb belongs to genus “musa”. The plant has soft pseudo stem and spirally arranged long leaves. Leaves may grow 2.5 meters long and ½ meter wide.
This plant is known as “Kadali” in Sanskrit. The ... Views: 1684
Rasayana therapy or Rejuvenation therapy helps to slow down ageing process, increases memory, boosts body immunity, and enhances complexion and youthfulness of skin. Sense organs and voice regain their sharpness. Rasayana therapy rejuvenates whole body and as well reproductive system thus making ... Views: 1572
Skin is the largest organ in human body .Naturally fresh and healthy skin is protector of body and a thing of beauty. Texts of ayurveda recommend many herbs and natural remedies to protect our skin from acne, pimple, scars, marks and wrinkles. These herbs and herbal remedies not only help in ... Views: 1403
Dictionaries define butter as “a solid emulsion of fat globules, air, and water made by churning milk or cream and used as food”. Butter is known as “Navaneeta” in Sanskrit. It is referred as navaneeta in texts of ayurveda too. Butter is usually made from cow’s or buffalo’s milk. But it can be ... Views: 1616
Common Grape Vine ( Vitis Vinifera ) is known as Draksha in ayurveda. This is widely grown in western parts of India, Punjab, Kashmir, central Europe, Turkey, Morocco and Portugal . The grape vine has long, woody stems rooted to ground. Stems are covered with flaky bark. The grapevine usually ... Views: 1569
Our body functions like hormone release, body temperature, sleep-wake cycles etc, are caused due to Circadian rhythm which intern controlled by our biological clock. Circadian rhythms are responses of living beings for its surrounding environment, primarily to light and darkness. This rhythm ... Views: 1506
Ksheerabala oil (taila) is recommended by ayurvedic physicians for body massage. It has innumerable medicinal properties by virtue of its ingredients and method of preparation. Ksheerabala oil or ksheerabala thailam contains the herb Bala (Sida cordifolia), Milk and pure sesame oil.
First ... Views: 3888
Amalaki or amla is known for its rejuvenating properties. This fruit is also known as Indian gooseberry. Here is a simple recipe to prepare amalaki rasayana based on ayurveda principles .Amalaki rasayana can be used with whole wheat bread, chapati or parotas. This recipe can be eaten with spoon ... Views: 1978
Turmeric is a house hold spice in India. It is used in every salt and spiced dish.Turmeric is a common home remedy for many ailments like wounds, cough, cold etc. It is also used as a main ingredient in many home made face packs and other beauty preparations. Ayurveda acaharyas have coined many ... Views: 1394
The jack fruit tree belongs to family moraceae . It is largely found in tropical regions like south Asia, east Africa, Uganda, Brazil and Mauritius. . Jackfruit is national fruit of Bangladesh and has local name Kathal.
Jack fruit tree has strong solid trunk and grows upto 50 to 60 feet. The ... Views: 2221
Unhealthy semen or abnormalities in semen lead to infertility in men. According ayurveda unhealthy semen is known as dooshita shukra. When vitiated doshas affect semen, the semen loses its ability to fertilize egg.
The semen and its contents are referred as “beeja” in ayurveda. The Sanskrit ... Views: 2084
Migraine headache slows down our daily routine and sometimes it may halt our chores for a day or two. Modern world life styles push people to a whirlpool of work and stress. Unhealthy lifestyle and diet worsens the matter. This is a very favorable condition for migraine headache to spring up. ... Views: 1311
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called as “impotence”. Instead of stretching our hands to pills which have numerous side effects, few alterations ... Views: 2299
There are innumerable causes for low back pain. It may arise due to wrong sitting posture, injury to lower part of spine, slip disc, overweight, osteoarthritis, etc. Usually low back pain can be brought under control without going for surgery. Surgery should be the last option.
1. As soon as ... Views: 1470
The plant Tulsi or Holy Basil (Botanical name Ocimum Sanctum ) belongs to family Lamiaceae. It is a tropical plant which grows as weed and also cultivated. Tulsi is worshipped by Hindus and is an important symbol of Hindu religion. It is a very common sight to find Tulsi Vrindavan ( A special ... Views: 1853
50% of people, who travel, suffer a travel – related illness. All travelers should be well prepared for travel and be prepared to protect themselves from travel related illness. In this issue various aspects of travel related illness have been discussed with related protective ... Views: 1353
Erectile dysfunction which is a very common complaint can be generally rectified by following few simple steps. Here goes the list of simple but effective tips to rectify erectile dysfunction.
Avoid consumption of alcohol. If you are addicted to alcohol restrict the intake. Alcohol acts on ... Views: 1462
Testosterone hormone is produced by testicles in men. It is responsible for development of male sexual characters like physical strength, muscle mass, body shape, body hair, deep voice, sexual function etc. Erectile dysfunction occurs when testosterone level is reduced. But this is not the only ... Views: 1681
Stress is one of the main causes for heart disease, erectile dysfunction, low libido etc. Anything which leads to stress can cause the following effects
1.Difficulty in sleeping: Stress and worry can cause insomnia. Insomnia leads to tiredness and fatigue
2.Indigestion: Stress causes ... Views: 1176
It is known to everyone that cigarette smoking is harmful and addictive. But very few know the risks of cigarette addiction. Smoking inflicts body with many irreversible damages and reduces the human life span by 25 years.
Effects of Smoking on Body:
Heart : Smoking is the biggest risk ... Views: 1596
Sleep is a physical and mental resting state of a person. During sleep he becomes inactive and will not be aware of surrounding environment. His senses do not respond to external stimuli.
According to ayurveda sleep is
“ yadaa tu manasi klaante karmaatmaanaha klamaanvitaaha |
Vishayebhyo ... Views: 1361
Boerhavia diffusa or Punarnava belongs to the family Nyctaginaceae . This is also known as spiderlings as this plant grows low and spreads like spider web. Boerhavia diffusa is identified by name Punarnava in India. Ayurvedic texts immensely praise the medicinal properties of this plant.
It ... Views: 2501